In the 13th century, the Order of the Temple is a multinational financial and commercial, a true state within the state enriching France and neighboring countries. If there is one authority in Europe, it is this one. The Temple is very rich. He lends money to kings whose coffers are empty. Even to the popes, as ruined as kings…

Non nobis, domine, non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam ——– Not for us, Lord, not for us but for the glory of your name.

Templars’ Motto


 Blancs Manteaux

In two centuries of existence, the Temple has become a more powerful institution than most kingdoms. There are templeries in all cities of France and Europe. The Templars are known and respected everywhere. The people have nicknamed them Les chevaliers au blanc manteauthe knights with the white cloak. or simply “les Blancs Manteaux.”

Their cloak is a broad white cape seen from afar. On their armour or cotte de maille they wore a white surcot with the red cross. The branches were patted or split, of equal length, unlike that of Jesus, that of the crucifix. It does not come from this religious figure whose historical existence is not proven.

The Templar Cross

This cross comes from the Roman cult of the Undefeated Sun. It is closely linked to the story of Constantine the Great, and comes from a brilliant power mentioned by Plato, the Hyperborea spacecraft. I have told its true story here.


Prior to JC, to the emperor Constantine and to the Temple, this very ancient cross does not disappear with the Templars. It is found two centuries later, in 1492, on the sails of Christopher Columbus’ caravels. Incredible! Could it be that… ? The answer is in another article that you will read with pleasure, this episode being totally unknown.

The history we are taught is full of holes and scratches … damned copyist monks!see further


Bridges and Roads

The Templars travel on all roads, mostly on horseback. Thanks to their care, the paved roads are good. They restored the ancient Roman roads, built bridges and paved roads where there were no. Still used, the term Bridges and RoadsPonts et Chaussées is still a French administration has its origin in the time of the Blancs Manteaux.

Note that all the Templar routes converged not towards Paris but towards a port, La Rochelle. This city had the largest provincial Templar commandery and vast warehouses. These goods did not leave for England, Le Havre being much closer. Nor for the countries of the south, the port of Marseille served them. So where did they go? Where did they come from?

You will find out on October 12, in a post entitled America Was Often Discovered.


The Treasure of the Temple

Thanks to the good condition of the roads, the Knights can move quickly from one commandery to another. They carry messages, money or other goods. They circulate orders from town to town. They care for the sick: many places called The Hospital, Hospitals, Hospitalet were Templar leproseries.

In fact they perform all the tasks of public authorities, thus filling the lack of royal power due to low incomes.

Which is not the case of the Order of the Temple, far from it! This very rich order is a public service of health, charity, justice etc. The first multinational of modern times, the Temple is also a flourishing central bank that runs the European economy. The Temple’s treasury allows Crusader monarchs to finance the Crusades, and pay their ransoms if they are taken prisoner.

Its head office is a huge fortress that stretches across the centre of Paris: the Temple district. Today, only enamelled plates remain: rue du Temple, rue Vieille du Temple, rue des Blancs-Manteaux.


The Roman Christ

They are also called the poor knights of Christ, a title invented later which is doubly false. They are very rich and the Christ they serve is not JC* the imaginary one. Of the Christs, history and mythologies have known many. The Christ of the Templars is the first Roman emperor of the East, Constantine I. Its new capital will be named after it, Constantinople, which the Turks have renamed Istanbul.
*It is better to call him by his initials. They are also those of his contemporary Julius Caesar, on whose existence there is no doubt.

I tell elsewhere the true story of Constantine and the so-called tomb of Christ. A very different story from that modified by the copyists monks of the Holy Church of falsifications. The monks are subject to the superior of the monasteries, Father Abbé. He is subject to his bishop, who himself obeys the pope. And copyists write under their dictation …




The Inner Temple

The power of the Order is not only material. Those who enter it expect inner benefits. Certainly the small number of people will not have the same spiritual or financial benefits as the powerful “poor knights“. 

In the Order, behind an apparent equality, and despite the vows of poverty, there are fortunes and degrees of initiation very different. Most monks never get the title of Knight, let alone the higher ranks.

Very few leaders know all the secrets of the Order. It has been said that the official Grand Master was secretly dubbed by a real Grand Master, unknown to almost everyone, and who therefore did not risk being caught. The survival of a secret Grand Master could explain the secret survival of the Order.

This cult of secrecy and military hierarchy are found, although not quite, in the brotherhoods who claim to be their heirs, such as the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Order of Malta …

The highest initiation conferred by the Temple draws a spiritual and temporal elite, possessing the secrets of this world and the other. It represents the sacred heart of Christianity, as Sufism still remains the sacred heart of Islam.


The Case of Indulgences

These Initiated Knights weigh heavily in the fate of Europe. They control all known and unknown sea routes! Thanks to ancient portulans, they found their way back to the Americas and their treasures. They mine there.  Considerable fortunes in rare metals and precious stones are adding to the comfortable profits of their banking system, which covers all of Europe and the Near East.

Under the reign of Philip the Fair, the Temple became a state within the state, which does business… of gold. More powerful than any monarch, the Order mints money, issues promissory notes, inherits many fortunes, trades in precious stones and metals, sells remedies, lands, jewels, indulgences and spices.

Indulgences?In 1517, the monk Martin Luther posted on the door of the church of Wittenberg (Holy Roman Empire), 95 theses of which he is the author. Through these articles, he protests against the Catholic Church which, in his opinion, abuses the trust of the faithful. He particularly denounced the sale of indulgences in remission of sins; supposed to ensure the salvation of Christians by relieving their sentences in purgatory, these collections actually serve to finance the construction of the sumptuous Basilica of Saint-Pierre in Rome.
Denying the power of the church to intercede with God in favour of the Christian, Luther’s theses constitute the first step of the Reformation movement and lay the foundations of Protestantism.(source)




Employees of the Temple

The money of the Temple works four hundred different trades in its countless establishments: artisans, people of dress and men of arms, merchants, apothecaries, healers, carpenters, carpenters, cabinetmakers, ivory-makers, lapidaries, Masons, sculptors, glaziers, painters, pavers, each profession with its corporation, its rule, its uses and its three grades: apprentice, companion and master.

 At the height of their reign, the Poor Knights became builders, bankers, soldiers, highway patrols, customs officers, surgeons, doctors, hoteliers, tour operators and carriers. They maintain leprosy clinics where the most contagious patients receive care and food, even attending mass and receiving communion through a special window. The Templar ships sail the seven seas, clapping in the wind the blood-coloured cross.

The Pyre of Infamy

 This insolent success is a shame on the king of France, Philippe le Bel, the most powerful figure in Europe, before kinds, before the pope … but after the Grand Master of the Temple!

Philippe wants the end of the Temple. But Pope Clement V protects the Poor Knights. Up to a certain point… Philippe le Bel manages to turn the pope so that he ceases to protect the Temple. Despite of his name, Pope Clement will show no clemency to the Templars. He became their executioner, a sinister executor of the lowly works on behalf of the king of France.

Jacques de Molay, the last great master of the Temple, learns that a plot is being plotted against the Order. Just before his arrest, on his order, six heavy wagons under good escort leave Paris in the middle of the night by the road to the west. These chariots take the colossal treasure of the Templars to an unknown destination.

In the morning, Jacques de Molay and the main dignitaries of the Order are thrown from the bottom of the pit.  After a sordid trial of seven years, where the confessions of the knights are obtained under torture, where the worst slander is imputed to them, the Order is finally dissolved and its property confiscated.

The dignitaries, found guilty of heresy, will be burned alive on the stake on Friday, October 13, 1307.



The origin of Friday the 13th

Where does the curse of Friday the 13th come from? The attentive reader will have noticed: it comes straight from Friday, October 13, 1307, day of this pyre of infamy.

Forget all the nonsense that is being smeared by the ignorant who quote this source: Jesus crucified on a Friday. If there is a cursed Friday, we look for the 13th. Invoking the twelve apostles + Jesus to get this number is ineptitude. The apostles were not crucified with Jesus! They died in turn. Moreover, at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, Judas was absent.

So no 13 related to the death of Jesus, missing too. Everything is invented, twisted, tinkered and misadjusted in Christianity. Even his name: Christianism existed long before JC.* The cross of crucifixion is a recovery of the cross of Hyperborée that decorated all crossroads of France and Europe. This cross was so sacred to the people that we had to find a way to reintroduce it into JC’s* fiction. It is so with all the sacred notions of previous religions: to give them a meaning in the new fable.
*It is better to call him by his initials. They are also those of his contemporary Julius Caesar, on whose existence there is no doubt.

We could not continue to worship a Roman emperor who proclaimed himself christ!

The curse took place!

Thus, the origin of Friday 13th comes from the burning of shame that followed the coup de force of Philippe le Bel against the Templars, the arrest of dignitaries and the dissolution of the Order of the Temple. On Friday, October 13, 1307, Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Temple Order, was burned at the stake with the main dignitaries of the Order.

It was the end of many centuries of peace and prosperity. The 100-year war was going to engrave this cursed date in the collective unconscious of all countries concerned by the order of the Temple… including America!

But before dying, Jacques de Molay casts a curse that the flames make even more dramatic: “the Grand Master having nothing free except the tongue and almost suffocated with smoke, said aloud: ” Clement, iniquitous judge and cruel executioner, I adjourn you to appear, within forty days, before the court of the Supreme Judge.” (source)François Mézeray (1610-1683)

And Clement V died within the announced deadlines! Chance or not, over the centuries this popular legend has become a tradition. Amplified by novelist Maurice Druon, the curse will become: “Pope Clement! Knight William! King Philippe! Before a year, I call you to appear in the court of God to receive your just judgment! Damn! Damned! Cursed! Be cursed all until the thirteenth generation of your races.” (source)Maurice Druon, “Les Rois Maudits”

The count is correct. Thirteen generations, for the Bourbons, it’s Louis XVI, beheaded by the Terror. The scaffold responds to the fire. Druon adds that during the execution of Louis XVI, a man would have cried out in the crowd: “Jacques de Molay, you are avenged!” 

Even if the writer exaggerated the curse, the last Grand Master of the Order would have left, in addition to his imprecations, precise instructions for future times so that the Temple survive its dissolution. It was primarily to recover the fabulous treasure. By the way, what happened to this huge fortune?



Templars and Cathedrals


Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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