The Zeus Case
The god of the gods, emperor of Terra, the mighty Zeus is summoned by the Great Goddess!
The god of the gods, emperor of Terra, the mighty Zeus is summoned by the Great Goddess!
Pater Noster should have stayed in Latin. Nobody understood.
At the controls of the flying island, the giant Atlas takes off Atlantis
In the Goddess bedroom, Zeus tells the terrible war he made against the Dragons of the Underworld
Dionysus was born of a virgin on December 25, he was crucified and resurrected from the dead on March 25.
In a climate of spells, Goddess Danae is the victim of a cruel injustice.
Dionysus is a fascinating god. Half-god by birth, but double god by his second birth.
A new episode of the never-ending tug of war between Yahweh God and Baal Rama.
Orpheus was a third-generation savior, god of the gods after Dionysos and Zeus
Why had Hercules to do twelve labours?
The first Cyclops called Flash, Thunder and Lightning were the masters of lightning.
Where God, by dethroning the Time, awkwardly shortened our life expectancy