Black Virgins


Black virgins? Why are they black? Ask a Zairian why is he black, you might get a black eye. So I can give you the answer that will save you reading the whole article. Black virgins are black because they are black. Basic. No need to look further.


Ancient Lies

What do you mean black? Everyone knows that the Virgin was white and blonde with blue eyes. Ah yes? A blond Jewish girl with blue eyes? It is already doubtful, but the worst is yet to come. Mary is not a virgin. The gospels tell us that she had an eldest son. And whatever these texts, misused by the Church, tell us, Marie Myriam of Nazareth is a crude invention. Little credible in detail.

It was necessary to recover the Virgin Mother, the Great Goddess whose cult was universal among the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans as among the Bretons, the Armoricans, the Erses, the Scots and other Celts. The lying Church has played so well that we know only the false virgin, Mary the non-existent, and one Christ, Jesus, his son invented too.


The True One

Here’s what I find on the web. Read diagonally this famous blah, after I will comment the worst lies written in red.

For a long time, the black virgins have fascinated generations of pilgrims without finding any satisfactory explanation among all those proposed by the Church. (!!!)

And this problem is all the more irritating as black virgins become an endangered species. Destroyed, stolen or replaced with synthetic resin copies. There are not many more today that can allow us to find the secret of their origin.

There were certainly statues whose features were black but we see, studying them, that most are not, but all bear the same symbolic colors: red and green.

Their stories are illustrated by universal symbols: Maris(??) indeed, it is also the cosmic Mother, the original matter (!!) the manifested Eve who will give birth to the mothers goddesses that Saint Bernard will reintroduce into the Church with the worship of Our-Lady, thus marking the continuation of the great primordial tradition.This is quite true (source)



First of all, Maris is not the cosmic mother at all, it’s the sea. No relation to Mary who in Latin says Maria. Originally, Marie was from Judea. But we retained her Latin name. Because it was the Romans who invented her. And by calling her Maria, they implicitly recognized that she was plural since in this language, Maria means the seas. I said seas and not mothers.

The Babelios,humor! authors of the text in italics are as bad in Latin as they are in common sense. They vaguely knew that Stella Maris is a compliment given to Mary the (false) Virgin. So the Babelios got their feet in the carpet.

Stella Maris means sea star. Mare, sea. Stella, star. Maris, of the sea. Maria, seas. I put you all the declination for those who are interested.

singular nominative = MARE; singular votive = MARE; singular accusative = MARE; singular genitive = MARIS; singular dative = MARI; singular ablative = MARI.
plural nominative = MARIA; plural vocative = MARIA; plural accusative = MARIA; plural genitive = MARIUM; plural dative = MARIBUS; plural ablative = MARIBUS.



Bullshit Again

Other nonsense of the same authors: It is almost impossible to find the secret of their Origin. Obviously! It is not only buried in the earth but deep in the pre-Christian past!

Mary is called Cosmic Mother: such is Great Goddess Mother and Virgin with black skin, because she came from the cosmos, precisely from the star Alcor in the Great Bear. Unfortunately the Babelios add that she is also the original matter.

Ouch! This is incorrect, and barbarism too. Manifest confusion between [mater: mother] and [matter: material]. As the Gnosis explains, the material part of the human being is the work of the Archons. Then the Great Goddess gave us a soul.

And also: For their black color, we do not find a satisfactory explanation among all those proposed by the Church.

Well! The church invented this lie, how could it justify it?

If the priests invented this false white-skinned virgin, it is in vain hope that the pagans forget the archaic cult of the TRUE mother of god and men, Reptilian Ana, whose skin was black as ebony.Not “as ivory” as the Babelios said.

What a heavy load of stupidities in a text intended to inform us! I shudder. For the convenience of reading, I put the cathos nonsense in red, like the blood that the Holy Inquisition has made flow by hectolitres.


Snow and Pink Color

What color was the skin of the Virgin Mary? That of the parish priests, bishops, abbots, priests, archpriests, monks, priors, archbishops, cardinals and popes. Their invention had white skin like theirs. Listen to them purr.

“Albert the Great, in his Mariale, analyses with as much respect as admiration the virginal body: it had the most appropriate size for a woman; the complexion was snow and pink color, the eyes and hair moderately black.”

Her recent portraits give her hair “moderately” blackshe would not be taken for an Arab! and white skin, but ancient paintings and statues of the Holy Virgin with brown or very dark skin are found all over the world. These performances are often called Black Madonnas.

If we ask them why Our Lady of Lorette is black, that’s the simple joke they tell us without laughing:  “This devotion goes back to a 16th century statue, which showed the face blackened by the smoke of oil lamps, as well as by the alteration of the original pigments.

And why is the Virgin of Myans black? The Virgin would have become black simply over the years by time and the smoke of the candles.


Universal Black Virgin

A black virgin is the protector of Reunion island. Her color must have delighted the Reunionese oppressed by a white elite, colonialism obliges. This black statue has also relations with the white domination. “It is at the River of the Rains, near the church of Sainte Marie that you can find the statue of the Black Virgin, who once would have saved a runaway slave. It is now revered by the people of Reunion and faithfully flowered.”

“The Black Virgin of the Vatican is a symbolic painting of exceptional beauty that depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus. They have dark skin and their crowns, halos and dresses are richly decorated. The artist and age of the painting are unknown.

Well! They date from before the invention of Marie the snow and pink Jew.



The delusion of lies continues. “Black Virgins are female effigies that belong to the iconography of the European Middle Ages.”

Yes, and why please? Because in the Middle Ages there was a remembrance of the former gods and of the Great Goddess, both virgin and mother of all that lives on earth.

“These Middle Age Virgin Children have, surprisingly, black faces. Their hands are sometimes black, but not always. Most often it is virgins in majesty, with the hieratic attitude, carrying the Child Jesus on their knees. They are found all around the Mediterranean.”




 the oldest black virgins represent our creator, the reptilian black virgin who gave a soul to the human race. On her knees, an adult human stands. That is why his body is hidden by a kind of cape from which his head alone emerges. The small size of the grown up man is to show the difference in scale between him and his eternal Mother — Reptilians live thousands, if not millions of years.

The statue above shows the human adult face, in addition to his black skin and frizzy hair.



“Hodigitria, Odigitria or Hodegetria (in ancient Greek: guide that shows the way) is one of the most widespread and popular types of icons of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, carrying her son the Child Jesus in her arms. It was painted in this way, according to secular tradition, by the evangelist Luke.”

Who painted it? We don’t know anything, but surely not Luke, because she’s not the Virgin Mary. The one she carries is not the child Jesus.

“She depicts the Virgin Mary standing with the Child Jesus on her left arm. The Greek name of the icon comes from that the Virgin is represented there designating the Child Jesus with a movement of his right hand. The term may be used to denote a church dedicated to the Virgin Hodigitria or with a venerated icon.”

“The Virgin of Częstochowa is a Christian icon preserved in the monastery of Jasna Góra, in Częstochowa, Poland. This Hodegetria painted on a wooden panel represents Mary in the manner of a black Virgin, with the Child Jesus having the same particularly dark skin.”


Power of the statues

“The Black Virgin of Chartres has been venerated for centuries by pilgrims, who believed that she had the power to cure diseases and protect travelers.”
Yes, indeed, it was venerated long before the pseudo Jesus and the invention of neo-christendom.

“It was also considered a symbol of spirituality and the Catholic faith.”
It is not a symbol but a representation. And it has nothing to do with the Catholic faith.

“The primitive statue has given way to a sculpted copy in the fifteenth century. Around the city of Marseille, the Black Virgins of Arles, Aix, Maillane, Noves or Manosque attest to the importance of the worship given to its statues.
It is the worship given to the one who gave us an immortal soul, therefore the power of awakening, divine virtuality.



Sara Black Virgin

“The Black Virgin – a saint venerated by gypsies – is in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in the Camargue. The statue of Sara, patron saint of the gypsies, is in the Church of Saintes Maries de la Mer, right at the bottom of the crypt, dressed in multicolored robes and jewels.

Saint Sara the Black is an emblematic figure of the Camargue. This patron saint is venerated by gypsies and pilgrims during the feast of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

The legend says that Sara was a young black slave, with mysterious origins. She would have accompanied Marie Jacobé and Marie Salomé when they arrived in the Camargue. The latter would have been the first to welcome Jesus in European soil, during his trip to Egypt.

Saint Sara is thus considered the patron saint of all travellers and travellers.

Today, the feast of Saint Sara is a must-see event in the Camargue and is celebrated every year on 24 and 25 May. It attracts many visitors to the procession, mass and festivities.

The chapel of Sainte Sara is located in the church of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. It is an important place of worship and recollection for gypsies and pilgrims.”


Kali Sara

“Saint Sara, also called Kali Sara the black, or Sara la Kali, has thus become a symbol of the identity of the Camargue.”

There are some pretty legends about Sara la Kali, which means Sara the Black in Roma. Pretty but definitely not true. Saint Sara was clearly christianised to blend into the beautiful landscape totally invented by this usurping religion. Catholicism is a fire of all things and feeds on all sacred foods.

Kali means black in Romano. Very well. Everyone knows another Black Kali, that one from India. A little far from Carmargue, you might say. Not that far. One of the Romani legends about Sara makes her a servant to an Egyptian king, which would explain her negritude. Between Egypt and India, cultural and commercial exchanges were not uncommon in the distant antiquity. Long-distance travellers have always existed, witness the roza-bal, presumed tomb of Jesus in Srinagar, in Indian Kashmir.



Magical Kashmir

In the 1970s, I went there, it was a land of all mysteries. Now it’s the Indo-Pakistani war. I wonder what remains of Srinagar, the magical city on Dal Lake. I lived with my wife in a luxurious wooden-carved house-boat, precious craft run by a Kashmiri family.

Every evening, a sithar and tampura concert enchanted our senses, while the immense Dal Lake was covered with a hundred lights of an international population of hippies who came to us in their shikaras. High magic, really, in the smoke of shiloms, under the funny imprecations of saddhu Bom Shankar. Half a century later, I still wonder if I have not dreamed…

I am sure that the Indo-European migrations mentioned in our history books have been guided and escorted by Gypsies. These peoples are so alike! What is it so strange that they brought back from the land of all possible the high figure of Kali the Black? The Hindus represent her dancing on the body of Shiva Baba, wearing a skull necklace and brandishing a cut head, symbol of the destruction of the dominant ego.

After such a journey and the ravages of the Inquisition, the terrible Kali became the sweet Sara. If not she, then it is her sister… From Kali the Black to Sara the Black, there is only one big step over the Indian Ocean. With a possible stop-over on Punt Island


Kali Ma Shakti Deva

Kali the primordial goddess, shakti or mother of god, is represented with black or blue skin. His hair is in battle, shaggy, to show his indifference to the socially correct. She stands on the inert body of Shiva, to symbolize the power of Shakti (female energy) to awaken the universe. She draws her tongue red by the blood of demons (archons) that she killed. She has three eyes, witnesses of her omniscience on the past, present and future. (source)



Her attributes

She has four arms in her hands that bear four weapons or symbols:

– the sword of knowledge that cuts ignorance and attachment
– a severed head symbol of the destruction of the ego (ahamkara)
– the abhaya mudra, the absence of fear, which protects its faithful
– the varada mutra, blessing against vain illusions and fears of the world.

Almost naked, it expresses its purity, as well as the arcana XVI to XXI of the Tarot de Marseille. Without clothing, without attachment, it allows the soul to recognize its true nature beyond ego, mind and physical body, and merge with the Self.

She wears a garland of skulls, representing the destruction of the ego. She also wears a garland of human arms or cut hands, symbols of cleansed karma. The same image can be found on Arcane XIII of Tarot.

It destroys ignorance and illusion, offering liberation (moksha) by cutting the bonds of attachment. While her appearance is fierce, she is gentle and compassionate towards her followers who she guides to spiritual growth and transformation.

It frees its followers from the cycle of death and birth (samsara) by renouncing earthly attachments. (source)


Kali Ma Kali

We find in this description the analogy with the Mother Goddess, certainly transformed to adapt to the Indian mentality and the Hindu religions. Kali the Blue is Mother of God, hence the ritual formula Kali Ma Shakti Deva. Kali Mother of God, or Gods.

She is mother of the Gods as she is mother of men.



She is the one who gives us a soul, we find in her powers the conditions of awakening:
— sword of knowledge, the clarity of the warrior;
— ahamkara, or the destruction of the dominant ego;
— abhaya mudra, the absence of fear;
— varada mutra, blessing against vain illusions.

It is the cleansing of chakras, the purification, the removal or even destruction of the dominant ego, the disappearance of fear and illusions. All the virtual and fake simulated or maintained by the Archons, masters of illusion, matter and mortality. Under her terrible appearance,

Kali is not meant to be frightening, on the contrary. It makes the Hindus understand that the world is illusion, that life is a material parenthesis in our subtle eternity, that nothing compensates for the absolute from where we came and where we will return.

What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein


She is our mother, our initiator, our ally. Her name comes from the Sanskrit word Kal, time. Nothing escapes the devastating march of time.

Mother Kali is the most misunderstood of all Hindu goddesses.

If she is the goddess of death, she is not the one who kills us, on the contrary. She is the one that gives eternal life. She brings death to the ego, this illusion produced by our imaginary reality.

Kali is beyond the matter that holds us prisoners. Beyond the Archons, demons she fights to protect us.

The death of the human body is not her concern. In Hindu stories, she is never seen killing men or gods. She only kills demons, another name of the Archons.



Do Not Reason: Resonates

See the Primordial Goddess holding a globe in her hand. It is her home planet, Ur under the star Alcor, while on her knees, the human born of Her also holds a smaller globe: it is Terra, the Earth that the Goddess has entrusted to him. See how clear the message is, see the Old Religion of the Druids and hear it resonate in your body.

Lao-Tzu said, you must find the way. I will cut off your head and you will know the truth. So Didi, the poor fool, talks to Tintin tied up on a chair. Didi raises his sword, but Tintin is immortal. He keeps his head on his shoulders, he won’t know the truth. Not yet.

And his father, the great Georges Rémi aka Hergé, will also have to wait for many albums, live by his double interposed multiple adventures, to finally find the way: a great love that transfigures him, and his Tintin too.

This album is the culmination of a magical work. It’s called Tintin in Tibet. The following books do not have the same artistic and spiritual level. In this masterpiece, Tintin is called Pure Heart during his stay in the lama temple. And white, the symbol of purity, is the dominant colour on the album.



The crowd of believers who gather at Saintes Maries de la Mer shows that the Gypsies have not forgotten their original Great Goddess, even if they give her another name today.

Despite all its lies, Catholicism has a great merit: that of having preserved, under different garb and names, the trace of the great teaching which marked the beginning of the dark age, implacable and terrible kali yuga where the Truth seems so far away!

So far away …

Two men watch through the bars of their prison. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.
Idries Shah