Green Gold

Gold and silver! Trivial question which embarrasses mystics, religious and prophets. Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple, overwhelmed by their thirst for money. A man asks him whether to pay tax in Rome. Jesus shows him the effigy of the emperor on the Roman coin and says: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God ‘s.

No one can serve two masters, adds the Nazarene. You cannot serve God and money. And Bob Dylan adds: whatever you do, you will have to serve somebody. So make the good choice. (source)

Few of the prophets have dared to glorify the money except Dollar Bill, Uncle Scrooge, Kim Kardashian, and the Las Vegas Mormons. The rich who do not create wealth are social evils to fight, Lao Surlam said. He should not have. The rich got him. He died hanged, his body cremated, his ashes strewn in the stumps of a herd of pigs. Who’s next ?But a bad joke. Lama Lao is all right.


Rama is Lama

Gautama was a prince, son of rajah sewn with gold. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Gautama decided to send everything to graze, money, power, money, honors, money, luxury, money, comfort and especially money. He became Buddha, the umpteenth of the name, the rest is known. He is wrongly credited with teaching Buddhism. By ignorance or by deception? Buddhism originated from Lamaism, taught to humans by Rama the Great.

Lamaism was much more than Tibetan Buddhism. To get an idea, it would be necessary to associate the practices of Tibetan Buddhism with those of Böns, the ancient people of Tibet, who are magicians, shamans, healers, spellcasters. This very old line would come from the Celtic companions of Druid Ramos. The same man, in my opinion, who became Pharaoh Ra, son of the Sun and Sun himself. His luminous reign over mythological Egypt raised him to the level of the greatest gods in the pantheon.

The same man who crossed deserts, seas, mountains, braved precipices hurricanes and typhoons, faced hostile hordes, led his seasoned troops on the paths of the world and everywhere, amazed children traced his name in dust from armor. Rama.

The same man whose exploits have been attributed to Moses leading the exodus of his people, who in reality were not Hebrew but Celtic. The same man whose caricature Homer is called Ulysses the undecided, who accumulates misfortunes unlike his illustrious model. In the taverns where the aede Homer performed, this funny fable had a cathartic function. Because the real Rama is not someone one laughs at. Rama has nothing indecisive or faint-hearted. If we laugh at him, it’s resilience, forgiveness, purification. Psychodrama and group dynamics, the whole tavern was healed.

Hyperborean son of a heavenly prince, reconciler of Druids and Druidesses, healer of the sick and disabled, planetary conqueror, civilizer of peoples, instructor, trainer, Rama was all this and much more. His reign lasted over a thousand years, without I being able to say whether it was his personal reign or that of his dynasty.

Many kings have carried this name. Rama was for a long time the enchanting druid, the prince charming, the good god, the idol, the beloved, the christ, the savior, the compassionate, the benevolent, the guide, the most high, the most humble, the superhuman, the one we invoke, the one we pray, the one whose name opens all petitions.

I teach you the Superhuman. Man exists only to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass him?

Friedrich Nietzsche

First currency

His teaching, to my knowledge, does not concern the use of money. Was there only in his time? It’s doubtful. We paid in person, in days of work or voluntary slavery. Some specialists date the appearance of a trading currency to the Neolithic period. Seashells, cowries, were the gold of the time.

Cowries or Cypraea moneta, are small shells imported from the Maldives Islands. Their name comes from the Sanskrit or Kapardika word transformed by the English into Cauri or Cowri. They are said to have been brought by the Arabs to the eastern coasts of Africa.

Originally, Cowries were used for a number of purposes and were the currency in West Africa, especially during the times of the great empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. He is the ancestor of money. And who says money, says trade, economy, finance, profitability, prosperity.(source)

No speculation, no interest, great equality before the gain: free access to the beaches where you can find these shells. Gradually, it seems that the cowry sites have been sealed off, traffic controlled, a tidying up of what would one day become the banking system. But the worst part of money isn’t in cowries. This dark side, which brings misfortune and degradation, is speculation. The loan at interest. Here the cowries are no longer used.

I think gold has always been the ultimate safe haven. The Hyperboreans educated us, they transmitted everything to us, and first of all their own values. And they needed a lot of gold. They transmitted to us their respect for this metal with innumerable virtues. They always needed more for their ship or their home planet, Ur, Alcor system, constellation Ursa Major. I have shown how le phonème d’orthe golden phoneme played a founding role for our civilizations. And also how the history of the former gods is all contained in this golden phoneme.

Sorry for my English readers, this page cannot be translated in English, you have to read it in French!

Gold is vice and madness. The sin of the gods like that of men. Who corrupts, who drives mad, who kills. Insatiable, he ceaselessly calls for human sacrifices. Our world was born for gold, it is gold that eats away at it and that mineralizes and metallicizes us. Man becomes stone like his heart, iron like his race. Athanor. The stone turns into gold. The man is dead. He’s still hard.

Green Hand

No, we were not created just to mine for gold or uranium. We weren’t created just to be sex toys for the gods before. The first reason, according to the clay library of the kings of Assyria, is that the Great God Marduk / Zeus wanted to eat vegetables.

His servants the Giant Angels have no gift for agriculture. So Marduk asks his geneticists to create a species of small size, intelligent beings, gifted for the relationship with plants. The former gods and their angels were Reptilians. And as we know, Reptilians do not have hair.

In humans, as in other land mammals, hair, manes and hair are a communication channel to the plant kingdom. Reptiles do not have it. The Sumerian texts say that Marduk / Zeus / Yahveh wanted a being with little fingers, able to handle seeds and transplant cuttings, which his angels were incapable of.

Green Gold

You are the gardener of this garden” Yahveh Zeus said to little Adam. Our ancestor agrees. He loves to cultivate his Garden of Eden. God adds: “You are the keeper of this zoo“. Little Adam shakes his head. “Should remove all the giant critters first. They are made for 13ft hunters. I will be satisfied with beasts of my size and herbivorous prey.” And shrewd, he adds: “I love vegetables. Here, I made you a casserole.

Yahveh Zeus loved, he digested well, so he answered the Adam prayer. He exterminated all the big beasts that swarmed in the northern hemisphere, giant mammals, reptilians coming from dinosaurs, including the dreaded flying dragons that breathe fire. Satisfied, Adam began to cultivate his planet. And since then, it continues somehow between two wars. War pays off. And profit rules this world.

But not us, who are still in the world, but already no longer of the world. We left Zombiland. We are the Out-Nested. We are outside. Gold to hold, money to honey, who cares! We are the Green Gold! It is nature, it is agriculture, it is horticulture. We cultivate as we like. We get that from our genetic lines of herbivores. Even if we have omnivorous pork in us, we mainly come from bonobo: frugivorous, granivorous, vegetarian. But not vegan: it is also said to be insectivorous.

Anyway, we love vegetables, seeds, fruits, especially when we can climb the tree to pick them!


The only hope for humankind is in the transformation of the individual.
Jiddu Krishnamurti