But yes, open your eyes, the dinosaurs are among us! Very recently, Kegan, a 10-year-old girl, discovered the footprints of a rare dinosaur. By searching her garden? Cleaning a grove after a fire? Not at all. On a beach where lots of Welsh people have been wandering for years. Hard to believe, and yet!
The image in the header of the article (thanks IKS24!) represents the dino in question. It would be a Camelotia, a large herbivorous sauropod of the late Triassic, aged about 201 to 205 million years.
We know practically nothing about this large, legged snake. It is the literal translation of its Greek name, sauropod. Only a few pieces of his skeleton are known. It is not known whether he had scales or feathers. Its colour is unknown. We don’t even know if it was flying or not. We just know that it lived 200 million years ago. Plenty of time to discover them before this girl!
This is one of the prints found by Kegan, 10. Young children are crazy about dinos. Kegan recognizes that These big beasts are the great passion of Kegan. It is normal that she is more attentive than all the Welsh and their ancestors have been for… 200 million years!
As she and her mother strolled along a beach in Penarth, Glamorgan County, Wales, looking for fossils, 10-year-old Tegan stumbled across unusual holes, reports the BBC. Stunned by this discovery, the girl’s mother decided to take a picture of these items and send them to the National Museum of Cardiff paleontologist, Cindy Howell. His answer is clear and unambiguous: it’s the footprints of a dinosaur that lived on this beach more than 200 million years ago. (BBC)
In digging into the question, I found that many, many sauropod footprints are discovered each year around the world.
In France, there are hundreds of them every year.
And the majority of these discoveries are made by very young children. The photo shows a dino print discovered on a beach (again!) by a 4 year old girl. Unfortunately I do not know the place or date. But there is still the photo.
Everything happens as if the snakes on legs suddenly remember our good memory to slowly prepare their return.
Of course, these prints are not recent. But the question that can be asked about them is this: why do so many traces appear suddenly?
The sauropods, giant saurians, occupied this planet hundreds of millions of years ago. I have shown in previous articles that they ruled undivided over the fauna and flora for a much longer time than we do. Nothing to see.
I have hypothesized that if an intelligent man like Homo sapiens could evolve in a few million years, it seems doubtful that a developed, intelligent, creative saurian could not have appeared in two hundred times longer.
The big dinos are the favorites of the little ones. It looks like reptiles know, which is why they show preference in this age group.
This is only an assumption. Yet, for a few decades, the passion of sauropods knows no limits with young children, especially girls .
Are the big reptiles eating their heads to better slip into their hearts? Did they start a vast seduction operation on this target? I say that, I say nothing. But I don’t think any less.
The following image shows a site of excavations in Lozère. Who is the researcher? A researcher. Oh, right. Is she a scientist? No. A schoolgirl. Strange coincidence, isn’it? …
If my hypothesis is true, we could predict the return of the Reptilians when 4-12 years old are adults. They will then represent a significant percentage of the global population that will allow large flying dinos to land under applause.
In other countries, especially in Asia who worships the dragon, no need to seduce girls.
There are really, really big dinos. If a war is ever going to be waged against them, are we sure to win? They fly, they spit fire, and many are carnivores. In the past, they have devoured humans after roasting them and coating them with their foul saliva.
If children knew that, would they love them as much?
Here is another article that will make me look like a paranoid idiot, I do not care. I say what I think, I speak my truth loud and clear, as long as I am free to do so.
If you prefer the loop-rehashed lies, there are social networks, scientific books, encyclopedias and religions. Not to mention the bistros and politicians. And bankers. And notaries. And teachers. And cops. And troufions. And doctors. And the tooth-wrenchers. And the heart-wrenching out…
The Great Hypothesis of Slosman : under various names, Jahveh, Zeus, Ptah, Enki are one…
There are many doors to get to other worlds. Sometimes they are visible.
No matter where you are, when you pray to your god, you’ve always look at…
Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…