This article is a follow-up to the Great Elsewhere, which comes from another, Akasha, Quintessence, Ether.  I advise you to read both before this one. The notions that I mention will thus take on their full meaning. Another thing: we will soon resume the astral flight experiments in group, as I announced in Astral Saga 2025. Interested parties can make themselves known now.


The Astral is the Elsewhere

Many articles on this site are devoted to the astral. I realize that the word is scary. So I will talk about elsewhere. Common word, a term that does not mean anything specific, except this: elsewhere is not here. A basic notion like here and now is unknown in the astral. It is replaced by other and always.

Elsewhere, there is no time. Nor space: everything is present. We do not move there, the other moves to present us everything that is possible. Elsewhere, just ask: as soon as desired, as soon as served. You can go anywhere instantly. At the heart of our galaxy or further afield: at the heart of the Big Bang. Travelling far is like reversing time. The Grand Ailleurs allows unlimited travel, but still immobile.



Thanks to the Goddess

Our senses deceive us, they are imperfect no doubt on purpose. Our brain is bullied, distorted, buggy. On purpose also… For our creators, the Archons, limited to thick matter, we had to be persuaded of the unavoidable existence of materiality, its ultimate reality. We had to be convinced that there was nothing but matter. These ladies and gents the masters of animality created us in their image, endowed with a body so perfect that the Great Goddess chose us. From the Pleroma, She wanted to give us an immortal soul.

Through Her we will live. Death is only a step. But on one condition. If we attain enlightenment during our earthly life, and only then will we know eternal life. And the awakening is conquered by high struggle. It is necessary to overcome the initiatory death evoked by arcane XIII of the tarot of Marseille to reach the awakening in The Tower, arcane XVI. If we neglect the efforts that this inner progress requires, we will remain zombies attached to money and material goods. Then we will know the fate of all matter, disappear. This is what the Templar saying sums up:


The Goddess has allowed me to experience this initiatory death four times. The last time happened very recently, at the beginning of this month of February 2025. Blessed be She for her gorgeous generosity.


Out of Body = Out of the World

From a perspective, the concepts I explain are much better understood. They are seen as a whole. To discover the physical reality, nothing like getting out of it. Einstein and the hair two million times enlarged had suggested it to us: matter does not exist.

What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein


Our subtle bodies are ideal mounts for the mind. He embarks on their ship to win this unreal plan, inaccessible and yet totally real and very accessible. The elsewhere is more real than our ordinary reality, which is not at all. See it as a mirage, an illusion due to the imperfection of our senses and our discernment. Scientists tell us that, who listens? The naguals testify to it, who cares? Prophets succeed one another in vain. The revelations are countless, but the frightened crowd prefers religious blindness.

Thus, the ancient religions, such as animism, the religion of Isis or proto-Christianity, were awakening religions, all the religions of this sad end of kali yuga are falling asleep religions. The archons lead people to the slaughterhouse but these people are too sleepy to understand it and they have no strength to react.



Travel Through Infinity

One day soon, as announced in Astral Saga 2025, I intend to launch the third collective trip in astral, after those of 2021, 2022 and 2023. Believe me, it’s concrete, solid. A journey into the heart of mystery. An exploration of the beyond without leaving your cozy bed. Really, my friend reader, I’m going to give you the short answer. Those who have tasted it will come again, but all the others? Will they stay away from the miracle? I am afraid of it as elsewhere rhymes with terror. If you want to live forever, come and see what your future playground looks like. You go there every night, you have millions of dreams, but their memory is erased when you wake up by the vigilance of your bugged brain. Archons’ Scumbags. Jealous as beasts they are!

The most daring of my readers, renamed the Astral Flyers and the Flying Wolves, have discovered conscious astral flight, astral journeys, real dreaming, body outings, collective travel, all experiences that are not forgotten. Many requests have been made for the resumption of the grouped astral flight. I know that many read these lines and are overcome by a well-understood excitement.


Visit the Akasha

I let pass eighteen months during which I continued alone the astral explo, without the overwhelming responsibility of a group of tourists — do not take it badly especially! I practice controlled dreaming since early childhood, but the monitoring of neophytes is another pair of sleeves. It was a new experience for me and it was very trying. I’m barely recovering.

What my texts tell you, come and check it out for yourself. I have great pleasure in making you discover these wonders. I was able to make them accessible to the uninitiated, I am sure that the delirium can start again. So a new session will open soon, the old ones will be welcome, but I won’t refuse anyone. You have to start somewhere.


What Should Be Done?

First make yourself known. You can apply by using the contact form. Please specify the reason for your email, and any astrological experiments you may have done. Indicate your motivation. What you are looking for. I will make you live an exciting experience, but beyond the excitement opens an introspection that will count.

Flights are accompanied by a daily exchange of mail. The tracking and escort costs are 11 € per cycle of one week. You can go on or stop at the end of each cycle. The experiment will last at least four weekly cycles, maybe more.

I will take the pre-registrations as soon as this article is published. Then you will have to make yourself available for conscious sleep practice several nights a week. If you wish, you can join the group every night. Or less if it suits you. The astral support is done without effort on your part, it only requires your agreement and your availability.

Unlike the leader who leads the group, participants do not feel any particular fatigue. You will wake up with exhilarating memories in your head, and the desire to start over as soon as possible. It is a sleeping adventure, it is an addictive experience, it is a rare pleasure, a joyful opening, a discovery that cannot be forgotten.




Discover the Elsewhere

The main interest of astral, which I prefer to call Elsewhere, is in discovery. Yes, you can go there every night. We all do it and have always done it: it’s called dreaming. I say that the Dream is more real than ordinary reality, because it is totally unreal, virtual and fake.

In the “real world” everything is false, lying, buggy, distorted, reduced, suffocating, constraining, heavy, thick, discouraging, inappropriate. Nothing “real” can ever satisfy our need for fantasy, intensity, immensity, eternity. Tell yourself this, my dear friends. It’s not just astronauts who can get laid. Each of you can taste this infinity, which is neither the aerial, nor the stellar, nor the extraterrestrial.

Simply the fifth element…


The Ether

This is the extra-ordinary plan. No limits. What a joy to abandon ourselves several nights in a row, what a pleasure to compare our experience with that of the other Volants, what a wonder to find so many dream memories on waking! Like the Astral Flyers and Flying Wolves, your life will never be the same. Your worldview will have changed forever.

Everyday and banal reality will have been fertilized by the ordinary unreality, which will become another accessible element, in addition to air, earth, water and fire: the fifth element that the great ancients called ether, akasha, quintessence…

The four elements, you know them by heart. They don’t hold any surprises for you anymore. But tell me, what about the last element? Did you go there? Yes, every night in your dreams. But most of the dreams are unconscious, they do not leave a memory when waking. Under my guidance you will discover the conscious dream, which can be extended by the controlled dream, as soon as one has enough experience to face alone the very real world of dreams. The world of ether. Akasha. Quintessence. Fifth Element …



Visions, Myths, Legends



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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