If the existence of Atlantis is still questionable among skeptics, it comes mainly from its impossible location. This island continent has left no trace anywhere! An even greater mystery surrounds another disappeared continent, the mythical Hyperborea, the earth above the North Pole.

There were several mysterious continents in high antiquity, which subsequently no geographer could locate with certainty, so much the descriptions did not agree with the current geography. It would have taken deep geological upheavals – which did not take place – to justify such a distortion.

Tropic of the North Pole

But the strangest of all, Hyperborea, accumulates enormities. A temperate continent, even hot, with several harvests per year. A large mountain surrounded by four islands. Its name says enough about where it sat. Above the North Pole. First, there are no islands under the Arctic pack ice. Secondly, the polar climate has never allowed the lush, almost tropical vegetation of this magical continent.

Some authors believe that the poles have shifted, which would explain this paradox. The pole shift is indisputable, but not in such proportions. Not to the point of putting the Arctic in a subtropical zone. If the climate was extremely mild, it can only come from a technological boost. For example, heating by solar or nuclear energy … or the presence of a gigantic device releasing its own heat … or better yet, both.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea are described as beings of great longevity, capable of physical, artistic and intellectual prowess. Hmm! It looks like the portrait of terraformers, those I call the former gods. And this is precisely the case: Apollo, Orpheus, Rama, Gilgamesh, Enki, Zeus himself, all the gods or demi-gods of antiquity are Hyperboreans! So ? Hyperborea land of the gods? Not exactely a land by the way …

Even more confusing than Atlantis, Hyperborea collects the insoluble enigmas that cause headaches for truth seekers. But not to academics who don’t care. How can it be that not a single licensed specialist understands the huge challenges hidden behind?

Any official geographer to take up the challenge and solve these puzzles? No candidate? I’m speechless. There would be dozens if the historical research was objective and sincere, but the simple fact of mentioning Atlantis in a study project is enough to ruin a teacher’s or researcher’s career. Not being remunerated,except by your donations! Thank you I am free to tackle it with abnegation, perseverance and determination. Here’s what it looks like for now. As the construction is barely starting …

Ancient sources

In ancient Indo-Iranian writings Vedas and Avesta, this vanished continent is given as the origin of these sacred writings and the Vedic tradition. I see for my part the work of the powerful Rama of Hyperborea, who was first Ramos the druid before becoming the emperor of the world, Rama the conqueror who led his armies to the depths of Asia. The Hindus worship him as a local Indian god — but this is not surprising, Rama was at home on the whole planet, like all the hyperborean gods.



Ancient Greek texts designate Hyperborea as the origin of the god Apollo and all Greek knowledge. The Greeks themselves would descend from the Peslages, from the Hyperboreans. (source)La notion d’Hyperboréens. Ses vicissitudes au cours de l’Antiquité, par Roger Dion, in Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé Année 1976 n°2 pp. 143-157

In fact, all the gods of Antiquity were from Hyperborea. In my opinion, these gods were rather superhuman, mortal as we are, since they made us in their image. Visitors from the stars, skillful technicians and gifted scientists, elite troops and versatile trainers, doctors, computer scientists, geneticists, engineers, fabulous cooks, bakers and smiths… Accompanied by a cohort of female labour and handymen, angels or giants. All aboard a mother ship comprising land, gardens, factories, two atomic power stations, five forests and four rivers, a mountain and countless palaces to house the gods and their servants.

Behind these mountains and beyond the Aquilon, a happy nation, if we believe the stories, called the Hyperboreans, and where men reach a great old age; fabulous wonders are told: it is said that there are the hinges of the world and the last limit of the revolution of the stars: the sun gives there a light of six months and a single day, and it hides not, like ignorant people l have said, from the equinox of spring to that of autumn; but in the year there is only one sunrise at the summer solstice, only one sunset at the winter solstice. The country is well exposed, of a happy temperature, and free from any harmful breath. (source)Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book IV, 11

The North Pole has many qualities to accommodate a giant spacecraft that can easily land on the open sea. The ice melted thanks to the significant release of heat generated by the gigantic engines of the flying continent. The arrival of Hyperborea dates back to times before cosmic chaos.

Pliny describes a climatic reality which was undoubtedly true of its time, but not that when the giant spacecraft landed on the polar seas. At that distant time, the Earth was still ortho-focused: the axis of rotation was perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, the equator coinciding with the latter. The sun shone there day and night throughout the year. It was therefore easy, with appropriate technological help, to grow fruit and vegetables in profusion without interruption.

The authors say that they sow in the morning, harvest the cereals at noon, harvest at sunset the products of the trees, and during the nightremember that there was no polar night in the happy times of Hyperborea hide in caves. We can hardly doubt the existence of this nation, because too many writers report that they were in the habit of sending the first fruits of the fruit in the island of Delos to Apollo, whom they particularly honored. (source)Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book IV, 11



The first fruits were brought by virgins, respected and hospitalized for a few years by the intermediate nations; then, violence having been committed against the messengers, the Hyperboreans decided to deposit these offerings on the border of the bordering peoples: they carried them to their neighbors, and so on to Delos. Later that very thing fell into disuse. (source)Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book IV, 11

No wonder the Hyperboreans worship the great Apollo, revered by the Greeks, but originally from Hyperborea.

The inhabitants live in sacred forests and woods; the worship of the gods is celebrated both by individuals and by the people; discord is ignored there, as well as any disease. One dies there only out of satiety of life: after a meal, after enjoyments given in the last hours of old age, one jumps into the sea from the top of a certain rock; for them it is the happiest kind of burial. (source)Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book IV, 11

Longevity, the ages of a life different from ours, those of the gods before, this is what is reflected in the filigree in these legends reported since the dawn of time to our Greek ancestors, at a time when Hyperborea had disappeared. Is it possible for this island ship to land and go as it pleases? Is it likely that he returned to land on the ice floe, or on the open waters of the pole, at a time closer to ours? The curious adventures of Admiral Byrd make me believe it …

Some have placed them not in Europe, but at the ends of the Asian shores, because one finds there a people, the Attacores, who hardly differs from it in habits and position. Others have attributed to the Hyperboreans an intermediate situation between the one and the other sun, where the star sets for the Antipodes and rises for us, which cannot be, because of the vast sea which is between two. (source)Pliny the Elder, Natural History, Book IV, 11

Between the one and the other sun, such is the original phrase; Then, the confused explanations on the antipodes were added by the Greeks with the intention of clarifying the beginning. We must forget these additions. Between one and the other sun, that is between the sun and the suspended vessel, which shone brighter than the sun itself. Between the one and the other sun, that is to say in space, as the word Hyperborea indicates it quite clearly.

Now how do you expect the Greeks, people of ignorant antiquity, to have imagined a celestial island? They were not direct witnesses … They read it on ancient books they hardly understood



Classic sources

The first to study the Hyperboreans is Johann Matthias Gesner, in 1759. Around 1890, the historian of religions Erwin Rohde marks the link between the characters of Abaris and Aristeus of Proconnese on one side, the Hyperboreans on the other. New stage: Karl Meuli, starting from the relations between Greeks and Scythians, and from the character of Abaris the Scythe, interprets as shamanism the current represented by these rather magic characters. Helena Blavatsky describes them, as well as the continent of Hyperborea, in The Secret Doctrine (source)

These Hyperboreans seem “quite magical” because they use a mind-boggling technology in these remote times. So mind-boggling that it passes for magic.

Let me mention the thesis of René Guénon, who saw in this period a multitude of Atlantis around the planet, as many secondary spiritual centers all connected to the primordial, polar and Boreal center, that is to say Hyperborea. René Guénon has often had dazzling intuitions, which we can now develop and make consistent.

This idea of ​​multiple Atlantis finds a grotesque echo among the countless authors who wanted to place Atlantis everywhere, even under the sands of the Sahara … But it also prefigures my own thesis. Guénon’s intuition agrees in all points with the results of my research on the lost continents of Punt or Lemuria, Mu, Hyperborea and Atlantis.

But for me, the most remarkable author is undoubtedly Antoine Fabre d’Olivet.French writer, philologist and occultist, 1767-1825.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to say when the White or Hyperborean Race began to unite with a few forms of civilization, and even less when it was more distant when it began to exist. (source)Antoine Fabre d’Olivet, Histoire philosophique du genre humain, Éditions Traditionnelles

Too bad that Fabre d’Olivet –such a brilliant scholar– makes an undue amalgamation between Boreans and Hyperboreans. If the first are indeed the ancestors of the white race as he has explained elsewhere, the Hyperboreans are not our direct ancestors. They belong to another race. They measure more than 4m. They live 2000 years. In my opinion, these are the last representatives of previous humanity, the fourth. That of the giants, precisely.

Moses, who speaks of it in the sixth chapter of Bero-shit It is the first book of the Sepher popularly called Genesis. under the name of Ghiboreans, whose names have been so famous, he says, in the depths of time, relates their origin to the first ages of the world. (source)Antoine Fabre d’Olivet, Histoire philosophique du genre humain, Éditions Traditionnelles

Moses is right, my faith. The gods before began to terraform this planet when it was very young. The operation of Gabon’s nuclear reactors dates back more than 2 billion years!

We find a hundred times the name of the Hyperboreans in the writings of the ancients, and never any positive light on their account. According to Diodorus of Sicily, their country was the closest to the moon: which can be understood from the rise of the pole they inhabited. (source)Antoine Fabre d’Olivet, Histoire philosophique du genre humain, Éditions Traditionnelles

If their country is said to be the closest to the moon, it is certainly not because it was perched on a mountain! What mountain, by the way? At the North Pole, no continent, no mountain … except the one that sat in the center of the four islands, all forming a circular flying island, as described by Plato and many others.

Eschyle, in his Prometheus, placed them on the Ripheus mountains. A certain Aristeus of Proconese, who had made, it is said, a poem on these peoples, and who claimed to have visited them, assured that they occupied the northeast region of Upper Asia, which we now call Siberia. Hecateus Abderus, in a work published in the time of Alexandre, rejected them even further and housed them among the polar bears of New Zemble, in an island called Elixoïa. (source)Antoine Fabre d’Olivet, Histoire philosophique du genre humain, Éditions Traditionnelles

All of these authors are trustworthy. Since the flying island occupied the polar zone, humans could access it both from northern Europe and from Siberia. To the west, it was reached by Canada and Alaska.



The pure truth is, as Pindar admitted more than five centuries before our era, that it was entirely unknown in which region the country of these peoples was located. (source)Antoine Fabre d’Olivet, Histoire philosophique du genre humain, Éditions Traditionnelles

And how could it have been, if this continent was not one, but a mother ship delicately placed on the open sea of the North Pole, freed from its ice by the heat of nuclear fusion engines?

Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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