Ouroboros is an ancient Greek word, formed from the two words ouro (tail) and bóros (voracious). It means “biting its own tail”. This representation of a snake or a dragon swallowing its own tail can be found in many cultures and mythologies : Chinese, Viking, Celtic, Egyptian, Amerindian, Maya, etc. It’s been the subject of a lot of ink and delirium. It’s time to give it back its meaning.
In general, this circular figure is associated with cyclical time, where it is said to symbolize eternity. Cyclical time, eternity, symbols or testimonies? This is a very serious question. I opt for the second solution: evidence of knowledge that has disappeared, been forgotten, erased from memory. In an attempt to prove it, here are a few elements of an answer.
You know how I feel about symbolism, which is systematically applied to all ancient cultures. The late Lao Surlam settled the matter once and for all.
Don’t hold it against me if you’re a symbol freak, but I can’t take it anymore. Type Ouroboros in your search window, and you’ll understand your pain. Symbols swarm, trickle and drip. They’re all the same, as esoteric or so-called esoteric sites lack both imagination and vision.
Let me tell you, I see nothing symbolic in the Ouroboros. Strictly nothing. Symbolism gives me the heebie-jeebies. Symbol is over. Stop the bullshit.
Dragons existed. They were the leaders of the reptilian people. The Ouroboros tells us about this people that the ancients knew well, and of which we have forgotten everything.
There was a time ten thousand years ago when dragons walked among men. And they flew over their heads. Going so far as to spit fire, they could roast their human snack without ceasing to recite the Divine Law, whose first commandment was not made for them. You will not kill, it is only for us, their lackeys. They kill as they breathe. And instead of honest hot dogs, they greedily devour hot men. Jews preferably.
The Torah and the Bible talk about it, but the translations are too watered down. Luckily, I found one blessed by a rabbi. There were dragons everywhere. The Hebrews had one for god, they called him Hashem, the nameless, the unspeakable. And we had no interest in calling him Yao or Yahweh so as not to end up as a toast.
In Asia, the dragons were quite benevolent. But in the West, the dragons are hostile ever. Thor and Zeus fought them in the Gigantomachy. After analysis, this war against the giants is actually an extermination of the gigantic monsters from the Tertiary. Giants means Reptilians. Gigantic dinosaur monsters. Despite all their efforts and weapons of mass destruction, neither Thor, Zeus, nor their allies Cyclops managed to eliminate them.
The surviving Reptilians have entered underground, behind their leader Enki. They now populate the underworld, right under our feet. They inhabit the Greco-Roman underworld, the hollow land of legends. Not content with reigning on Earth and in the underworld, the Archons are also the masters of the astral. Besides, they put their dirty spirit in our heads…
Among the recurring images of ancient Egyptian culture, it deserves a detailed analysis. Nout is the celestial vault, say the Egyptologists. She is the woman who protects the orange man, Geb the Earth, lying on the ground. She is the mother goddess who gave us an immortal soul. She is the Great Goddess who came from Alcor in Ursa Major. But it is also the one that comes from the stars. That is why we see on each side two celestial ships sailing on Nout. They are spaceships. On the left, Horus goes up to Alcor, on the right, Osiris, his father, who goes down to Earth. Indeed Osiris came from heaven, while his son Horus was born on Earth, returning to Alcor only at the end of his mission.
Look carefully: everything is understandable, everything is perfectly explained… unlike the jargon that follows. The same representation handled by academics.
“The cement of the link between these repertoires lies in the belief in the posthumous birth of Ra and Osiris from their heavenly mother Nout, a process in which the serpent was involved through its regenerative and protective power.” (source)From Mehen to Ouroboros: The Circular Snake Symbol on Greco-Roman Magic Gems by Anass Dakkach, Université de Montréal (pdf)https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1866/22011/Dakkach_Anass_2018_memoire.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
The above is almost true but totally absolved. Nout is indeed our heavenly mother, the one whom the Gnosis calls Sophia, wisdom. If the snake is involved, it’s because it gave birth to us. So we have a material father, Enki the Archon, and a spiritual mother, Nout/Sophia.
How could we talk about the regenerating power of the snake? Reptilians feed on our energies, not the other way around. As for their protective power, let me laugh! These sad sires are predators. They use among us. They take without scruples.
Nout, our reptilian heavenly mother, is an avatar of the Great Goddess whom I have spoken to you abundantly. This reptilian empress reigns over a thousand stars and their planets, terraformed by the former gods, her people, for billions of years. The Great Goddess or Mother Goddess is mortal, like everything that lives. It has existed for so long that it has been believed to be eternal. She’s not a doctor.
Ra or Ra is often described as the Sun. If it is capitalized, it is a way to specify which sun it is. Not from our star, but from a gigantic Sun relative to it, so far away. This huge Sun occupied much of the northern sky. This is a mother ship, the one that brought the former gods over the North Pole. Osiris was on board.
Osiris and Ra are not the Sun of Hyperborea, but its inhabitants. Two of the main ambassadors of the empire of a thousand stars. In turn, they directed the earthly terraformation, and for Ra, the unification of its different continents.
Ra or Rama reigned all over the Earth. This feat was never equaled after him, although many warlords tried it. Enlil, Zeus, Yahweh, Seth, Lugh, Cuchulann, Hannibal, Caesar, and so many other presumptuous, even Napoleon and Hitler, have lost their armies and energy on this impossible task.
Rama succeeded through love. He is the very first mythical Buddha, he is also the Chinese emperor Yao just as mythical, he is Ra for ancient Egypt, Zeus for Greece, Jupiter for Rome, Yahweh for the Hebrews, etc.
I have written many articles about him:
On this Greco-Roman magic gem, Chnoubis, the lion-headed, snake-bodied god, stands between Isis and Nephthys on a womb and a key. ( source)Campbell Michel, Die magischen Gemmen im Britischen Museum, 2001, 226, no. 359
If Chnoubis has the head of a lion and the body of a snake, it’s because he represents a dragon. That’s how they were represented at the time. We recognize its two characteristics: reptilian and voracious. The lion-mouthed reptile is the Egyptian equivalent of the pig-dragon of Chinese mythology, the jade dragon I’ll introduce in the next paragraph.
He is accompanied by two humans, in a position of adoration. What does this mean? That Chnoubis is our all-powerful god. Our creator. The terraformer-in-chief who transformed our chaotic planet into an earthly paradise… Even if, since then, we’ve messed up his job quite a bit.
Note that the Ouroboros surrounds the three characters. Why is this so? Because this circular serpent is not a symbol, but a representation. It represents the vessel of the reptilian gods, which Plato calls Hyperborea. This vessel has been given many other names: Nibiru by the Sumerians, Olympus by the Greeks, the Four Islands of the North (including Avalon) by the Celto-Vikings, etc. All ancient peoples witnessed it, each calling it by a different name.
The constant is its description. The vessel is spherical, gigantic, transparent and very luminous. In a transparent globe float the four Celtic islands, quarters resembling four slices of pie. The Ouroboros is its representation. Serpent to evoke the serpent people. Rotundity to evoke the shape of their wandering planet.
Note that the word quarter comes from this vessel: it means divided into four, like Hyperborea/Ouroboros.
This dragon pig is a lucky charm. Carved from jade or another semi-precious stone, it has a central hole too small to be used as a ring. It forms a perfect ouroboros. On some pieces, such as the one below, the dragon’s mouth can be seen closing over its tail.
In all archaic cultures, we find these snakes, reminders of the great ship, commemorating the wandering planet. This shows that humanity has only recently forgotten its true origins. However, it only took a little guy like me to give a good kick to the anthill of chimeras and stupid beliefs to get the lines moving a little bit, but it’s a good start. My readers are already starting to think about this global vision of a different history of the world and of human beings.
I can’t resist quoting Castaneda, with this excerpt showing that the naguals of Central America had forgotten nothing. Here, Carlos’ trainer Juan Matus addresses him:
“I’m going to appeal to your analytical mind,” says don Juan. Think for a moment, and tell me how you can explain the contradiction between, on the one hand, man’s scientific and technical intelligence and, on the other, the stupidity of his belief systems or the incoherence of his behavior. It is the predators, say the sorcerers, who have imposed our belief systems, our ideas of right and wrong, our social mores. They are the ones who raise our hopes and expectations, our dreams of success or our fear of failure; they are also the ones who instill lust, greed and cowardice into our minds, making them pretentious, routine and egocentric.” (source)Carlos Castaneda, The Definitive Journey
Now that you’ve got the hang of it, you can easily spot these representations as you read or visit museums. You’ll see, it’s great fun. You’ll realize that you know a lot more about our origins than the protohistorians themselves. Which isn’t so difficult, really…
The images speak. In this representation, everything is decryptable, everything becomes clear. It is the sixth hour of the Amdouat (eighteenth dynasty) as it appears in the tomb of Thutmose III. (source) Warburton, David Alain. The Egyptian Amduat: The Book of the Hidden Chamber, fig. 7 Warburton sees the scene of the burial of the solar god, represented with a scarab head inside the bear snake. Warburton symbolizes too much, sorry to say, especially since this teacher is authoritative.
Let’s specify emblems Thoutmôsis III and Moses are one, as I explain in my article on the pharaoh Hatshepsut. It can be concluded that the Hebrews, people of the pharaoh Moses, are in fact Egyptians…
If the ancient druidic universities were the queens of practice, the current universities are the queens of symbolism: they explain nothing but complicate everything. This god is solar in the literal sense and not figurative. It comes from the Sun, with a capital letter, which does not designate our star but the great artificial star from the depths of the cosmos, as I said.
Sent by the Goddess, he is the god who once reigned on Earth. One of Ra’s successors. Many of them have succeeded one another at the helm of the Earth. They have shared regions and continents, most often. In any case, their reign ends with their death. The “gods” are mortal, like everything that lives. Too bad Warburton didn’t point out this primordial fact: we were created by mortals like us. Even if they live much longer, they will end up eviscerated and embalmed in a sarcophagus
Behind the solar vessel, that of the reptilian gods, noble humans form a procession to accompany the body of the deceased god, Khepri, the scarab-headed god, one of the Goddess’ envoys. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about him: Khepri is an entity from Egyptian mythology associated with the sun and the symbol of rebirth. He is represented by a man with the head of a scarab or as a scarab pushing the solar disk in front of him.
Khepri by death, as the Goslings would say. He’s going to fly off into space, on Nut’s starry body, which is why he’s surrounded by the Ouroboros, representing the spaceships. His body will return to its planet of origin, that of the Goddess, namely Ur / Our under the sun of Alcor. Yes, gods are mortal. To live in a body is to know death one day.
Observe nature, animals and plants. Observe human constructions. Remember the physical principle: everything decays and eventually disappears. Even prodigious cyclopean constructions will end in dust. Murderous time cleanses the most remote evidence. And the predatory Archons expunge this evidence from our enslaved brains.
The best representation of the Ouroboros will be the simplest and most faithful. A perfect circle, devoid of additions and other embellishments, like this one. This is how the Romans depicted it. The sphere of the mother ship is formed by a serpent: the ship was reptilian. Everything is said in an image that is not a symbol, but a sign. The pure and simple representation of a reality. You don’t have to split hairs to tell what was.
Other, more recent examples are no longer Ouroboros, but the ravings of artists, interesting perhaps, but of no help in understanding what this autophagous snake represents.
To find out more about the countless ancient allusions to Hyperborea:
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