The Pleroma, central notion of Gnosticism, deserved to be mentioned. But I did not find the angle of attack. In his fascinating study of one of the Nag Hammadi Coptic manuscripts, John Lash makes a startling connection that made me want to write this article.


“The Archons are indeed related to us, for the Goddess is their mistress from the Pre-Existing, that is, the Pleroma. (34:8-12).”



Our goddess is also that of the Archons! Come on. She’s a reptilian like them, we are not. She has a soul like us, they have not. The Archons resemble us as if we were enemy brothers. We are alike but sooo different. The identity of opposites.

This vertiginous shortcut gave me a glimpse of a dream world. How can I resist? Leaving everything in plan on this plane of reality, I went there immediately.

The warrior who travels all along his timeline is a wall-pass that shows us the way to go.

Lao Surlam


My landing was brutal. I dive head into the heart of a muscular debate. Ancient scholars in toges are preparing to come to their hands in a whirlwind of insults and shouts where I have missed drowning. I set foot back to my time in my house on the hill.

I had to do it often to query the web and take notes. For the specific notions of Gnosis, I have used Wikipedia which I don’t like but is nevertheless very useful. Even if it indicates the south instead of the north, a compass can guide us: it is enough to take into account.


The Pre-Existing

This dizzying shortcut gave me a glimpse of a dream world. I went there immediately. That’s what I saw. Immersed in a lively debate between ancient scholars in toges, I was forced to return several times to my own time to take notes. For the specific notions of Gnosis, I have used Wikipedia which I don’t like but is still very useful. Even if it indicates the south instead of the north, a compass can guide us: it is enough to take into account.

The Pre-Existing! What is meant by this? A world outside our world, from where would superhuman entities, all powerful, come to sow this world? Of course, we must first define what is meant by world. Is it the universe, as we can hear today, or rather the earth, which was then the only known world?

Pleroma is a term from the ancient Greek (πλήρω μα) which means «fullness». It also refers to the celestial world, formed by the set of eons that the Gnostic believer thinks he will reach at the end of his earthly adventure. (wikipedia)

And you shall have the strength to understand, with all the saints, what is the breadth, length, height and depth; you shall know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, and you will enter in your fullness into all the Fullness of God. (St Paul, Epistle to the Ephesians, III, 19)



The Pleroma by Jung

Carl Gustav Jung wrote The Seven Sermons to the Dead, a Gnostic work that would come from Basilide,see further of which Jung was only the interpreter. He presents the Pleroma: “The void is both empty and full… Infinite and eternal thing, the void has no quality since it has all… This full or this empty, we call it Pleroma. In it all thought and all existence cease, since eternity and infinity have no quality. There is no living beings in it, since they should be distinct from the Pleroma with qualities that would differentiate them from him.”

When the spiritualist philosopher ventures into formal logic, his speech becomes obscured and darkness gains our confused mind. So does the mind, which scrambles with pleasure and takes pride in it. The mind is the other name of the ego. It would have been enough to say: In him cease all thought and all existence, therefore no living being.

Yet there is one, who is not in him, but next to him. Close to the non-being of the pleroma is an entity, the Creatura, which balances it. It’s a bit strange and very twisted — unless you consider that entity to be female. We know the frantic misogyny of that time. Which still lasts, alas!


Forbidden to females

The explanation seems very simple: this creature is female. For the Hebrews, that a female was at the origin of the world, their god Hashem Yahweh, humans and their people was unthinkable. There was no question of putting a woman into the Pre-existing. Even less a mighty Goddess!

It was then impossible for the ancient Hebrews to put a woman in the Pleroma. Yet in other Gnostic texts such as Pistis Sophia, it is clearly stated that the goddess, coming from the Pleroma, could instill a soul into the material body of the human created by the Archons. No gnostic is the same opinion as another, and friend Jung does not come to simplify this confusion.

This non-being of the pleroma is accompanied by an entity, the Creatura, which counterbalances it. “The Creatura is not part of the Pleroma, it has its own existence. The Creatura is the only stable and certain thing, because it is imprinted with quality, plus, it is the very quality. Our deep, intimate nature is differentiation. We are the very principle of it, and we proceed from a process of Creation. To leave this necessary differentiation would lead us to dissolution. It is not differentiation that we must strive for, but our own difference.”



Pleroma and shakti

The Creatura is, so to speak, the consort of the Pleroma. She is his shakti, in which I cannot help but recognize the Great Goddess. The Gnostics professed an excessive sexism, denying women the place that is due to them. Thereafter, this frightening misogyny has only grown and become ugly.

I confess that I do not understand. Any thought, any behaviour that belittles the woman seems to me not only offensive but totally inept. History and experience show us enough that women are our natural leaders, we humans. What would we be without them?

It’s simple: we wouldn’t. If we are unable to admit such an evidence, it is impossible for us to look at the world and its phenomena with a neutral and benevolent gaze. Hence the universal discord, hatred, sadism, wars and massacres of all kinds.


Jung and Basilide

Basilides was a Paleochristian philosopher and theologian who taught in Alexandria at the beginning of the 2nd century. It is considered the first historical gnostic. His teaching is of an absolute pessimism, and opposes the world of men, irremediably deficient, and the God of Good absolutely inaccessible.

World and God are separated by three hundred sixty-five heavens, the ultimate of which is the Holy Spirit who constitutes the limit of the upper world. Only insiders with the knowledge of secret passwords can overcome the obstacles of the evil powers. God, beyond all beings, is in himself a «non-being» where the seed of the world is created, a genetic program of an inescapable determinism. (wikipedia)

Although the historical existence of Basilides is clearly proven,unlike that of Jesus! we have very few texts attesting to his doctrine. So I suspect that Master Jung has embroidered a little on a very cowardly frame, and to expose his point of view under the cover of that of an ancient great name. How could I be angry with him, me who does nothing else? It is true that in me the storyteller takes precedence over the philosopher…

Jung was a seer and a perceptive clairvoyant. Who says he couldn’t venture into the timeline himself? An exploit that the inept Freud was incapable of.



The Archons by Lash

John Lamb Lash, born in 1945 in Maine, is an American author and scholar of comparative mythology. Described as the true successor of the American mythologist Joseph Campbell, John teaches mythology, gnosticism, pre-Christian mysteries. He has traveled around the world and lived in Japan, the UK, Greece, Norway, France, Spain and Belgium. (wikipedia)

Lash is a gnostic, and not least: he is a convinced adept. His definition of Gnosis is: A genuine and constantly evolving revelation. The best way to approach Gnosticism is through the vision of the heart, in which this revelation lives a perpetual birth process.

According to the 2nd century Gnosis, the Archons are the masters of darkness, matter and sleep. Very old inhabitants of this planet, they made it welcoming and beautiful. They wanted to put a divine being there, they could only create our material body. The Great Goddess and her Archangels completed the work by giving us the Spirit. Thus we are both Archons and Archangels. (read more)


Kristos or Revelator?

In a previous study, The Archons by John Lash, I highlighted the convergence of views between Lash and myself regarding the historical non-existence of Jesus. Lash has a huge advantage over your servant, he reads Coptic. This allows him to affirm that Jesus is not mentioned in any of the oldest and most reliable apocryphal gospels, dating from the 2nd and 3rd century CE. The canonical gospels, the only ones that are recognized by the Catholic church, were written a thousand years later, around the 13th century. One can rightly doubt their authenticity. Well fol is who trusts it.

Common misogyny
Francis I is known for his unbridled love life. Eager to leave a trace of his spite after the change of mood of one of his many conquests, he would have engraved these two verses: “Often woman varies/ Well fol is who trusts it” on the window of his room in Chambord. The story does not tell which trick the king played on the beauty so that she turned away from him …

Jesus is therefore not found in the Coptic gospels. The word christ does not appear either. Huge revelation, thank you very much Mr. Lash! You are a textual confirmation of my visions.

Thus John Lash will never say Jesus or Christ in his lessons, but the Revelator. For him, this word expresses the original text as close as possible. A revelator that I will translate into the language of the former gods: the one who removes the veil of Isis.


The initials XS

In the Coptic text, this clairvoyant is designated by two letters, XS, which the Vatican researchers have translated as Kristos. John Lash explain that they were wrong … intentionally or not. XS could be translated as Kristos if it was a Greek text. But in Coptic, kristos is written XC.

All this to tell you that there is no Christ and even less of Jesus in the texts of Nag Hammadi. On the other hand, the Archons are abundantly mentioned. And I too, in all modesty, since my name is Xavier Séguin.

In response to this relevant criticism, a modern icon makes a deliberate mistake by replacing the initials XS of the original Coptic text with XC next to the (imaginary) christ in medallion under the giant archangels — shall I say the giant archons?



Who are these archons? Angels or demons? I seriously ask myself the question since I found in the canonical gospel of John this expression that nailed me the thing: The archon Michael. Or the archon Gabriel. Amazing, right? Are archons and archangels the same? In ancient Greek, archonte means the administrator. The patron, what. It is true that the archons are undoubtedly our masters.


Yaldabaoth the Demiurge

Yaldabaoth (son of chaos) or Sabaoth (god of armies) is the name of the evil demiurge in Gnostic traditions, for example among the Nicolaitans and Séthians. It has been assimilated to the Hebrew Yahweh, the Greek Kronos, and other equivalents in other cosmogonies.

There is no single god for the Gnostics. They believe that Yaldabaoth is a deity emanated from the true God. The demiurge is the cause of evil by its disastrous creation that mixed matter with the divine spark.

The Archons are, in Gnosticism and closely related religions, the builders of the physical universe. Among the Archonts, Ophites, Sethians and in the writings of Nag Hammadi’s Library, the Archons are rulers, each being related to one of the seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm. (wikipedia)


The Weekly

The Weekly is the name of the seven archons each correlated to one of the seven planets in the solar system. Which clearly means that they did not create the entire material universe, but only our star system, with a serious error: These fools think the moon is a planet!

Seven planets, 365 heavens between the World and God, actually the Gnostics measured everything in terms of our planet. The earth was the totality for them.

When we read that the Weekly prevents souls from leaving the material kingdom, it fixes us only on the solar system. Everything happens as if there was no matter elsewhere…


The Seven Rishis

So far, despite the progress of our astronautics, we have remained very well in our star system. The other stars are still out of range. Will it be the same when we try to go there? Will they let us do it, thus invalidating the elucubrations of the Gnosis? In short, all this seems to me to be shaky and shot in the dark space.

When we read that they prevent souls from leaving the material kingdom, they only fix us on the solar system. So far, despite the progress of our astronautics, we have remained there, wisely. Will it be the same when we try to get out? Will they let us do it, thus invalidating the elucubrations of the Gnosis? 

These seven archons remind me irresistibly of seven other divine or quasi-divine creatures, the Seven Rishis. They play a role equivalent to the seven archons in the Hindu tradition. A culture correlated with ours, through the Indo-European porosity.



The Hollow Earth

If they exist, these archons are sort of demons. The underworld they inhabit, this vast empty space in the center of the earth, is not it the hell of the Christians, avatar of the Greco-Latin Hells?

If they are demons, why do the gospels equate them with archangels? Apparently these are servants of the gods. Or of the Goddess. Both of them are reptilians, but that doesn’t prove anything. In this part of the Milky Way, it seems that the Reptilians dominate the other species.

Now remember the Tarot of Marseilles. The arcana XV The Devil is not a bad one, since it expresses the kundalini rise and the opening of the first six chakras. These energy rises are part of the best occurences of life.


The Greater Elsewhere

While the Archons are the builders of matter, all-powerful in this domain only, the Goddess comes from the Preexistent. It would be an uncreated outside our universe. I had this waking dream in a completely different context. I have known immense beings who were like us as brothers and sisters. They are really the creators of our physical universe. But they have nothing of reptilian.

They were doing fun physics experiments in an inconceivable lab. And there, before my eyes, they blow something really powerful. They are unharmed, but very surprised. In my mind, I witness the first moments of our universe.

These massive humanoid giants are the authors of the Big Bang.


The Big Band is an Accident

Sorry, eminent Physicists, the Big Bang is not the beginning, but a peripetie within a continuing creation, to use an expression dear to René Descartes. The result of a fun, surprising experiment is true, especially for me. But all in all insignificant.

Surely these Gentlemen-Lady inhabit the Pre-Existing, the Pleroma. They existed long before our world arose from this fortuitous explosion. They will exist long after our universe has died out, when all matter will have disappeared with it.

Then and forever the reign of the immaterial will shine.


Let the Intangible Come

Yes, let its reign come. May it vivify this planet so beautiful that we turn so ugly. May he make disappear forever all traces of our iniquity, perversity, bestiality, obscurity, superficiality, stupidity, nullity, materiality. May it give us back to ourselves, restore our true nature, spiritual, immortal, eternal, immaterial. So that finally love brings amenity, AMEN


Our Virgin Mother





Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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