Fifteen Chakras

In a previous version, this article was called The 14 chakras. Everything increases, now chakras are 15.


You know the seven chakras that pulsate on the body of energy. But the extended range covers two octaves: the chakras are then fourteen in number.


Two Octaves, Seven Notes

You wonder why I’m talking about octaves when it comes to chakras. I established a correspondence that seems obvious to me between the chakras and the notes of the range. This is how I name them abbreviated, by the letter code which indicates the note in English speaking countries. I have already had the opportunity to say and show that French is an initiatory language. You will have the opportunity to check it again in this article.

Here is the equivalence between the international notation of musical notes, and the Italian-French notation:
C = ut
D = re
E = mi
F = fa
G = sol
A = la
B = si

These names come from a religious Latin song, more precisely the hymn to St. John the Baptist. It was Guido d’Arezzo who named them using the initials of the seven sentences composing the hymn:

Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti
Labii reatum,
Sancte Iohannes

Which means:
So that your faithful may sing the wonders of your gestures in a relaxed voice, clean up the fault of their stained lip, O Saint John, O Lord.

My comments : 
The C top is a transformation from the bottom one, Ut, which becomes Do of Dominus. I mention fifteen chakras. Others do exist, these fourteen are only the main ones. In the diagram, we see that the intervals between the chakras are far from being as regular as the intervals between the musical notes.

Listen listen: 
Those who thought there was a tiny bit of a tone separating the F sharp from the G flat, this piano keyboard will cover them with shame. My absolute ear lyies. (Lost in translation)“mon oreille absolue ment.”



Many Chakras

I have mentioned fifteen chakras. There are others, these are only the main ones. On the diagram, we see that the intervals between the chakras are far from as regular as the intervals between the notes of music.

Yet I persist in this equivalence. The chakras emit vibrations that correspond to the notes of the Western scale.

In other countries, particularly in Asia, the range is different. I leave it to the Asians to make a transposition that speaks to them more.

The diagram shows a human being with seven main chakras A, B, D, D, E, F, G and six others below the base chakra: knees H H, ankles I I, and soles J J.

Two major chakras or ramus chakras are above the physical body, K and L on my diagram. They are located on the second and third subtle-bodies respectively.

Two tertiary chakras or root chakras are visible below the physical body, M and N on my diagram. They are also located on the second and third subtle-bodies.

Before going further, I would like to emphasize the balance of the top and bottom: the two major chakras in the upper part of the aura correspond to the two tertiary chakras in the lower part. Thus is the wise precept of the Emerald Table: what is above is as what is below.


The awakening of chakras

The major chakras as their symmetrical tertiary chakras do not appear in all humans. They only manifest in the awakened ones. There are other chakras above the two major chakras and below the two tertiary chakras. These chakras only appear in beings who have reached the third stage of awakening or a higher stage.

In fact I wonder if the great awakened ones like the Buddhas or the Bodhisattvas do not possess a very large number of major chakras and the same large number of tertiary chakras.

When their ramshackles reach the Great Bear, could it be that their roots sink down to the Southern Cross? Alas, my present life will be a few centuries away from reaching such an awakening stage. I have only an astral answer to that question. Yes.


Seven main chakras

These chakras were the subject of a previous article to which I invite you to read. I will come back briefly. From the bottom up, we have A, the base center. It’s the vril power pump that powers the entire energy scheme. This pump vril is assisted in its task by a secondary chakra, the soles of the feet, marked J and J. It supplanpardon! almost the Hindu base centre, Muladhara.See below

Above A, B is the sexual centre. In my practice of reki, the sexual center is intimately connected to another secondary chakra, that of the ankles, noted in I and I on my diagram.

Above B is the centre of the belly, noted C. It is the hara of the Japanese. It manages self-affirmation, confidence, aplomb. Those who suffer from excessive shyness will benefit from a rebalancing of the energy circulation to this chakra, followed by a belly massage.



Higher up comes the center of the heart D, located at the heart plexus. In my practice of reki, the heart center is closely connected to the secondary chakra of the knees, H and H. The opening of the heart is the prerequisite for all inner life. Only those who have had their hearts broken, torn, crumbled, blown up are finally able to love. Those who never believed in dying through the loss of a loved one do not know absolute love. This love, Castaneda calls it the path of heart. It leads to the Way more surely than any other.


Higher up, it is the center of the throat E which presides over the magic. The sacred chant, the enchanting speech, the energy of the spoken word as well as all the sound magic are governed by the opening of this chakra. The throat centre is connected to the top chakra, the gate of heaven, located at the top of the aura and marked L on the diagram.


The Third Eye

Even higher is the third eye, marked F, which opens clairvoyance, clear hearing and immediate knowledge. This chakra is connected with the first major K chakra.

When the third eye is wide open, the head is empty as if by magic. The machine to fantasies and the factory to thoughts are on strike. Believe me, it’s relaxing.

Then come visions, premonitions, prophecies. The Spirit comes into us and drives out the mind, another name for the ego. The spirit vivifies the body that has awakened as the lower chakras have opened.

At the top of the skull is the crown chakra, at the fontanel G. When the crown falls, the fontanel opens wide, it is awakening. Your body becomes the House-God. That’s for the most famous chakras.


Two Major Chakras

Two, the K-Vibrator and the L-Stargate, are named major, not because the others would be minor, but because they are in a dominant position in the aura, just above the fontanel. They are thus constantly watered by the flow that flows from it, and at the same time which is engulfed in it, for the flux of awakening is a two-way movement. It is felt as an aspiration as well as an absorption, that of a powerful flow coming from above. The upward flow amazes and makes you say thank you. The downward flow cleans and regenerates.


The Vibrator K

The function of the Vibrator is to activate the circulation of the wake-up flows from and received by the fontanel. It is a bit the counterpart of the basic center that pumps the telluric energy. But it is largely ignored by most practitioners. Sometimes I wonder if these people are really sensitive. When I watch them work, when I listen to them talk about it, I ask myself the question.

The opening of the vibrating chakra corresponds to the second degree of awakening. An optimal vibrator does a prodigious job. It activates everything. For many of us, the Vibrator is lazy when it’s open. Often it isn’t. When asleep, it does not help the flow of cosmo-telluric vril, it can even hinder the process. Bright and alert, the Vibrator makes the eyes shine, the aura, the skin can even become luminescent. The Sons of the Sun and other gods before had a transparent skin that shone even in broad daylight. It is an effect of the hyper brightness of the aura. And this is due to the action of the Vibrator.


The Stargate L

The Stargate chakra is called Heavens Door sometimes. This poweful chakra opens to the third degree of awakening. Its name speaks volumes: a program called Starwhispering. There is no need to deflower this sublime effusion with the usual, worn-out words. They could not describe a single petal of this lotus which counts one hundred thousand. Just know that there is nothing more enjoyable than to walk through that door. All your life, you have carried this door out of your reach, yet close to you in your aura. Right above the top of your skull. Let’s say distance of hat.

In our hyper-intellect era, we have lost consciousness of our body. And when I say ‘we’ I’m talking about our heads. Everything happens in the head, everything comes from it, even our dreams. I am talking about ordinary dreams. Castaneda’s controlled dreams come from the belly.

The head is the leader. The real boss in the place. Yes, the head comes first, you silly head.


Secondary Chakras

I baptize secondary, it does not mean they are less important. On the contrary. They are too often neglected, which is unfortunate and damaging. Noted in blue, these are the knees, calves and soles of the feet. As we see, they are not only secondary, but double. The energetic pattern of the caduceus does not apply to them. No more than major chakram. It is necessary to feel and visualize another circulation of the vril, the practice can lead to it.

Under the base center, the main vril pump, is a set of chakras that activate two other vril pumps, the soles of both feet. The raw energy of the vril is transformed by the ankles then by the knees, before joining the central flow which originates with the perineum, base center. The cosmo-telluric energy enters only through the perineum.

The soles of the feet are connected to the base center because they perform the same work of energy pumping. My reki sessions always start with taking in hands the bare feet of the patient lying on the massage table. So I communicate a powerful energetic flow that will shine the blocking points, sleeping chakras, blocked sections, etc.

The ankles are connected to the sexual center. Knees in the center of the belly. In the knees are concentrated all engrams related to tenderness in one form or another. A knee massage may well cause tears in people who have suffered in childhood from a serious lack of tenderness.

Please note the word sole sounds like the music note G — French: sol. Feet soles are at ground level, French sol, like the music note again.



Tertiary chakras

The tertiary chakram are the Black F anchor, and the black E root. As a counterpart to the major chakras, these two chakras are under our feet, in the part of our aura that sinks under the ground. The material does not stop the radiation.

Ghosts and astral bodies pass through walls, mountains and even the sun. Why would you want the aura to stop at ground level? It is all around us, in the air, the sea or hard matter. She does not care. It is our soul, it surrounds us. The poor laws of physics have no effect on it. On the contrary, it has effects on the laws of physics.


The Anchorage

The anchorage chakra has an eloquent name, too. It sets us in a subtle position where it is easy to pump telluric energy through the soles of the feet, but also through the basic chakra. The subtle pumping will be much more effective when on the earth, rather than cement or tar. Stone, provided it is polarized, has many advantages in this necessary energy absorption. The bare feet, placed directly on these sensitive surfaces, are an additional asset. To fully feel the strongest energy flow in the world, namely that of the eye of the labyrinth of the cathedral of Chartres, I have repeatedly experienced this asset. Wear barefoot shoes, easy to remove when you go there; it’s more discreet than having to take off closed shoes and socks!

About labyrinth, notice to my friends Bretons: that of the cathedral of Guingamp worth the detour, if not the trip like that of Chartres. It is under the porch of the commercial street, unfortunately in the passage of the entrance, but that does not prevent it from sending you high. After the test, pls email me to describe your feelings. I am fond of all sharing of experiences.


The Roots

Finally the Roots are the subtle part of being that sinks deeply into the infra-world. Their role is controversial. Through them, the creatures of the infra-world have the good luck to rise to our level, which is even inside our aura and our subtle and physical bodies.

When I understood this phenomenon, I decided to close this passage that I called the trapdoor of the cellar. I wanted no more crap to rise in me and poison existence. The crap in question is nothing but the allies of nagualism.




My benefactor had two allies, a man-door straight out of Castaneda, and the gray man of the Val without return, in the forest of Brocéliande. Both were frightening, and Flornoy did not hesitate to take them out of his flask at the right moment. The terror that then seized the audience seemed to delight him greatly. I had one too, at least I was criticized. Terrifying, this monster was coming out of my head when I got angry. I am cured now, I gave him his freedom in Val without return, precisely. This place is a negative pole that holds the entities of the infra-world, as the fairy Morgane wanted.

You do not have to close the cellar door, Flornoy told me. Lower creatures need it to climb. What would we say if all ascension was forbidden to us? For the inorganic, to rise to our level corresponds to the awakening. It is unfair and cruel to deprive them of it. The key is to let them climb and not hold them in us. Let them continue their ascent without worrying about the wizard who pulled them from their depths.


Muladhara or Feet Soles?

What is above is like what is below. The more the tree grows, extending its branches to the sky, the more its roots sink far into the earth. That’s why I named this tertiary chakra Roots. I know that name is confusing. For the Hindus, “the root chakra, also called Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the first chakra at the perineum, which is located at the base of the spine and is turned towards the ground. the life and the seat of the Kundalini, rolled up on itself like a snake.” (source)

This applies only to contemporary Hinduism. The Hindu science of the chakras has become the pale reflection of what it once was, when Prince Rama of Hyperborea taught it to humans. The root located at the perineum is valid for the yogi in the position of the lotus who spend his life sitting on his ass. But for the warrior who has legs and uses them, the roots are lower.

Our feet have a soleFrench: plante des pieds – soles of the feet and this plant needs roots.






Individual Internship

The different rekis I practice incorporate my most recent discoveries. For more information, contact me, ask your questions, I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Listen to your body. What you don’t know, your body knows.
Jean-Claude Flornoy