Once upon a time in America, they were men with such great powers, divine members of the Serpent People. They were white skinned or black and wear feather adornments on their head. And they could fly.
“The bearded white gods came from the sea, they taught us everything. And when the last Feathered Serpent has left us in his long boat sailing towards East, all our people was in mourning. So Quetzalcoatl promised that he will come back.”
This is the credo of the Aztecs. This is the history of the Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpents, those great benevolent white gods, bringing peace and civilization. They have left vivid memories over ages. Who were they? And where did they come from?
The Mayans tell the same story, and their Quetzalcoatl was named Kukulcan. The Incas ditto, theirs was called Viracocha. Three civilized gods, white, with golden hair and clear eyes. All three came from the Yucatan, where they had landed from the east.
Did they come from a sunken island? Possibly. Their visit coincides with the flood, and the “snake in the sky”title of a book by John Antony West in which Velikowski saw the tail of a comet that would have grazed the earth in an apocalyptic climate.
Did they come from elsewhere, travelers from distant stars that would have landed on our planet in a civilizing purpose? It is the ancient astronaut hypothesis, which has regained favor and which is truely my favourite. It has the merit to clarify many points, if only associated with my hypothesis: Atlantis, Mu or the Land of Punt were but artificial islands.
As for Hyperborea, the truth is even more stunning …
In these hypothesis the flood wasn’t caused by Venus, but by a pilot mistake during the taking-off of mothership Atlantis …
What is the date of these events, it is difficult to say. The Meso-American tradition did not save their ancient science of dating. This precious science is engraved on wheels of stone called codices or calendars; they are supposed to describe the great cycles of time.
Some people like the Aztecs or the Mayans have kept very few of their former greatness, at the days of the Toltecs or the Olmecs. It is even conceivable that several “gods”, or so-called gods, in very different times, have visited America. There would therefore be the Quetzalcoatl blacks and whites after the flood, around -10 000.
More recently, other blond hair Quetzalcoatl people came on their longer boats with a snake-shaped bow. In this description we can easily recognize the Vikings and their drakkars. Similarly, quite a long time ago in the Andes, the Viracocha people, fishlike men, came out of Lake Titicaca. A few centuries before, other Viracocha men had come, some Christ-like “white gods”, civilization-bringers and peacekeepers. If they were so much Christ-like, couldn’t they have been Christian monks? Indeed, many European legends mentioned that several christian monks, leaded by Saint Brendan and Saint Malo, have reached South America in the 6th century …
That would be consistent with the cyclical conception of time that was that of the Ancients. While our time is linear, unfolding from a more or less obscure past to an uncertain future, the time of the Toltecs and Incas was circular.
Everything being repeated, every event reoccurring according to the astrologicworks of a familiar sky, because these people read the stars like if it was a book. And it was the Book of Life. Everything being planned, nothing was stressful.
And goes on the merry-go-round of false coincidences. We cannot help but make a connection between the feathered serpent in the Mayan tradition called Kukulkan, and the hero of Celtic mythology called Cuchulainn.
Who could see between these two names just a facetious coincidence? Since Kukulkan was as blond as Cuchulainn, and probably the same race, won’t the two mythologies speak of the same fellow?
Many Vikings and Celts have crossed the Atlantic long before Christopher Colombus.
Cuchulainn was neither the first nor the last one. But we can still make other parallels. The Aztecs worshiped another white god, Votan. To the letter by, we recognize the Germanic god Wotan. They both were the Masters of Lightning. Ignatius Donellyin his book “Atlantis, the antediluvian world”, 1882 compares the names of some Middle East cities with those of villages of Central America, which have been named before the arrival of the Conquistadores: Chol et Chol-ula, Colua et Colua-can, Zuivana et Zuivan, Cholina et Colina, Zalissa et Xalisco. That makes too many similarities to talk about coincidences.
The peoples of Asia Minor, and those of Central America may have a common origin. And that origin may be Atlantis, as it is ideally situated halfway between these two regions of the globe.
In Peru, as he was examining the remains of the temple of Viracocha in Cuzco, Graham Hancock found another troubling relationship: “The Incan temple which once stood in this place was covered with seven hundred sheets of pure gold, each weighing about 2 kg.
Moreover, its vast courtyard was occupied by “fields” of pseudo-ears of corn, also in gold. I cannot help thinking of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, also known for its coating of golden leaves and its fabulous orchard with golden trees.”
In the garden of the Hesperides were also grewing golden apples. This metal is the best electro-conductive one. But the temple of Solomon was equipped with lightning rods in gold too. As the small pyramidion on the great pyramid.
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