Two Christianisms
We are dealing with two Christianisms in Britain, the British and the Celts.
We are dealing with two Christianisms in Britain, the British and the Celts.
This large carved stone poses a host of questions to which I will try to answer.
“Pharaonic Egypt is an African civilization, developed in Africa by Africans”:
You know the seven chakras on the body of energy. What about the others?
Who dug these underground cities and what for?
“I have raised women! I have dared flames!” (Cahiers Ficelle, unpublished)
A book that shook a whole generation, mine, that of powdery feet in search of absolute.
You know you are unique. Do you know you are three in one ?
O Isis, O lightning that turns into god, extend your blessing on your planet Earth.
This is a very special page. Don’t miss the pale blue words. Translate. Meditate.
Adapa is a perfect Homo sapiens created by Enki as a prototype of a coming race
Apollo is the god to whom the Greeks and Romans have consecrated the most altars and temples.
For the past sixteen years, I dedicate myself to one purpose, raising the level of global consciousness.
You are more and more people to enjoy it, act with me. Help me to help you.
Thank you very much!
Many authors speak at the bottom of the pages of Eden Saga. All site quotes are now grouped in random order. See them by clicking here.
You should always be drunk. So as not to feel Time’s horrible burden which breaks your shoulders and bows you down, you must get drunk without cease. With wine, poetry, or virtue as you choose. But get drunk.