The Alpha Wave


Our brain emits 5 types of waves that vibrate at different frequencies. They are called Greek letters: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Theta. It has been said that brainwaves function like musical notes. Together, they form a five-note scale, like the Chinese music scale. I want to focus here on the first type, alpha waves.


The Life of the Gods

Alpha waves (7.5 to 14 Hz) appear in this intermediate twilight where calm is present but not falling asleep. This state is conducive to relaxation and meditation. A high level of alpha waves can prevent concentration or make it too low to accomplish a task. On the contrary, a low level promotes anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Being in alpha, is to maintain yourself on your left side, in the words of Castaneda. He means the left side of the body, which corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain. To make clear, it is that place of consciousness where you begin to be high.

The familiar landmarks disappear, as ordinary reality, the visions begin. It is not stoned: no laxity is allowed from this point. Drugs are life in brackets, while the alpha wave shows us real life, the life of the gods, that we should live all the time because we are made for that.

Only thing is always, at least since our birth, the company has manufactured an image of the world, very different from that of the alpha wave. We miss it. Being there is good. Staying there is harder.


The Wave of the Trance

So naturally, when we get high, we feel guilty. Since this world is supposed to be a valley of tears, do we have the right to feel good? The alpha wave is a state of near trance, in which one can be conscious or not. During our sleep, every night, we go alpha. It is a physiological phases of sleep, a phase psychoactive, ie during which the mind itself is awake.

The astral is the alpha unconscious, this virtually ignored activity that is happening every night. Brain activity produced waves ranging from 7.5 to 14 per second, on a band called Alpha waves. This is the area of brain electrical activity concomitant with the sweet lethargy of fatigue, drowsiness and daydreaming. EEG studies have shown that alpha brain state is the state of the brain in the yogi in ecstasy brain that is the condition most conducive to artistic creation and develops or accentuates paranormal powers.

Nothing is more natural than the Alpha state, since it happens to all of us at least twice a day. Indeed, at some point prior to sleep, there is this intermediate zone of consciousness in which it becomes so easy to follow the mental images that arise when the inner eye.



The Unconscious Alpha

So is it in the morning when you wake up with the feeling of waking from a dream and that one wonders if one is awake. The alpha state can be obtained by autogenic relaxation, or self-made relaxation. (source)Pierre Clément, Hypnosis and Accelerated Learning  Most of the time, the alpha is unconscious, as in the case of Edgar Cayce. We go alpha when we sleep, and it has not the slightest recollection upon awakening. Dreams are but a distorted reflection of the alpha activity.

Only the sightsed remember, some sorcerers are even better: they control their dreams.  Conscious Alpha is the best of all. The most common experience to get into is the drugs. But there are many other ways to get in alpha: creation, meditation, wilderness, sweatlodge, medieval cathedral, sacred cavern, menhir or long barrow

Drugs are useful only for stupid people, Juan Matus used to say. He was surely right, but alas! We are all stupid. That is why, young or old, everybody must get stoned. Refund or not, legal or not, no matter the drug, provided only that intoxication. It is useless to refuse evidence: this world we made is a sad world. Without magical horizon, we must release the pressure to avoid the big bang. In this world of speed and greed, drugs are inevitable.

The war against drugs can not be won because it is a war against human nature.

Keith Morris


The Creative Spirit

So carefully choose yours, and quickly leave it. Don’t be an addict. A light warrior can never be jailed or chained – no way. Alpha is firstly a wave emitted – or relayed? – by the brain. Alpha also means a very special euphoric, spacey, relaxing and restorative  feeling, that many of us are looking for just for fun.

The restoring side of the alpha wave is to emphasize: without REM sleep which allows alpha, a sleeper do not rest. It is not sleeping that rests us but dreaming, but the astral, but the alpha. By practicing meditation, no to mention any spiritual benefit, a body and self restorative relaxation is obtained. Physical and mental toxins are burnt. Alpha is finally another myself, it is my astral double who is materialized by issuing this particular wave in my brain. Being alpha is meeting one’s astral double. You are not made to live without your creative spirit, the alpha.

Every night, when you recover it, you recover yourself. And your precious double does its best to heal the wounds of yesterday. The next day when you wake up, your double is forgotten.

You sadly go back to work, deprived of support that would make you the being of light, this all-powerful being that you have never ceased to be. We are made to live in alpha. We have always been. But in the daylight we ever forget: so it doesn’t work. The world is a consensus: to make it existing, we all agree tuning into the same wavelength.

Together, we assemble the virtual image that, carried on by our collective intention, will soon become reality. It still remains an illusion. The “objective” reality is based on a consensus, but this consensus is based on a confusion. A little mistake that has taken enormous proportions: we confused the being with the body. We believed we were animals.  Then we believed we were material.



Zombie Kant

Forgetting spirit, we first limited to mental, then to reason only. Shall we realize at last that ‘pure reason’ isn’t the solution but the problem? Reason kills. No creativity, no love, no beauty, no fresh air ever went out pure reason. Its first prophet, old rigid frigid Immanuel Kant, did his best to disgust students of his philosophy – as far as I’m concerned he succeeded all right.

Who wants to look like zombie Kant? Who wants to be a computer, pure material robot? Forgotten is the omnipotence of the spirit. Forgotten, the light of home. 

Zombi is the term originally used in French, derived from zonbi in Haitian Creole. Zombies are imaginary, literary or graphic creatures. Malicious and ridiculous, they attack humans. When they bite them to devour them, their victims, in turn, become zombies.

This is a distortion of the myth of Dracula. Uneducated screenwriters have confused the zombie, unfortunately a very real phenomenon, with vampires, which are totally fiction. Until a Romanian came to prove me wrong, which I would gladly do without. The Haitian zombie is a very real creature, a poor human whose spirit was captured by a werewolf wizard.


Oblivion Potion

Somewhere, I am also inspired by this strange contagion to criticize the old German philosopher and his obsession with reason. It is castrating, because reductive and dangerous. Who indulges in this inclination neglects the originality of the human psyche to conform to the formal logic of computers. Forgotten, the omnipotence of the mind, the light of our origin.

At birth, we cross the Lethe river giving forgetfulness, said the ancient Greeks. Its waters contain a poison that makes amnesia. The Living, the Lord of our dreams, the Source is never far away. This is our God within, in our image, but better.

Without the Source, there would be nothing. But without anything, the Source remains.

Lao Surlam


In the subtle mechanisms of the right brain, we get a hotline with him. All the time, the line works, and we don’t care … The hotline to Him, can it be a hotline to ourselves? For He is us and not us. There is someone above us, who knows better than us, who loves us, protects us, which ensures that it reaches us what is good for us, but who cares? Ungrateful as we are, we blame Him we do not win the lottery! Would we make the same mistake as that cheap Monsieur de la Ficelle?




Chevalier de la Ficelle

All his life, Ficelle had begged the Lord to make him win the lottery, but in vain. Over the years, his faith had become so powerful that the neighbors had to close the windows not to hear him pray. One evening as Ficelle, for the umpteenth time, was yelling the same prayer, at last the Almighty spoke to him: Ficelle! The walls rattled, and neighbors cursed Ficelle.

“My dear Ficelle, says the Lord, you wear me out. You wanna win the lottery, I’m all right with it, but at least buy a ticket!

Whether money or freedom, no one can earn without paying a ticket. The bird of freedom flies straight, it does not stop. If you miss a shift, will you get a second chance? Maybe yes … probably not. Better than a lottery ticket, the good luck is with us from the beginning until the end. At any moment we can choose freedom. Awakening. Alpha. Just do a quick side step. Just leave, if only as a half sole, the absurd routine, the inhuman, robotlike manners that became the globalizable lifestyle. Global shit! 

Just tune to another wavelength, and this idiot world disappears. Farewell, Kali Yuga, Rolex watch, health business and liars! Get lost!


Delta Waves

There are other waves that the brain emits, as I said in intro. Will I ever talk about it? If the Living allows it… For now, let me say a few words about another type of cervical wave, in line with my current thinking.

Delta waves are those that have a greater wave amplitude and are related to deep sleep, without dreams. Very common in babies and young children, they become rarer as we age. Our ability to rest declines over the years.

This type of wave is mainly related to unconscious bodily activities, such as regulating heart rate or digestion.

If an electroencephalogram reveals very high Delta wave peaks, it may indicate brain injury or even ADHD. Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) is defined by the association, according to variable modalities, of a attentional deficit, motor hyperactivity and impulsivity. It appears during childhood. Its causes remain, to this day, unknown. (source)

That’s the science. There are two things: first, delta waves are very common in young children. Second, the causes of ADHD remain unknown to this day.



The Terror of the Flyers

And it inspires me the following idea. Young children often have horrible nightmares that may well be due to the Flyers’ psychic intrusion into the young brains. This intrusion would be likely to cause a very high peak of Delta wave. So the causes of ADHD would no longer be unknown, but due to these bastards of brain rapists.

I will be objected that nightmares occur in the alpha phases of sleep, as we could verify on the electro-encephalograms of sleepers. In the delta phase, brain activity shows no trace of dreams. If this fact has been verified several times, the physiology of the brain is certainly interesting, but its understanding remains incomplete. So I want to adopt another point of view.

Could we not imagine that the psi powers of the Archons do not pass through the channel of the dream? In a state of half-sleep, I could notice how they enter the body through the fontanel. The testimony of a sensitive friend was able to confirm this impression. But alas, no recording of brain activity was possible.

I myself was subject to terrible insomnia until the age of 3. My parents believed in nightmares, but was it not the targeted action of the Archons? Didn’t the psi powers I developed later come from there? Is there a correlation between early childhood nightmares and the appearance of psi powers?

The child is the father of man

Friedrich Nietzsche


Archon Brain

The fact of entering the skull of a young sleeper is undoubtedly enough to arouse in him unpleasant, even terrifying images. What do we know about the archon brain? It is reptilian, for sure, since reptiles they are. But while our reptilian brain is embryonic, I bet theirs is much more developed. Their great intelligence suggests so. However, I doubt they have a neocortex. If they have one, is it covered like ours with a dura-mater of the brain, this neural layer that I compared to a satellite dish, which it could well be, according to my hypothesis.

Surely not, since it is this power of our mind that fascinates them. According to the Gnostics, the Archons are devoid of it. Do not confuse this power of the Spirit, this connection with the transcendence that we have from birth, with the psi powers that are the prerogative of the Archons. Certainly we can develop them too, but in this field the Archons are our masters. They use it with sneaky skill to implant their distorted data directly into our consciousness — or into our unconscious?

What effects does the use of psi induce on the brain? Does it only appear on an encephalogram? I do not know if any scientific studies have been done on this. In the absence of an answer, I turn to physiologists, a discipline that I am not familiar with. If one of them reads me, let him give me what he thinks. By uniting our minds, could we give birth to a plausible hypothesis? I sincerely hope so.

We could add a new mastery to the Archons, after that of matter, that of darkness, that of the astral and that of psi powers. Archons are also masters of dreamless sleep, deep and restful sleep, body sleep and physiological functions. Here they would become the masters of Delta waves and the main cause of ADHD.




If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
Margaret Thatcher