Jesus Missing


My investigation into the Jesus case, which began in 2011, continues thirteen years later. There is no shortage of twists and turns, as well as authors who take the step and make my point. Time has come to spread the word. At the end of the article, the avid reader will find links to the 24 articles already published on this incredible case lasting for two millenia.


How many archons?

In the Gospel of Judas, an apocryphal of Nag Hammadi, it reads: 

The twelve archons spoke with the twelve angels: “Let each of you […] (lines lost)

The first is Seth, called Christ
The second is Harmathoth […]
The third is Galila
The fourth is Iobel
The fifth is Adonaios

These are the five who ruled over the infernal world, and first on chaos. (source)Gospel of Judas from the codex Tchacos, 51-52, Flammarion 2006 page 53


John Lash bash

Another Christ! The first but not the last. I note John Lash’s pertinent remark: Jesus is never mentioned in any of the apocryphes. So it could be anyone. The word christ is not included either, adds Lash. There are only two letters XS. What we can not translate by Kristos, because it is Coptic, not Greek. It would have been written XC, adds John Lash who translates XS by the Revelator. Should I be touched or offended?

“In the Coptic Gnostic texts, the names of Jesus and Christ are never written in full but they are indicated by codes such as the letters IS with a line above. Scholars systematically fill the spaces, rendering IS by I(eseo)S, the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua. They take, in fact, very great literary freedoms because there is no textual evidence to infer that, in the use made by the Gnostics, the term IS indicated a historical person bearing the name of Jeseosis, Jesus.

“IS could well be translated in another way: I(asiu)S, which gives the name Iasius, the “healer”, a title rather than a common name. Nevertheless, the translators assume that IS indicates the Jesus of the New Testament. Scholars, in short, do not give us the chance to assume that IS can indicate something other than a real person whose identity is predetermined.”

“It is the same for Christ. The code for Christ is XS or sometimes XRS, which could just as well indicate Christos or even Chrestos. In Coptic, it is written XC, with a line above. X is the Greek letter Chi and C is the Coptic letter S. Scholars fill in XC so that it can make “Christ”, never “Christos” despite the fact that “Christos” is much more consistent with the final letter S.

“When XC appears, for example, in the Apocrypha of John, scholars put the Greek Christos in parentheses but translate the term codify by Christ. In doing so, they automatically identify XC with the well-known entity of John and Paul’s theology.

It is once again a literary freedom. If we consider all the Gnostic writings which argue against the redeemer of John and Paul, this equivalence is extremely doubtful.” (source)

Absolutely correct. How can I not approve? But a detail: the author seems to forget that christ, before refering to Jesus, is a title worn by a multitude of gods — true or false. Emperor Constantine I, in particular. And his eloquent apotheosis! But before him there was Lugh, Prometheus, Lucifer, Aesus, Apollo, Rama, Orpheus, Mithras

If Christianity had been arrested in its growth by some mortal disease, the world would have been mithraic.

Ernest Renan





Orpheus was Christ, and as such he descended into hell to extract his beloved Eurydice. The canonical gospels say almost the same thing about Christ Jesus. The Cathos recite it in the Creed. I believe in Jesus Christ, […] who was crucified, died and was buried, descended to hell, the third day rose from the dead…

Why would Jesus have come down to hell? Mary Magdalene was not there, as far as I know. To see the Archons? To kiss Seth? Between christs we kiss…

However, the text of the creed has just changed. The descent into hell is no longer mentioned. New scam? Since the first Sunday of Advent, 28 November 2021, the new edition of the Roman Missal in its new French translation is in use. 

The creed is modified as follows: Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he suffered his passion and was put to the tomb. [redacted] He rose up again on the third day, according to the Scriptures, and went up to heaven; he sits at the right hand of the Father. 



Let’s talk about these demons who rule the underworld. The first, Seth (in Hebrew ש ת), is the third son of Adam, a human therefore, according to the Bible:

Seth is a character in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. “He is the third child of Adam and Eve, conceived after Cain’s murder of Abel. He is an ancestor of Noah. According to the Bible, he lived 912 years.”  How could a human become an archon?

Harmathoth means the people (thoth) of Harma. As Armageddon? There is the root harm.

Galila gave its name to the Galilee, province of Palestine. It was once the land of giants. Should we conclude that the five archons were giants? Most likely.

Iobel is the Hebrew name of the Gallic god Bel/ Belenos/ Belenus. In the Gallo-Roman tradition and the pagan religion of the Celtic druids, he is closely associated with Teutates, as the readers of Asterix well know. Teutates is Teuth Hades, ie the People of Hades, god of the Greek/ Roman underworld. Must we infer that Teutates and Harmathoth are one? I am inclined to believe so … without believing it!

Adonaios is Adonai, one of the gods of the Torah. I better say one of the names of God, supposed to be unique. In the Christian Bible, this name –and all the other names– are replaced by God — French: Dieu from the Greek Theos, ie Zeus. If he is one of the five primordial archons, how could Adonai be Zeus God? Mythology is more sincere : Zeus is not unique.



What a mess!

How could one of the archons of hell be the only God? How could Adam, a man, have fathered Seth, an archon? Jesus is never named. His historical existence is more than improbable. How can he be the son of Theos, God or Zeus? Why did you choose the name of Zeus to name a single god? The gods before have nothing unique.

The Christian doxa wants Jesus to be consubstanticiel to his father. Which one? Joseph? He is only his stepfather. Our-Father-who-is-in-the-skai? If it is not him, then it is his messenger Gabriel? Was Mary fertilized by an archangel? Or by an archon? Come on! But it goes on.

Stepfather of Jesus, Joseph belongs to the line of David. How could Jesus be the son of David? By his stepfather? Curious relationship…



All this is great nonsense. The fog is dense on an invented doctrine. The badly made-up texts are obscured by bad faith and the complacency of the hierarchy. The best will in the world is no longer enough to believe such nonsense. Thus Christ reigns over chaos, he is Seth, first archon of the infernal world, so he is a bad teacher. And as Jesus calls himself to him, he is not worth much more.

How could so many errors, so many approximations have been added, subtracted and multiplied? To divide them and reduce them to powder, it is enough to submit them to a comparative examination. This is safer than the faith of the coalman.

At the end of this hecatomb, Constantine the Great remains the only historical Christ. A very provisional Christ. After the fall of the Roman empire, its statues were unpacked, painful memories of a hated dictatorship.

What to do with its churches, cathedrals, priories, monasteries, convents, abbeys, chapels, collegiate churches, colleges and all the properties of the Roman church? Hence the hypothesis of a fable tinkered late to save a Christianity without Christ. It had to be invented from very little. 



This scheme was probably carried out at the end of the Middle Ages, yet many proofs of its presence, real or imagined, appear from the first centuries of our era.

The invention of Jesus would therefore be earlier. Its composite character was shaped in the first 10 centuries, it was modified much later and continued to be so until a recent period. It is also possible that some ancient texts were falsified by the copyist monks to add the name of Jesus where it did not appear.

Until the invention of printing, the ancient texts were entrusted to copyists and illuminators who composed the books one by one in hand, under the strict control of the Roman Catholic church. It was then easy for the bishop or prior to modify the text that the monk had to copy.

To change the name of Esus, god famous at that time, it was enough for the copyists to add an I before the name of the old god so that esus becomes iesus. The trick is done, Jesus was born, hallelujah! (read more)


Thank you Osiris!

In the last century, new texts have come out of the magic hat of a god named Chance — the Osiris of the Egyptians. These are the incomplete Dead Sea and Nag Hammadi Codex from which the above excerpt comes.

Were they found to be incomplete? Were they “incomplete” to safeguard the Christian doctrine at risk?

There is no chance. Everything that happens is willed.



These codes, which fell from heaven, have been jealously preserved for several decades by… the Roman Catholic church. Who had the opportunity to make any changes deemed necessary.

One day, no doubt, someone will speak. The naked truth will come out of the well, to the displeasure of counterfeiters.

Focusing on the first five archons named above, we are already surprised that the seven forming the Weekly of the Archons are no longer five. The beginning of the text speaks of the twelve archons who meet the twelve angels. So we get lost. Five? Seven? Twelve? One should know.

If cuts and edits have been made in these codex, what incompetence! Or else was it only to amplify the confusion in order to then discredit texts by too absurd.



If the Paleo-Christianity has Christ as a figurehead, it is not about Jesus but about Constantine 1st, who borrowed from Mithra the pagan cult in fashion, that of Sol Invictus, the Sun Undefeated. Behind this curious name, it is Hyperborea that must be seen. “All the gods came from Hyperborea,” wrote Plato. These are not free statements, as we will see in the image below

This is a Paleo-Christian icon with a comment. I will decipher the image and the comment. 



Messy Beef

The monastery of Saint Sarkis is a religious building of Greek Catholic rite melkitsee further founded on the top of the mountain of Mar Sarkis which dominates Ma’loula in the north-west of Syria. This monastery-church was founded between 313 and 325 of the common era on the site of an ancient pagan temple.

This monastery is dedicated to Saint Sergius and Saint Bacchus, a Syrian officer and his companion martyred in 305 under the reign of Diocletian (284-305) because they refused to renounce their faith and perform a sacrifice in honour of the sun. (source)

The Melkite Greek Catholic Church, or Church of the RumEastern Roman Citizens Melkite Catholics, is one of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The head of the church is called the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, with residence in Damascus in Syria. It occured in the paleo-Christian era, just before Constantine the Christ, whose reign begins in 306, the year after this martyrdom.

Why were these officers martyred? Because they refused two things: to renounce their faith and to perform a sacrifice to Sol Invictus. The comments say so, but there is doubt. Was it really the Christian faith that they refused to deny? Or some other pagan faith still widespread in their time? Faced with such a scramble of cards, you must know how to doubt everything.

Doubt is an unpleasant mental state, but certainty is absurd.



The reign of Rome

Yet the holy emperor the following year will rehabilitate the cult of the Great Victorious Sun, Sol Invictus. Before he was worshipped as Christ, the Savior of men. Acclaimed as Kristos by the obedient crowd, Constantine believed he was anointed by all the former gods, from the top of their great ship hovering 200km above the north pole

All the gods came from Hyperborea.


The Catholic church is not Roman for nothing. And as long as there is a Pope in the Vatican, the reign of Rome will last.


Roman Empire



The Jesus Case