In the USA in 2009, suicides of former GIs have killed more people than armed conflict. And it has not got better since. War kills, but the return to civilian life kills even more, in a less visible, but much slower way. The virus of murder and horrors is eating away at the body, heart and spirit of young fighters.
This article is intended for an elite group. The awakened. Those who read between the lines and understand what I can’t yet put into words. They have been following me, stubborn and supra-aware, since the first page of this saga I posted in 2008. Sixteen years ago.
On the eve of a third world war already on Europe’s doorstep, it’s high time to set the cosmic clocks back. I’ve been working on this for a long time, railing with all my might against the windmills of ignorance and complacency. Only dead souls, petty minds, world-killers and the dreamless take me for a danger.
Without knowing each other, there are many of my kind all over the world. This vast world that, since my birth, has become so small. So petty. So dirty. There are tens and thousands of us calling for a complete reversal of values. The critical path leads over the abyss. And far below ourselves.
It’s no longer enough to pray. We’ve done enough moping. We must act with serenity. In calm and joy. To be up to our necks in values that outlast gold. Goods that transcend matter. Infinitely.
owerful custom, since it still exists. Don’t tell me that human sacrifice has disappeared. The massacres continue, the mass murders are going on right now. When the survivors emerge from the mass graves, they carry with them deep scars that will never fade.
Human sacrifice is so widespread that it is readily accepted. It’s not confined to dictatorships; it’s happening everywhere, more and more often. International organizations authorize it. Ideologies glorify it. Philosophies justify it. Profits organize it and thrive on it.
What’s the big idea? There are too many of us on earth, and it’s becoming urgent to bleed the population? Human management today is as stupid as medicine was in Molière’s time: when the patient is pale and seems to have lost all strength, a good bloodletting is all that’s needed!
These days, there’s a lot of killing going on in the name of religion. Don’t point the finger at Islam, it wasn’t Muslims who started the trend of killing in the name of God. Christians had thought of it before. Remember the Templars.
The Order of the Temple was founded by Hugues de Payns, supported by a man of the cloth, Abbot Bernard de Clairvaux, who preached the Crusade under the hill of Vézelay, and who greatly inspired the harsh armies of the Crusaders.
Bernard de Fontaine, abbot of Clairvaux, was born in Fontaine-lès-Dijon in 1090 and died at Clairvaux Abbey on August 20, 1153. He was a monk from Burgundy, a reformer of religious life and a Catholic saint, a director of conscience and an important promoter of the Cistercian (or Cîteaux) order.
An indisputable figure for the Roman and Apostolic Catholic Church, the reader will judge below who we’re really dealing with. Here’s what an online encyclopedia, the very holy and very Catholic Encyclopedia Universalis, has to say about him:
Bernard was a truly holy man who sought the most severe mortification for the love of Christ, and was tirelessly active throughout his life. His keen sensitivity – which explains his most beautiful spiritual impulses and allows us to discover in him a kind of mystical sensuality – led him, on some occasions, to stiff and even violent attitudes. With his soul nourished by the lessons and allegories of Scripture, especially the Old Testament, he was a vibrant orator, both for instructing his monks at Clairvaux and for moving and drawing crowds (source).
Yes, his stiff and even violent attitudes sent to their deaths I don’t know how many who were indoctrinated to make him a Catholic saint. Halleluyah!
The Praise of the New Militia (De laude novae militiae) is a letter Bernard de Clairvaux sent to Hugues de Payns, written after the defeat of the Frankish army at the siege of Damascus in 1129. It begins as follows: “A new kind of militia is born, it is said, on earth, in the very land that the rising Sun came to visit from the heavens, so that even where he dispersed, with his mighty arm, the princes of darkness, the sword of this brave militia will soon exterminate their satellites, I mean the children of infidelity.”
Strange speech for a priest. Wait for the rest, you haven’t read the best part. Bernard is delighted that the same man devotes himself to spiritual combat as well as to the wars of the world.
“On the other hand, to wage war against vice and the devil with the sole forces of the soul is not something as extraordinary as it is praiseworthy. The world is full of monks who fight these battles; but what, for me, is as admirable as it is obviously rare, is to see the two things combined. (…)
Go into battle, then, in complete safety, and charge the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ with courage and fearlessness, since you know that neither death nor life can separate you from the love of God, which is founded on the complacency he takes in Jesus Christ, and remember these words of the Apostle, in the midst of peril: “Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” (Rom XIV, 8). What glory for those who return victorious from combat, but what happiness for those who find martyrdom! ” (source)
Utterly disgusting and totally moronic. One wonders how such bullshit could have been said. Is there the excuse of the times? Not even close. These same words are uttered every day by the henchmen of Al Quaida, AQIM, the Islamic State, Boko Haram, and other gangs of fanatics nine centuries after Bernard de Clairvaux and his immonde letter.
And it’s always the same old refrain. To make martyrs is to make happy. Chosen ones. They’ll enjoy eternal bliss in Allah’s gardens. But what if Allah changes his mind? He does. Worse still, what if God didn’t exist? Or paradise? It doesn’t matter. The martyrs won’t be coming to claim their 70 virgins.
Killing for Jesus, for Allah, for Brahma or for Money, which is a god like any other, what’s the difference? Killing for the ignoble pleasure of killing, or for the pleasure of Allah, what difference does it make? Are those we murder any less dead when we kill them for God?
Saint Bernard has an opinion on this. Yes, we’ve made a saint out of the bastard. And some “good” Catholics think I’m the conspiracy theorist!
In short, Clairvaux explains why the Knights Templar had the right to kill a human being: “The knight of Christ gives death in complete safety and receives it in even greater safety. […] Therefore, when he kills a malefactor, he is not homicide but Malicide.”
Malicide! It’s like a dream! This guy is sick! And he’s a saint! “Saints are men or women – and in some traditions angels – distinguished by various religions for their spiritual elevation and proposed to believers as models of life because of a personality trait or behavior reputed to be exemplary” Wikipedia says.
Clairvaux had a narrow escape, he could have been killed without committing the slightest homicide, just a tiny malicide. Not even that, just a cretinicide.
The right to kill has become the duty to kill. Which justifies all the massacres to come. It’s about time Saint Connard de Blairvaux had a burst of conscience!
“The war still has to be just, he adds finely. If the war isn’t just, then don’t go, the killer kills his own soul first. I know we’re not supposed to laugh, but it reminds me of the sketch about the good hunter and the bad hunter.
“Whenever you march to the enemy, you who fight in the ranks of the secular militia, you have to fear killing your soul with the same blow with which you give death to your adversary, or receiving it from his hand, in body and soul at the same time. […] Victory cannot be good when the cause of war is not good and the intention of those who wage it is not right.” (source)
There is no just war, giving death is always murder. War is always unjust. There is no just God. There are only terraformers in charge of a mission: develop this planet, refine this fifth humanity, before creating a sixth. What do they care about the individual deaths, they who did not hesitate to massacre entire races, like that of the giants, our predecessors on this planet. The former gods were great brawlers.
The fourth humanity has self-destructed in a widespread nuclear and magnetic conflict, as evidenced by many regions with high radio activity, and descriptions of its appalling arsenal. Then after them, the flood. What was done. And the bullshit of Clairvaux or Daesh is just an imitation of the infinitely good and infinitely kind Holy Models. Ah good? Yes, you ungodly bastard! Shut up and pray!
“The soldiers of Christ fight the battles of their Lord in complete safety, for they have no fear of offending God by killing an enemy, and they run no danger if they are killed themselves, since it is for Jesus Christ that they give or receive the blow of death, and not only do they not offend God, but they also acquire great glory: indeed, if they kill, it is for the Lord, and if they are killed, the Lord is for them.” (Saint Bernard)
Time is a spiral, replaying the same dishes from spiral to spiral, from era to era. What the Crusaders did, the crimes committed by the Knights Templar, are now being committed by other fanatics in the name of another god. And if there were only one? Then why fight? And if there weren’t? Then why fight? He who wields the sword will perish by the sword. He who kills out of hatred or passion has no love in his heart. And if there’s no love in him, how can the Spirit come to him?
If only a few slaughters were enough
For everything to change, for everything to work out!
Since so many “great evenings” so many heads falling,
We’d be in heaven on earth by now.
But the golden age is constantly postponed,
The gods are always thirsty, never have enough,
So death is forever starting and re-starting …
(Georges Brassens, Mourir pour des idées, 1975)
Now for the real question: what can you do to change things? Otherwise, there’s no point talking about it. We’re faced with a global malaise, which has festered into homicidal rage, and is about to ignite into a planetary furnace. We see it, we know it, what do we do? One answer, in my opinion, could be: we send love to the planet. We send it without thinking, without judging or condemning, we just love, and that’s already a lot.
Sounds ridiculous, but it is. Or it isn’t. What goes up is sacred. Everything that rises converges, Teilhard said. Everything that goes down isolates, I add. In these times of heightened hatred, offering the world that suffers our unconditional love is the most beautiful solution.
There’s a platform that makes this possible, and gives you a supportive group to boot. I’m talking about scalar emissions. Every day, between 150 and 200 people from all countries, religions, trends and colors get together on the airwaves to broadcast, blindly, all the love that drives us. I’m not saying it’s the solution; it’s just a way of taking action, rather than just talking about it.
It alone opens all doors.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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