The Earth Sings In F Sharp
Particular note emitted by each planet gives its dominant tune.
Particular note emitted by each planet gives its dominant tune.
The Zohar of the Jewish Kabbalah mentions several species of giants — or devils
Ayahuasca would give telepathic powers and other psychological effects
The Trinity precisely describes what everybody is: three persons in one.
Everyone can talk with trees if patient enough
Path to Jerusalem, initiatory mazes can modify you and your mind.
Clay is the blood of earth, said Rudolph Steiner
It is our own light that frightens us most, says Nelson Mandela… or Marianne Williamson?
Please invoke nobody, the spirits are dangerous, the angels are too.
How can the historian assess the past without following ideas and comprehension in his/her time?
… or the Sacre of the Sun: illuminated by lightning at age 13, Emperor of Rome at age 14, murdered at 18
Their movement allows life, their opening means clarity, their strength is awakening.