The Origin Of Male Power
How the transition between matriarchy and patriarchy took place
How the transition between matriarchy and patriarchy took place
The flood brought Manu, who is both the Hindu Adam and Noah, to a familiar adventure.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are heirs of Abraham. Before him, what religions could be?
Hold-ups, frauds and betrayals: this is how Prometheus created man.
“Man gave names to all the animals, in the beginning, long time ago” Bob Dylan sang.
Before they succeeded to shape human species, our fathers geneticists have made many tests and a lot of mistakes.
I will create an Adam who serve the gods, Marduk decided. And Enki created Man.
How can this stegosaurus, which has disappeared since time immemorial, decorate a medieval temple?
Lilith was the first human and she was taught by wise snakes
Conspiracy against oneself, self-nourished by every repetition of the dominant thought
Several terraforming angels have found humans to their liking
Adam was not the first human. Lilith came long before him.