“Some 3,500 years ago, the Earth suffered one of the greatest cataclysms in its history. A celestial body (a new comet) approached very close to the Earth. The surface of the Earth turned red, under the influence of a fine rust-coloured dust.” Thus begins a thrilling chapter of the fabulous book of Immanuel Velikowski, with preface byAlbert Einstein.
“The Popol Wuh of the Quiche Mayans tells us that the water of the rivers was transformed into blood. An obscure Egyptian scribe named Ipuwer reports the event in the same terms as the biblical book of the Exodus: “All the water of the river will turn into blood”. On the other side of the Mediterranean, in Greece, witnesses experienced the same atrocity: Apollodore of Sicily evokes “the torrent of blood on the mountain”.
In the Babylonian myth, the world was reddened by the blood of Tiamat, a slain celestial monster. The Finnish epic, Kalevala, describes how, in the time of cosmic upheaval, the world was sprinkled with red milk.” (Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision)
Velikowski’s thesis is bold, but plausible. It accounts for many hitherto unexplained phenomena, and as such still deserves our full attention. He assumes that a comet about the size of the Earth entered the solar system in the vicinity of Jupiter. It exploded a planet between Jupiter and Mars. All that remains is a long ellipse of rocky debris, the main asteroid belt.
The main asteroid belt is a Solar System formation located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is made up of billions of asteroids not aggregated into planets, and formed 4.6 billion years ago, at the same time as our Solar System. All the asteroids in this belt are small Solar System bodies, with the exception of Ceres, which is a dwarf planet. (wikipedia)
Well, now scientific discoveries are destroying Immanuel Velikowski’s brilliant scaffolding. I’ll continue with his presentation and the supposed path of the hypothetical giant comet.
Indeed, the legendary Babylonian tells how the god Marduk managed to kill the terrible monster called Tiamat. This is a space hydra, and Marduk, whatever god he is, is a reptilian like Hashem, the god the Hebrews could not name by name, nor contemplate the face. These deiux reptilians look so terrible that you can’t see them without dying of fright. If they don’t burn us first with their flaming breath, because they’re both dragons.
On many points, my visions reinforce those of Velikowski. Details, however, separate us; they are essentially about dating. In this respect, the utmost caution is required. Often new scientific discoveries corroborate or invalidate old hypotheses.
And Velikowski’s visions begin to date: his masterpiece Worlds in Collision was published in 1950. On May 21 of that year, my family celebrated my first birthday. I waited until I was 16 to read that book. It’s still in print.
Velikowski’s thesis is bold, but plausible. It accounts for many hitherto unexplained phenomena, and as such still deserves our full attention. He assumes that a comet about the size of the Earth entered the solar system in the vicinity of Jupiter. It exploded a planet between Jupiter and Mars. All that remains is a long ellipse of rocky debris, the main asteroid belt.
The main asteroid belt is a Solar System formation located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is made up of billions of asteroids not aggregated into planets, and formed 4.6 billion years ago, at the same time as our Solar System. All the asteroids in this belt are small Solar System bodies, with the exception of Ceres, which is a dwarf planet. (wikipedia)
Well, now scientific discoveries are destroying Immanuel Velikowski’s brilliant scaffolding. I’ll continue with his presentation and the supposed path of the hypothetical giant comet.
Continuing its course, it hit Mars, causing a deep rift in the planet that made emerge at its antipodes a formidable mountain, the Olympus Mons, a shield volcano. Its height, measured by the Mars Orbiter laser altimeter, exceeds 21.9 km, about two and a half times the height of Mount Everest above sea level. (wikipedia)
Come on! The denials continue! Here is that Olympus Mons is a volcano! If it is, it is not even at the antipodes of the great Martian fault! This is what happens when astronomical hypotheses are published before space technology has reached its verdict. Bah! If anything, the current astronomical certainties will be swept away tomorrow, and the visionary hypothesis will pick up.
Patience. Who lasts, stays ahead. The merit of science is immense, but clairvoyance remains important. Wasn’t Velikowski the greatest visionary of the 20th century? Let’s let him continue his hallucinating description: “A phenomenon of extreme importance occurred. The head of the comet did not penetrate the earth, but they exchanged huge electrical discharges as the waters rising to the surface of the globe reached their greatest height; then they fell back, followed by a shower of debris torn from the head and tail of the comet.” (Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision)
The comet’s attraction caused a supertide 4,000 meters high on Earth! That, at least, is Velikovsky’s analysis. But it’s based on numerous testimonies gleaned from the mythologies of peoples as diverse as the Quechua Indians, the Indonesians, the Inuits, the Polynesians of Hawaii, Viking and Celtic legends, notably those of the Tuatha Dé Danann of proto-historic Ireland.
Similar testimony may be found in Japanese legends or the ancient wisdoms of China. Although no planetary flood has been identified by climatologists, this disproportionate wave in the Atlantean ocean, named after the Atlantic, struck the imaginations of all peoples, even those not bordering the Atlantic, as its story was conveyed by numerous travellers.
The Bible does not describe this wave in the Atlantic. The only biblical witness that could be applied to it concerns the crossing of the Red Sea: “And the angel of God who was leading the army of the Israelites changed places and passed behind them; the column of clouds which preceded them went behind them, between the camp of the Egyptians and that of Israel. It was dark, and it illuminated the night. A wind of extreme violence, accompanied by lightning, tore through the cloud. In the morning, the waters formed like a wall, and separated.”
These facts, although located elsewhere, could however correspond to the attraction of a comet or a wandering planet, or even that of a very close moon… ” And the children of Israel went down on dry foot into the middle of the sea, while the waters formed a wall to their right and to their left. The army of the Egyptians pursued them. At dawn, the Lord, from the top of the pillar of fire and clouds, looked at the camp of the Egyptians and threw panic into it; he distorted the wheels of their chariots…
The waters fell, covering the chariots, the horsemen, and the whole army of the pharaoh, which had descended into the sea after the Israelites. Not a single one escaped.”
I explained the phenomenon of relocation elsewhere. Events that happened in the distance are moved to another country, out of patriotism, out of pride. So it is with Mount Meru, supposed to be at the North Pole and relocated in the Himalayas by the Hindus, eager to take this divine mountain in order to collect its prestige.
The Olympus experienced a similar fate: this Mount Mero of Hyperborea was relocated by the Greeks… to Greece, of course. Similarly, the Gardens of Eden on board Hyperborea were relocated to Mesopotamia.
In fact, the exhaustive list of relocations is impossible to draw up. It would be endless because all peoples want to claim the merits of a glorious past. So they decide that the most significant events of the past took place at home. In the same spirit, China is named by the Chinese the earth under the sky, to show that other countries are not there.
To name the French or the Americans, there is no word in Cantonese. They say “the devils of America” or “the devils of France”. Phenomenon is well known to mythologists and anthropologists, all primitive peoples are called “real men”, or even simply “humans”. Implying that strangers are animals, fake men.
Mount Tabor in Galilee. There is another Mount Tabor in France… But in this case, it is not a relocation.
I have studied at length the various texts on which Velikowski relies. This disproportionate wave seems to have mostly ravaged both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. I take this into account, and I explain it in the various texts devoted to Atlantis and its sudden disappearance, “in the space of one night,” says Plato. He concludes that it was swallowed up by the waves.
I have a completely different opinion, if you’re interested in this, if you look at the many articles where everything will be told in detail, and as I usually do, evidence to support it:
Velikovsky continues his eschatological view of the giant tidal wave: “These immense tides were caused by the proximity of a celestial body. They fell when an electric shock occurred between the earth and the other body. When the Earth passed through the gases, dust and meteorites of the comet’s tail, it was hampered in its rotation, and its orbit was distorted.”
“It was then that the axis of rotation of the Earth, straightened by the Atlanteans, tilted to form the angle of about 23° that it still has today. The comet had just passed near the sun and was glowing. It left its orbit to follow for some time that of the Earth. The big globe of the comet moved away, then again approached the Earth, wrapped in dark gases that looked like a column of smoke by day, and fire by night…” (Immanuel Velikowsky, Worlds in Collision)
Yes, this huge wave was caused by a celestial body: the mother ship Atlantis and the huge volume of water moved during its takeoff is enough to explain this tsunami. That’s what I think. And that assumption speaks to the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has been the most impacted.
Things always go that way. First I witness a major event during a dream, or an astral journey, as you will like. But secondly, I must find evidence, credible testimony, if not scientific, on which to base my hypothesis. As long as I do not have these testimonies and these proofs, I forbid myself to publish my vision.
Sometimes I find proof that I need in very old books, the sacred texts of different archaic cultures. What might seem absurd or meaningless to someone other than me, is quite intelligible to me thanks to the vision I had. I became passionate about what is a game, I indulge in it without counting, as others do sudoku or crosswords.
Even if I interpret these facts in another way, how can I criticize Velikowski? This great visionary scholar opened so many doors where so many authors followed him! In its pages, I found the confirmation of a great upheaval that I had witnessed during my explorations on the timeline.
Reading Worlds in Collision, I find a visionary talent that seduces me. This great gentleman devotes himself to the same passions as your servant. I like to meet these kinds of people. There aren’t that many of them. Velikowski took me into his vision, but without obliterating my critical mind. Many points question me. Some implausibilities trouble me.
And the Earth, once again, crossed the atmosphere of the comet. This phase was accompanied by violent and incessant electric discharges between the atmosphere of the tail and that of the Earth. (Source) Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision
Is there an atmosphere in the tail of comets? Possible. I guess Velikowski knew what he was talking about. The foreword of the great Albert Einstein and the admiration of many scientists give this book an exceptional aura. It sometimes gives details straight out of a very detailed vision. But vision is not certain.
“There was an interval of about six days between the two reconciliations. Emerging from the gases of the comet, the Earth seems to have changed its direction of rotation, and the column of smoke moved towards the opposite horizon. The column looked like a gigantic snake in motion.” (Immanuel Velikovsky, op.cit)
There, however, it goes a little too far! Why would the Earth have changed its direction of rotation? If such a phenomenon had really occurred, all countries would have been affected, earthquakes and earthquakes would have broken the earth’s crust in many places, cracks, gigantic faults would have let out torrents of lava and harmful fumes.
Ancient legends mention phenomena that can be closer, gigantic fires, multiple eruptions. The Bible mentions Gehenna of Fire, the whole fiery globe, which might correspond. But in my mind, doubt remains.
Ancient legends mention phenomena that can be closer, gigantic fires, multiple eruptions. The Bible mentions Gehenna of Fire, the whole fiery globe, which might correspond. But in my mind, doubt remains.
The danger for visionaries comes when they have to describe what they have seen. Even if their vision is correct, they may distort it by telling it. A well-known phenomenon of the nagualists comes from a program of our brain that flattens and distorts our dreams and visions when we return to the ordinary consciousness. It is the dressing of perceptions.
The clairvoyants for the most part ignore the proven reality of this phenomenon of protection. Ignoring the inconsistencies induced by their brains, they seek to rectify it. Carried away by their story, they no longer stick as closely to what they saw. And sooner or later, scientific expertise disproves the authenticity of this vision.
This seems to have happened with Velikowski’s visions. He has too detailed a flash that lasts only a split second. The flash is a flash as brief as a dream, it gives us a global insight. We see a single instantaneous scene, which will have to be organized upon awakening to be able to translate it. Add the dimensions of time and space, absent from the flash. Deadly pitfall that I approach with great caution. I have the tenacious feeling that Velikowski has missed it.
So, despite himself, he became a dated author. His theses lost their relevance. Here he is demoted from a scientist to a storyteller. Whatever care I take in my presentations, the same fate can reach my work.
It doesn’t matter. The work I do is not definitive. It shows a way, reversing parasitic barriers, chasing ghosts from lies. But that he can free himself from mistakes, even the most gross, is a dream I can’t afford.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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