Aliens Catalog



We better face the naked truth: Aliens are all around and not only in Hollywood. The frequentation of the different mythologies and religions shows that they’ve been here for millenia… Over the ages, they were given different names, some have even taken them for angels.


“One alien, it is okay, but more than a hundred,  it gets harder” said Steven Spielberg.Finally I doubt the author 😉 Facing this large amount of unknown visitors of every kind, a new science merged, exobiology, to study and describe different species of extraterrestrial being present on Earth. It is not a joke, though it looks like. At the beginning, exobiology was a very serious branch of biology which particular purpose was to study the possibility of life in the universe. This science however exceeds largely the limits of biology.

Linked with astronomy and astrophysics, exobiology studies traces of extraterrestrial life on the exoplanets or anywhere else, thanks to the material brought back by spacecrafts or meteorites. Water is the first condition for life’s emergence. In our galaxy Carl Sagan estimates a planet with water in a million. Now in the Milky Way -our galaxy- there are over 100 billion stars with their attendant planets, say a trillion. So at least one hundred million planets that -if the conditions of atmosphere and temperature permit- would be likely to harbor life. No wonder that so many different races come to see us.

But quite soon, another conception of exobiology became obvious. This new science, born in the USA,as you guessed, is spreading among ufologists.  A pure delight for UFO maniacs: this brand new Exobiology selected a new field of research, less scientific, like the catalog of all forms of life described by the different eyewitnesses. It is like trying to empty the sea with a teaspoon: eternity can wait. Another aim of new exobiology consists in detecting the presence of aliens on Earth a feat worthy of Men in Black.

The aliens are, we are told, millions of species of incredible variety. Many of them are more advanced than us. Those who visit us are definetely more advanced since we are not able to visit them. On the number, some can be favourable to human evolution, others can be hostile, and others finally can ignore us, and some landing their UFO only to fill it up. But some of them seem to have a real -and close up- interest in us, according to some new age gurus.

Among them Mr Appel-Guery wants to file and label all the aliens Guru of the sect Siderella (also known under other names: IsoZen, Futura, etc) Jean-Paul Appel renamed Io Appel-Guery welcomes the followers in his castle of Jaugy, Cher, or in Ibiza. He is a self proclaimed specialist of the aliens. According to him, many contacted people are currently on earth.




A contacted person is a “being who is in constant touch with entities, which are manifested in different forms.” (source)Appel-Guéry, conferences But under which forms, exactly? Appel-Guéry tried to establish a classification in this wide ocean of descriptions. For such a feat, a good dose of optimism is needed – or naivety. He makes a difference between several types, naming ‘first the babies, measuring between 1 yard and 4 yards.

Two examples, the Reticuli beings are 4 yards tall, with a thin face and a fine body “they are called “grey babies”. Now the beings of Andromeda are 1 yard tall, they are very clever people, and move in vehicles of form-energy.” (source)Appel-Guery, conferences  

What the hell is he talking about? Complete mystery. In fact, it seems that Grey are kinds of bionic terminals. For Colonel Corso, Greys are “organic robots of exploration” ie entities without emotions.




Phil Schneider claims to have worked on the construction of certain underground bases, he speaks of the ‘hive mind’ of the Grey aliens living in ‘nests’. He compares them to predators that ravage the planet, much like ants. ‘A hive mentality’, agrees Courtney Brown. For this former Man-in-black of the CIA, the Greys are also predators, “like locusts that infest the cosmos and who move after consuming all the resources.”  This is a point of view, that of fear; but there are other less negative.

A former astronaut tells everything about Roswell and claims to us that the Greys are not hostile. “Otherwise, we’d all be dead already,” he said. As for ‘the one-foot tall beings of Andromeda riding their form-energy vehicles’ they look a lot like elementals. Elementals, you know, the little people who run on the breath of a breeze or along a moon ray … As well as for aliens, the problem with the invisible is not to get lost in their many sub-families.

The warriors of Nagual have a poor opinion of the categories and detailed descriptions: why put words on what can not be said? Probably they are right … For others, this list may still be continued, there are as many aliens as varieties of insects. Besides these are the same, if one believes Denis Saurat who explains this in his book “The Religion of the giants and the civilization of the insects“. Insects would be our instructors, he said.

Oh dear! Everything is possible, everyone has the right, and even the duty, to ride a hobby. Let us give back the word to our guru “alienist” – or rather alienologist: the alienist takes care of the insane… the stainless Appel-Guery. ‘Then middle size beings, measuring from 3 ft to 7 ft, like  the 7-ft-tall Iargans belonging to an advanced civilization, and the slender Lyrians, with their 5000 years ahead of the Earthlings.” (source)Appel-Guery, conferences 




Five thousand years ahead of us could be fifty thousand years behind the science of Atlantis? “Next, the Vegans, coming from Vega system, having dark skin and a triangular face, 3250 years ahead of us. The Dals of Caucasian type are 3600 years in advance. The Pleiadians have very thin skin and are very similar to us. But they still have 3000 years in advance. The Bauis were already present on Earth at the time of Hyperborea. People from Alpha Centauri are a bit like us, but a little larger. They are blond, wear a silver suit and feature a dynamic psychomotor. Procyon beings, with their yellow or light green skin, have a very collective life. Beings from Orion, race fairly stout, are instructors.” (source)Appel-Guery, conferences  

Then comes a catch-all category. ‘The dwarves, robots, cyclops, giants, snakes, etc.. : Those of Endoni Epsylon have a rough skin with scales, are 7 ft tall, with advanced technology, their star is 20 LYLight Years from Earth. They are these half-human, half-robots androids described by Enrique Castello. Hyperborean giants, 24 ft tall, have left traces of their , fossilized feet in Polynesia. Amphibians of the Swan constellation have a dark skin. All of these visitors of Earth live on far away planets or in their mother ships – up to 20 km long homing up to 1 million people.” (source)Appel-Guery, conferences

One of these planet-ships had once brought the Anunna, according to some authors. This one was so great that the Sumerian texts call it a roving planet.




Hence the amusing confusion of Zecharia Sitchin, who has built a whole story out of this error: the tale of Nibiru, a planet in eccentric orbit that will soon be back in our area. And destroy the Earth of course – that’s enough thrill to scare his fascinated readers. Although naive still believe it. Sitchin which, of course, but also the Staff Sergeant Bob Dean.  

Yet the Vedas already mentioned these huge ships, they call cities in the sky. (source)sacred Vedic Literature Ancient Mayan legends are very explicit. The problem is that experts often confined to the region of the world and the worldview they have chosen. A glance to the other side of the Atlantic, some perfume Pacific and the Indian Ocean, and representation of the pre-ancient world could widen and intoxicate.


Reason is intelligence with an office; imagination is intelligence with an erection.
Victor Hugo