Eternal Trinity
The Trinity precisely describes what everybody is: three persons in one.
The Trinity precisely describes what everybody is: three persons in one.
It offers to the visitor a bunch of magical places: Fontaine de Barenton, Miroir aux Fées, Val sans Retour …
Britons once fetched in the Auvergne fly agaric mushrooms for vision quests
Gae Bolga the lightning spear is the magical weapon of hero Cuchulainn
Tihuanaco, City of Gods, is a lightning trap. Explanations here.
Many ancient heroes have lost their lives, Eve, Gilgamesh, Rama, Cuchulainn, Enoch, Perceval and many others … They wanted to unravel the mysteries of the gods.
Osiris wears towering crowns the most various forms: they are weapons
Clay is the blood of earth, said Rudolph Steiner
A certain science of the past uses to ignore embarassing evidences
Scientists proved that DNA can be reprogrammed using words and sound frequencies
Emergence of a new way of living, thinking and acting
Atlas failed to take off a gigantic spaceship : its fall in the Atlantic ocean causes the flood