With the Kabir or Cabeiri, we enter an even more secret page of the hidden story. The epic of cabrios remains largely unknown, like the thousand facets of the great Rama of Hyperborea. Knowing that few of us can grasp its scope, I speak of it, however, because nothing hidden can remain hidden.
Some readers do not understand my interest in protohistory. Do they want me to stay focused on personal development? For me, both are necessary and complementary. If I am free to say everything, the order in which I treat the subjects does not belong to me. It is imposed on me through a sense of urgency and necessity from which I couln’t escape. Duly noted.
A first version of this article was published on May 4, 2019. New information has reached me, so I am required to post the following on May 4, 2023.
The Cabires are minor deities in several places of Greece, and especially in the islands of Samothrace, Lemnos and Imbros. Their cult at Mysteries was imported to Greece by the Phoenicians. These deities were later modified by merging with the Pelasgian gods, the famous People of the Sea led by Rama the conqueror. The Cabire gods then became protectors of navigation.
The high priest of the Cabiric cult, called Eues, received the confession of those who were initiated. The last ceremony of initiation, which opened to the initiate the access of the mysteries, was called thronism: the initiate, after having suffered the most terrible trials, sat on a throne bursting with light, his forehead covered with a veil, crowned with an olive branch and girded with a sash, while all the priests and mysteries, holding hands, performed symbolic dances around him. (mytheslegendes.com/mythologie-des-mysteres-cabires)
The mysteries remain one of the practices of the Greek religion that we have great difficulty understanding because of the silence imposed on the initiates, which they have most often kept well. Gravis is culpa tacenda loqui, Ovide said about the mysteries of Samothrace. (persee.fr)
In the various shrines dedicated to the Cabires were found many vases and chalices, as well as a very large number of statuettes: satyrs, characters of the Dyonisiak cult, as well as a crowd of young people dressed in a long coat. Do they come to offer a sacrifice — that of a lamb since we are in the rituals at Ram the Ram of Armor — or are they themselves the sacrificial victims?
This cult was reserved for males, young or old. Women are not present in the trials endured by the mysteries, which implies that they did not take part in the initiation. When female characters appear, they are men wearing masks and dressed as women. (persee.fr)
When seeking the content of the mysteries of Samothrace, one should never ignore an essential aspect of the revelation which concerned the
metal powers, such an important moment of initiation that all, it seems, even slaves, received, at least in Roman times, a ring of
magnetic iron that some set with gold? (persee.fr)
The magnet was long known at that time as it had been taught to humans by the gods, who made constant use of it. I explained how the polymetallic engine of the Atlanteans worked, as well as the metal alloy hulls that had the property of repelling water, thus eliminating the friction of it against the hull. These hyper-fast ships could reach speeds that leave us dreaming. And whose technology reminds us that we are neither the first nor the most advanced of Terra’s beings.
Before becoming minor Greek deities and being the object of a cult with mysteries, the Cabires had their own existence whose legend attests to a very high level in the divine hierarchy. They were astronomers and fertility engineers, to make it clear: master geneticists from the bottom of the space. Their secret cult was celebrated in Ireland by Tuatha de Danaan, and in Greece in Samothrace, Lemnos and Imbros.
The Tuatha de Danaan, remember, were giants themselves. They descended in a straight line from the Hyperboreans – if not Hyperboreans themselves. “Gods” in any case, ie all powerful beings, omniscient, capable of prowess in our eyes of puny humans. This gives the Kabir a very great importance, since the quasi-divine Hyperboreans devoted to them a secret cult. Several initiates see in the mysterious Cabires the first terraformers of this planet, previous to the Elohim – and possibly greater than them. This is also the opinion of the Breton scholar Jean Ciril, author of the annotations in Alfred Weysen’s book, L’île des veilleurs.
In principle – difficult to be assertive about them! – the Kabir were four males, Axiocercus and his son Cadmilus; two females, Axiera and Axiocersa. My interpretation is: Axiera is the very first Great Goddess. The next generation is embodied by the couple Axiocersa and Axiocercus. The third generation by their son Cadmilus. The latter is called a diminutive. Cadmilus can read “the little Cadmos”. It is possible that his father was called, not Axiocercus, but Cadmos, while this name was spread in mythological Greece.
Cabires (or Kabir) were Hellenic deities (Greek mythology), whose origin, true nature and various transformations offer the historian of ancient religions one of the most difficult and interesting problems.
Their name meets, for the first time, in the fourth century BC, in a fragment of Pindar (source)Hippolyte, Ref. Hoer., V, 7, p. 136 Until the time of Epaminondas, they remain mingled in the crowd of demons, personification of the physical forces, that the progress of the philosophical ideas and the development of the religious sense have transformed little divinities of the moral world.
From that moment until the fall of paganism, they were made important, if not superior, to the most eminent personalities of the Hellenic pantheon; they resemble a mysterious cult, rival of the most famous and most respected, of the cult of Eleusis.
In my opinion, as you can imagine, the Kabir are not personifications of the physical forces, they were the physical forces themselves. The Kabir were capable at will of triggering the worst storms by the control of the electronics and thus of the planetary meteorology, to make fall the lightning – or its technological equivalent – to their liking where they wish by the control of the fulgurology, to trigger floods on this or that part of the globe by controlling the climatology, to move mountains or to build pyramids by controlling gravity, to heal from a distance by controlling radiation and scalar waves, to kill or to injure remotely by the same mastery, to resuscitate the dead by mastering electro-bionics and the invisible, to change their appearance through molecular control, to appear and disappear, to show themselves to two places at the same time, by mastering ubiquity and space-time, changing time, planet, plan, rejuvenate or age, grow or shrink, change sex etc.
How not to take them for all-powerful gods? The heroes, the demi-gods, the devas, the angels, the giants, the patriarchs, all beings much more powerful than us, have been taken for gods and venerated as such. Yet I tell you, they are not God. They are not the Source. They are God’s servants, if you will. Just like us. No more no less.
“The etymologies of the name Cabire are very numerous, but they all tend towards a higher value indicating the dawn and the consciousness.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq
Kabir in Sumer refers to the beak of the bird. In one of the languages of the Indian peninsula, Kabir means big. The root cabi, kapi, kap is found in many ancient languages to designate the chief. Caput, in Latin the head, gave the German Kapo, the Italian Capo and the French Corporal.
Kabar is the Sumerian name of Cyprus, in India Kabara is the braid, the beautiful hair, in Hebrew K is the almighty god, in the same language KB is the female gender, the matrix. there is also Kabir, great or leader.For the Greek world, Kaberia refers to the violent headache that Zeus felt when he had to give birth to Athena. (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq
In the mystery cult of Thebes, one of the deities assimilated to the Cabires is the great Prometheus, a master geneticist himself and the most brilliant, since his uncle Zeus entrusted him with the important task of creating our human race. His cousin Athena, daughter of Zeus, assisted him in his research. Seeing the perfection of the last Adam that he had conceived, Athena begs Prometheus to give her a soul, contrary to the previous attempts which were devoid of it.
Thus this particularly successful model would benefit from an access to transcendence, like the gods themselves, and thus from the possibility of becoming gods in their turn. This is our sacred task on this earth, to be performed in the time allotted to us.
It will be remembered that Zeus was the father and mother of Athena, who, according to legend, came out of his father’s head. We are too used to interpreting myths as fabrics of fariboles. We must put ourselves in the place of the ignorant who were the first witnesses of these extraordinary facts. How could they tell them to others? How has this story been mutilated by centuries? The first results must then be cross-checked in the light of another mythological source, geographically distant if possible.
In the jubilant case of Athena’s birth, I explained elsewhere that her daughter was born in a test tube, entirely conceived by her father’s brain, and brilliant application of the eugenic genetics of the prior gods. Jubilatory, because that makes sense. Zeus has engrossed a good hundred human, nymphs and goddesses, probably much more given the length … of his reign. But not only.
Human models, he also invented thousands in his genetics lab. And then clones. Duplicates Twins. Athena had as many as three hundred models, connected to her, and absolutely indistinguishable from herself. Holy name of Zeus! They were all called Athena, but they were recognizable by subtle inflections of the tonic accent that differentiated the three hundred homonyms.
They materialized in adolescence, and only aged very slowly, and very slowly. No baby Athena, it never existed. An Athena teen, then young adult. Never old, either. They were destined for warlike functions and showed serious gifts for tactics, strategy, psychology, and the art of influencing crowds. Without stopping, Zeus was trying to improve his model.
But his greatest success, at the conception of which all the gods participated, each in his chosen field, is undoubtedly Pandora — the bellissima. Her name means “all gifted”. She was more beautiful than Venus the most beautiful goddess ; smarter than the mighty Juno / Hera, head of the divine government of Olympus in Hyperborea ; more magical, sexier, closer ; more distant, more attractive, more attracted ; more lovable, more solid, sweeter, and stronger ; such was the magnificent Pandora, all gifted, all gilded, so much gifted.
You won’t be surprised if that feat did not please Zeus’ legitimate, all-powerful Juno / Hera. The jolly good fellow has deceived her millions of times with a total lack of shame. This time, it was too much. Hera will act …
Kabir is also cabri, which means goat in many languages. Kabir belongs to Capricorn or Aries. “Ab Ram, by sacrificing a ram, gives their name to the Arabs Ab Ram – the shining ram – ancient name of the Aramean Arabs with Eber and Kabiru, their names in Egypt. Ab-Ram, son of Ram the Aries.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 By genetics or according to the flesh.
“In Greece, Kabiria was the island of Demeter whose Cabires keep and reveal the secrets of life.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.92 It is even possible that celery was also used during the ritual of “mysteries” celebrated in the ancient city of Thebes and in the islands of Samothrace and Lemnos in honor of the Chtonian deities called Cabires.
“In the Arab world, the Kaaba protects the black stone in Mecca, the holy city. Akhbar is the name of Allah and the plural, the superlative of Kabir.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.92 Incredible! As if we said Allah the Kabirest. Powerful among the powerful. I leave to the author Alfred Weysen the entire responsibility for this etymology which I cannot help but find nice. In India, there is also Kabir, great or chief.
Please back to the meaning of the name Kabir or Cabire. “In Greece again, Kabiria was the island of Deneter whose Cabries ganrdent and reveal the secrets of life.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq It is even possible that celery was also used during the ritual of “mysteries” celebrated in the ancient city of Thebes and in the islands of Samothrace and Lemnos in honor of the chtonian deities called Kabir.
“In the Arab world, the Kaaba protects the black stone in Mecca, the holy city, Akhbar is the name of Allah and the plural, the superlative of Kabir.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq Incredible! As if we said Allah Cabirissime. Powerful on the powerful. I leave it to the authorAlfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq the entire responsibility of this etymology that I can not help but find pretty.
“In Egypt, the seven planetary cabins, symbols of the Great Bear, pillar axis of Heaven, are brought back to Ptah, father of the Cabries.The seven gods of first order give birth to twelve heavenly gods, six males and six females, forming a Supreme Council.” (source)Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, p.90 sq
Decidedly, as soon as it is a question of the origin of the terraforming gods, the Big Dipper is everywhere. The gods before were mostly from there – Latin name: Ursa Major.
When the council of twelve gods, we can see the archetype of the asses of twelve members, starting with the apostles of Jesus. It is easy to recognize also the divine model of the Round Table. The quest for Cabires is the real quest for the Grail. Gra as grand or great, and Al or All designating the All, the multiverse. I am pleased with the powerful deductions of Alain Aillet, specialist of the language of the origins, which seems to be also the galactic language. So I deduced with him that the GRA AL – or GRA IL – means the Great All.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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