Categories: America Is Back

America Was Often Discovered


America has always been known to an elite of Africans, who have visited it at all times since the earliest antiquity — as Cheikh Anta Diop explains in his books, the Black civilization is the oldest. In 1312, the emperor of Mali Aboubakr II embarked for America to visit his ancestors. It was 180 years before the “discovery” of this continent by Columbus in 1492.


Columbus and the Templars

From ancient times, great travelers and numerous traces and artifacts indicate that America has a history much more turbulent and plural than the colonists claimed to establish their domination over the natives.

Christopher Columbus? a discoverer among many others. It’s time to reclaim the true history of the Americas …

Exhausted, thirsty, hungry, Columbus and his crew landed in the West Indies in November 1492. They never made it to the mainland. But Columbus knew very well that he had not discovered America: the Templars had entrusted him with a map showing this continent and the Atlantic Ocean Trade Route.

Decimated by Philip the Fair, the high dignitaries of the Knights Templar had found refuge in the Iberian peninsula, especially in Portugal. And there, they invented advertising sponsorship: the sails of caravels are stamped with their logo, the famous red pawn cross on a white background.


The soldiers-monks knew the route of the West IndiesAmerica for having often gone there in their heyday, when their troops were travelling along the roads of Europe and the Orient, when their ships were heading towards South America, three centuries before Columbus.


La Rochelle

Before embarking for the Atlantic continent, as the great land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean was called, Cristóbal Colón said Christopher Columbus had left Spain for a first trip to La Rochelle.

Fishing village, founded in the 10th century, La Rochelle became an important port in the 12th century. Endowed with broad «freedoms» by the Duke of Aquitaine, William X, La Rochelle is freed from feudal tutelage. In 1199, Guillaume de Montmirail becomes the first mayor of La Rochelle. (wikipedia)

William X made the city benefit of his generosity because he sympathized with the Templars. When he meets Bernard de Clairvaux, initiator of the pilgrimages, William X falls «as struck by heavenly justice, at the feet of the saint monk, face down, drooling and growling». (source) The duke becomes a protector of the White Mantle Knights. He even made a vow of pilgrimage to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle where he died in 1137.


Temple’s Silver

Enigmatic port that the English and the French have disputed, La Rochelle has only few archives of the years of the Temple. Thanks to the cult of secrecy that the White Coats knew how to surround themselves with, the Templar port kept its mystery: what destination did it serve?

Indeed for the Mediterranean, the Holy Land and Africa, the Templars had the port of Marseille. For England and northern Europe, the port of Le Havre belonged to them. Yet it is towards La Rochelle that the greatest number of routes converged, coming from the many forts and commanderies of the Temple.

Rejected by historians friends of the old lies, the explanation is very simple. La Rochelle was a major port because it commanded the sea route of the Alizées to America and its fabulous riches. Especially its silver mines. It should be noted that all around the world, there is a special word to designate currency, it is gold. In France, we call it money. It came from the money of the Temple, that money imported from the mines of South America which flooded Europe and the Middle East for two centuries and more.



Secret Maritime Charts

In this former Templar port, Columbus met the secret heirs of the navigators of the Templar fleet. They had entrusted him with the most precious of treasures, an ancient sea map, one of those famous portulans as collected by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis. See above a 17th century portulan, copy of a very ancient map on parchment or animal skin, unfortunately gone for ages. It is unfortunately doubtful that one day we can find one of these original atlanteans…

Nautical charts copied many times, the portulans come from the very first discoverers of America. These giants, who came from the previous human race, conquered the entire planet when Europe was still wild. I am talking about the Black race. The unmissable Plato mentions the two races that inhabited Atlantis: a white race and a black race

The dignitaries of the Temple, who had fled to Iberian soil, did not give only maps to Columbus. He also received the address of a guide, himself great-grandson of the last Templar navigator. Man had still crossed the ocean during the Hundred Years’ War against the Anglois.antique spelling


Logo and Sign of Rally

With these two assets, Christopher Columbus had no trouble convincing the Spanish monarchs to finance his expedition. Without the gold of Castile and Aragon, Columbus would have been unable to arm three caravels for an uncertain long-distance crossing.

But it is above all to the new Templars that the adventurer’s recognition goes. Hence the cross of the temple that adorned the sails of the three caravels, the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina. This blood-coloured cross was the sponsor’s logo. The Templars of Portugal had it on every veil.



In the time of Columbus, two centuries after the presumed extinction of the Temple, the new secret Templars remained masters of the trade routes and the riches of the Americas. Indeed, since their time and without their knowledge of the sea routes and coasts of America, no one else had risked in the adventure.

Across the Atlantic, however, Negro populations had kept the memory of the European conquerors with the cross patadas. This logo was therefore a sign of recognition for these indigenous peoples. When the Americans saw it, they would welcome these Whites, thanks to the cross of the knights in the White Coat. 


The first “discoverers”

The «discovery of America» usually corresponds to the landing, in 1492, on several American islands of the Caribbean Sea, of a crew of about one hundred people commanded by the navigator Christopher Columbus, Commissioned by the Queen of Castile Isabella I and the King of Aragon. (wikipedia)

But before Columbus, there were the Templars. Without their expertise and charts, Columbus would not have even undertaken his transatlantic journey. And before the Templars, there had been the Vikings Erik and Ullman, by the road of the Greenland. The legends of the Norse refer to the saga of these conquerors. There is also this Norse coin, found in Maine. And the remains of a perfectly identifiable drakkar. The Vikings, it is certain, “discovered” America long before Christopher Columbus.



And before them, there was the Irish monk Saint Brandan and Saint Malo of Brittany, both authentic Celts. Some authors wanted to see in Saint Brandan the white god of the Andes, Viracocha, because he spoke like Jesus. Monk Brandan would have done the same. I think this Andean episode is much older. Viracocha is another name for Enki, the Sumerian god. Viracocha settled in Tipon, under the name of Tiki.


Read Plato

And before the Irish monks, there were these Phoenicians of Tyre who went there by road from Iceland and Greenland. When Plato himself mentions the island of Atlantis, does he not refer to “the continent on the other side of the ocean“? (source)Plato, the Timaeus What continent could it be? One wonders well. Really the mystery is unbearable…

Friendly advice to historians: read Plato again. And then take an interest in the legends. The truth is hidden there. Mythologists know more about our earliest past than you do. The convergence of world myths is enough to support their veracity. Thanks to their comparative study, protohistory will no longer be a terra incognita.

According to a new study, the researchers have gained the certainty that the ancient Chinese would have discovered the American continent 2000 years before Christopher Columbus. Exchanges between Southeast Asia and the New World took place long before Christopher Columbus reached the «New World». This study is based mainly on an old map copy, drawn by Admiral Zheng in the 18th century. The original map dated to 1415, and other documents would indicate that it was itself a copy of maps dating much further back in time.


Ancient Black Civilization

Finally, and above all, we must mention the Black civilization and its advance on the rest of the world. Their mathematical, technological, architectural, artistic, intellectual, political and cultural knowledge in general has translated into the modernity of archaic Egypt, Nubian land of black race, at a time when Europeans and Asians still lived in caves.

Supporting evidence, Anta Diop demonstrates that Egypt remained a black country until the Hittite and Greek invasions. With the Celtic Druids, Egypt was the school of the Greco-Latin world. The sages of Egypt taught generations of Greeks and Romans.  We were not born in Greece, but in Egypt. Our civilisers are not white or yellow, they belong to the African black race. Racists will have to make up for it.

“The Black ignores that his ancestors, who adapted to the material conditions of the Nile Valley, are the oldest guides of humanity on the path of civilization”

Cheikh Anta Diop


Some Steps Toward the Truth

The following image will upset a story too chilly. Fossilized in stone, these footprints were discovered in 2021 in the southwestern United States, New Mexico, in White Sands National Park. They are about 23,000 years old.

Another shock. The human settlement of North America was already underway well before the end of the last ice age. “The dating of White Sands traces means that humans were present in the landscape at least 23 000 years ago, with evidence of occupation extending for approximately two millennia.”

For my part, I support the thesis of Cheikh Anta Diop. These populations were from African negritude. The olmec culture with its gigantic negroid heads does not date back to 1500 BCEBefore Common Era according to historians. The Mayan pyramids are even more recent. I believe that Peru contains much older megaliths. The Inca civilization occupied preexisting sites. How old were they?

This time, the traces dated 21,000 BCE take us far back to an American past that was believed to be untouched by human occupation. The race toward earliest times is just beginning.



American Mali

The Niggers were building large transoceanic ships even when the artificial island of Atantide had not come down from the sky. There was not this bridge described by Plato, which made it easier to explore America. Almost a contemporary of Columbus, Abu Bakari II, the emperor of Mali, once embarked to join his ancestors in America, according to his own formula. Soon we will not talk about humans in America, but about Africans. Patience.

We will have to drastically revise our racialist conceptions. Our vision of the past is racist. It is based on many lies. Another story to write. This site lays the foundation.


Open Secret

It seems that the road to the Americas has never been lost since ancient times. Otherwise, how to explain the Olmec sculptures representing Africans, Europeans and Asians on American soil of the Neolithic? Or “the traces of tobacco and cocaine, two American plants, found on the nostrils of Egyptian mummies.” (source)“When nature spoke to the Egyptians” by Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt 

The existence of this continent has always been an open secret. The Inuit, Phoenicians, Vikings, Celts, Yorubas and other seafaring peoples have not stopped moving from one shore to another. Before the flood, Plato told us, the island of Atlantis offered an easy passage between the two continents. And the disappearance of the island did not make the Atlanteans forget the way to Europe, quite the contrary. 


Star Watchers

In any case, around -8000, when the great thaw of the Würm was accelerating, the transatlantic route was known. The white gods have arrived straight on the European coast. While further south, the black gods have reached undisturbed the Yoruba country.  Let’s not forget that they had modern means of teleinformation to detect reefs, follow a course, know the strength of the winds and the power of the currents; their expertise in astronomy allowed them to do the point as if playing.

This fact is attested by the book of Enoch which calls them Watchmen because they spend their time observing the stars. According to Velikowsky, it allowed them to predict the coming of the comet that would cause the Flood.

They also had other useful powers, such as clairvoyance, vision at a distance, telepathy, the gift of healing, etc. These powers that were ours, atrophied by no using. But it is quite possible to regain these divine powers. To achieve this, the shortest way is undoubtedly awakening, this gift of Isis that makes us gods.



New Atlantis in Europe

The refugees of Atlantis, after a successful installation on the American continent, have returned to the land of Europe, their distant homeland. Off the coast of Brittany, and then on a plateau submerged by the North Sea, called Dogger Banks, they established the successive capitals of what would become the Second Atlantis, constantly reduced by rising waters.

The Bretons have kept the memory of three of them, now sunk: one off Brest, Ys the incomparable; the second in the Gulf of Morbihan, Gwened la Blanche; and the third west of the Minquiers off Erquy, Nazado la Belle. The Irish remember the White City, sunk off the coast of Connemara. The Great Britten have not forgotten the imposing white pyramid, which they place off the Scilly islands. A vision revealed to me that there is one, huge, off the Breton coast, not far from the plateau of Minquiers, in the Côtes d’Armor. Nazado? No doubt.

In the port of Erquy, a trawler proudly bears this name. It is right that legends continue. This word comes from a Latin verb form, legenda, meaning “who deserves to be read“.


Europe of the Bull


America Is Back



An initial version of this article was published in October 2015, and has been updated 38 times since then.


Xavier Séguin

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