Categories: The Jesus Case

The Origin of the Cross


All over the world, the cross is recognized as the Christian sign. Universal symbol of the crucifix, it is the crucifixion of Jesus. Problem: the cross was used in a sacred way more than ten thousand years before Jesus … Originally, it was different and did not express anything Christian.


The Proto-historic Cross

I say ten thousand years but it might be a hundred thousand years, or more. This cross, with four equal branches, surrounded by a circle, is found on the rock pictograms of Australia, Papua, Melanesia, Andes, Siberia, China, India and Indonesia. Probably in Japan and Korea too.

This is one of the oldest known pictograms, I imagine we will find it – perhaps we have already found it – in prehistoric painted caves. For me, the reason why this ancient cross is so sacred: inheritance. This particular cross perpetuates the memory of the ancient astronauts, those whom I call the former gods, or the terraformers. Inheritance of Hyperborea of ​​which it reproduces the characteristic form, that of all the cities and all the ships Hyperboreans, and that of all our cities and the oldest countries, as I will show it to you further.

The symbolic interpretations of this cross, like that of the four elements or the four cardinal points, etc. have no doubt their interest. But they are recent, much more recent than the cross itself and what it represents. I am wary of the symbolism to which we can make everything say. My purpose is first and foremost the concrete.

I showed how the sign of Tao, the famous yin-yang circle, before being used as a symbol, had a technical, not to say technological function. This is indeed the schema of an Atlantean engine. Read The true meaning of Tao.

I showed how Plato imagined his smoky myth of the cave because he did not understand that his druid teacher explained the principle of the camera. When one is overwhelmed by technical notions or by the technological function of any device, this device is declared a symbol and one begins to delirium on its form, its colors and any other attribute. In the end, it became so foggy that I challenge anyone to understand a bit of it, beyond the usual symbolic craps.


The Cross of Hyperborea

The cross did experience the same avatars. It started in a very concrete way: it was directly representative, as a plan must be. The precise plan of Hyperborea, which can be seen on the map below. This is an artist’s view, consistent with the usual mistake that sees in Hyperborea an archipelago like the others, located at the North Pole. This Hyperborea is like Atlantis: not found. Never will we find traces of it, because its four islands flew away with the mothership of which they were part. I had the opportunity to explain it at length. Hyperborea does not mean the North Pole, but rather: above the North Pole. In the same way, ancient Chinese and Hindu texts mention the northern mountain. It is located at the North Pole. Problem: There is no land under the ice cap. Just pack ice. So no more islands than mountains.


Western roots

No way to go on with this article without recalling the extreme importance of Atlantis and Hyperborea in the development of Western culture?  The foundations of the Western white civilization were laid by human varieties in which the Atlantean, Ligurian and Celtic blood merged closely, with very clear predominance of Hyperborea. It is impossible to understand nothing, however, about this evolution, if we forget that the sources are in the West, in Atlantis.» And in Hyperborea! I will add to the holy words of this great initiate, Phileas Lebesgue.

On June 24, 1926, this Druid from Brittany founded the first Society of Atlantean Studies, from which the magazine Atlantis will be published in October 1927. Phileas Lebesgue was leader of the Druidism of his time and was Grand Druid of France until his death in 1958.



Roots of this humanity

But this great druid, peace to his ashes, was a victim of the prejudices of his time. He did not know that the Celts and Vikings were originally black. How could he have admitted that the black people, the first race created in Africa, radiated all over the planet in a very remote time? This race had reached a military, technological, societal, moral and spiritual development of which there are traces in the nobility even of its modern representatives.

Phileas Lebesgue was also unaware of the exact nature of Hyperborea, as we can see today. Otherwise he would have understood that this great mothership located above the North Pole was ideally located to civilize the entire planet. We see in all very ancient cultures many references to this very advanced civilization that seeded peoples and nations.


Geography of Hyperborea

The four islands occupied the whole surface of a circle of more than 3000 km in diameter. They were regular, as on the Celtic cross, and separated by rivers. The Bible calls them “the four rivers of Eden” and some of them are still struggling to find it in Mesopotamia. In the center, a high mountain where rivers take their source. The Greeks call it Mount Olympus, and they relocated it to their homes. This is where the gods of the gods reside, and their patroness to all, Hera Hathor, the Great Goddess. That’s what Hyperborea looked like. That’ss what the Celtic Cross commemorates.

The cross has remained omnipresent for millennia. It only became a religious symbol much later, when the medieval clergy made it the logo of Christianity. This was at the cost of important changes. It was necessary to suppress the circle around the cross, which did not fit with the new myth. The priests crossed their fingers so that the common people saw only fire. In the Middle Ages, most had forgotten the hyperborean origin of the cross, it passed like little Jesus in velvet panties. It was also necessary to prolong the lower branch of the cross, so that it becomes the crucifixion of the crucifixion.

And there, plantade. Serious plantade. The form is not good! The bishops of Rome could have bitten their fingers, but the general ignorance of time in the face of Roman customs saved their lives. For a few centuries, anyway. Because the cross of the Roman crucifixions never had the form of a crucifix. It was a pole planted in the ground once and for all. Each of the victims brought a plank on his back, where he was fastened by his wrists. Legionaries hoisted this plank to the top of the pole. The Roman cross was shaped like a T. It had only three branches. But this detail, like many others, was not known to the medieval priests who wrote the holy story. A beautiful fable indeed, despite its revealing errors.



Celtic cross, Christian cross

In short, this is how the Celtic cross with four equal branches has become the Christian cross whose false form betrays both the original sign and the historical truth. However, the cross with equal branches has not disappeared. It was known to the Celts as their ancient cross, they preserved it, christianising a bit in their cemeteries. See the photo opening this article.

It is then found in the Templars, who adopted it as a sign of their order. In the 15th century, the Templar cross became the flag of the West again, when Columbus had it affixed to the sails of its caravels. He thus claimed the precious help given him by the last Templar refugees in Portugal. The Columbus Cross is the very first nautical sponsorship …

Later, it became the sinister German Iron Cross. You know that the Nazi voracity has recovered everything, including the first symbol, the Celtic cross. They have made it a fascist logo. Now the red rose has turn into shit brown, since kali yuga implies a total inversion of values …


The Cross of Hyperborea

The organization of Hyperborea was as clear as the Celtic cross shows. The four islands are the geographical reflection of the political organization. Divine society was divided into four castes, or colleges. In the center, on her dominant mountain, the Great Goddess arbitrated the differences and settled the conflicts between the colleges before they came to ruin the equilibrium.

This system is that of all the ancient societies stemming from Hyperborea: Celtic Ireland, whose four pavilions below illustrate the quadripartition, the division into four provinces or counties. The first cities that the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans built on earth also followed this plan.

They were divided into four, which gave in French the word quarter, which comes quarter, four. The Roman camps were also on this quadripartite model, as seen here. To make the legend appear, hover your mouse over the image.

This social organization is found on the other side of the globe among Tibetans. Their traditional society is also divided into four castes, each headed by a chief, and at the middle, in the Potala which dominates Lhasa the capital city of Tibet, the Dalai Lama arbitrated.

This quadripartition stems from the teaching of Lama or Rama from Hyperborea, who extended his conquests from Celtic Europe to the Far East. Traditional Hindu India also obeys social quadripartition. There are four main castes, but the system has lost its original purity in the subcontinent of all excesses. The spirit and letter of Lama’s teaching has been diluted in the infinite ramificationsthis word comes from Ram of this word from Rama, dear to the Indian mentality.



Dumezil’s Tripartition

Georges Dumézil, in the last century, had stated the thesis of functional tripartition, which is the societal division into three colleges. It recognizes the three social classes of the Revolution of 1789: the clergy, the nobility and the third-state. It is true that Ramaic quadripartition has been weakened over the centuries. While in India, the four castes have become innumerable, in the Celtic West, the four classes have become only three. However, the social organization brought to us by the terraforming gods rested on four classes, and not three or ten thousand.

This sign of the Western or Celtic cross is omnipresent in antiquity. The Greeks or Romans had not kept the exact memory of the time of the gods, but they still had the inheritance: piles of knowledge mathematical, physical, geographical, astronomical, anatomical, surgical, astronautical, technological. Not to mention social and political, as shown by the quadripartition.

In the field of technology, the precision instrument discovered in a Roman galley at Antikythera, probably a compass of navigation, shows a degree of abstract knowledge that far exceeds what is known about Rome and the Greece. By itself, it constitutes in my opinion the proof of the existence of a technological civilization in the distant past.



Short Memory

The memory of men hardly goes back two thousand years. It is often only a quarter of this time that shapes our behavior and our mentalities. Forgetting does its work, inexorable, implacable. What will we be in a thousand years? What will remain of our civilization? Very little, no doubt. While our bodies will be dust, while the wind will blow in our skulls, what will this world look like in our hollow orbits? I’ve been there many times. The new ideas that we hold for avant-gardists and which we call our wishes have become so out of date that they are considered to be old-fashioned. Like us, in the eyes of the future. One day maybe, I’ll tell you.

The following image shows a current naval compass. We note that the wind rose, a very ancient way of showing the four cardinal points, owes a great deal to the Celtic cross, ie to the plane of the Hyperborea space ship. We can multiply the examples, you may do it. now that you are alerted by this question, you will see everywhere: the sight of a sniper rifle, the firing target, landmarks on quadrichrome … The Celtic cross has always been everywhere, and for long time. We can thank the former gods.

But can we thank the surreptitious change that Christianity has inflicted on the cross? It meant the paradise of the living gods, it became the torture to death. Which, in addition, left no trace in the Roman archives




Each has its own beliefs, and the sacred cows will be well guarded. Our ancestors swallowed everything. They swallowed snakes with the ease of a snake charmer at the square Djema-el-Fnah in Marrakech. For centuries, all these texts remained locked in libraries strictly protected by the Holy See. Until the invention of typography around 1440, all writings were copied by copyists. Monks, most often.  In their convent they copied what the superior told them to copy, omitting and adding what he told them. The control of the Catholic Church was almost total for a long time.

A host of bogus anecdotes, full of errors and anachronisms, were added by the copyists. It was counting without the web, without the planetary dissemination of all the texts that were once inaccessible. And to correct the course.

I am a mythologist and philosopher. As a friend of wisdom, I take a critical look at all mythologies: is it true? Is it distorted? Is it exaggerated? For what reasons? My work has no other purpose than to face the naked truth — if such a thing does exist! “With a critical eye and a mind free of everything a priori. That is why many of you read me.” Your convictions are yours. They help you to live, far from me the idea of dynamiting them, from the ancient Greek dunamos, which means angel.

Let this not prevent believers from believing, nor the unbelievers from not believing. All beliefs are infinitely respectable, although I prefer to align myself with my eternal principle of uncertainty, choosing to believe without believing.



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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