The division of Ireland into four kingdoms around a central region comes from forgotten origins, when the four druids ruled the four cardinal points. The island of Ireland was called “the island of the four Masters” in reference to their lost land, at the far north, seat of the Supreme Centre.
They are located beyond the North Pole, or rather above… Each of them is directed by a primordial druid. In ancient times, the tribe of the Great Goddess Dana, the Tuatha De Danann, resided on these flying islands.
This divine tribe was composed of druids and druids who taught the religion of the Goddess, law, wisdom, poetry, etc. Through them, the Goddess aroused the humans who went there. That is why the four islands of the far north are also named by the Celts the Other World, the Great Elsewhere, the Sidhe. They are what the Greeks called Hyperborea.
The mention of druidesses and the Great Goddess was carefully obscured by the advent of patriarchy. After a very long period of matriarchy, in fact, the latter gave way to the small males, who were quick to correct the sacred texts. Nothing is sacred for those who want to impose themselves at all costs.
These four northern islands, which will be vainly sought for trace, are not at sea level or ice. They are 200 km above the North Pole, as I have shown in many articles. Flying islands, therefore.
Or more exactly a mother ship from the Great Bear, spherical in shape. The upper half sphere is empty. There is a mild climate under an artificial sky. The lower half-sphere has four bays where are parked four small flying islands, intended to float on the oceans of planets that goddesses visit for terraform. One of these floating islands has landed on the Atlantic Ocean, called Atlantis.
The surface of the lower half-sphere is divided into four quarters, four parts of camembert that float on a layer of water to ensure their horizontality during space trips. This artificial sea also forms four channels that separate the quarters, hence the illusion of four islands.
First of all, the male creator, whatever name you give him, is a recent invention. Originally the Goddess reigned. It was she who sent the gods of before to terraform the planet Terra. To help them in this task, the Archons, male masters of this planet, wanted to create a small assistant: it was Adam. Or better to say the Adamites.
Zeus charged his nephew the Titan Prometheus, whom the Sumerians call Enki. His physical creation was so perfect that the Goddess was moved by it. In her great goodness, she decided to give an immortal soul to this body which was only that of a biped animal, with rather marked reptilian features. Prometheus multiplied the clones of his Adam to make an army of workers: mechanics, builders, farmers.
They were much more than machines. Endowed with a soul, these clones outperformed even their archon creators. Jealous, the latter have become the devils of legends and religions, eager above all to appropriate our soul. Hence the habit of selling his soul to the devil. But the archon devil is not from the pleroma, and neither we, he can in no way acquire what makes us immortal. His mortal fate makes him a miserable more to be pitied than blamed …
I have already told all this in detail in many articles whose links you will find at the end of the article. I would like to stay here in the framework that I gave myself, namely the four islands of the far north. The best and most complete description of it is found in Irish legends.
Falias island is ruled by the great druid Morfessa, in the language of the Oisons who bites butts. From this island came the Stone of Fal, a powerful talisman pledge of sovereignty. After the departure of the Tuatha and the disappearance of the Sidhe, the Celts brought him to Ireland and deposited him in Tara.
The island of Findias is ruled by the great druid Uiscias, in the language of the Oisons who opened the door. From there comes the Sword of King Nuada, from where the magic sword Excalibur would have come. It is claimed that this name derives from the Gaelic Caladbolg: I see no connection with Excalibur. The golden language allowed me to give it a translation more in line with its nature and origin.
The island of Gorias is ruled by the great druid Esras, in the language of the Oisons who shaves. From there comes the Lance of Lug;
The island of Murias is ruled by the great druid Semias, in the language of the Oisons the druid of the seeds. From this island come the talismans of the Dagda: the cauldron of immortality and the maw of life and death. The Dagda or Good GodDagos Devos is the most important god, just after Lugh.
“In ancient times, Apollo, the most singular Greek god, is the god of the North, the god of the Hyperboreans. In the Renaissance, Guillaume Postel retakes the ideas of the Middle Ages which placed paradise at the North Pole.
“In the Greco-Latin tradition, a sacred geography of cardinal points has been universally established in Eurasia, India, China and even some African regions. The North is frequently under the sign of the male, creation, strength, light, virginal innocence and justice.
“In the 18th century, an anonymous man describes a journey from the North to the South Pole through the interior of the Earth: “At the Pole, a water chasm, a great turning point of water. As we approach the centre, we recognize that this supposed island was nothing but a high foam on the rushing waters, plunging into the abyss, formed on the surface.”
“In the 19th century, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre described the axis mundi, the axis of the world, as a true Arcadia*. Jules Verne mentions a volcano from which the aurora borealis emerges. Edgar Poe says that it is a water of birth and death. Lovecraft cites Atlantis as a bridge between heaven and earth.” ~~ Jean Malaurie, Centre d’Études Arctiques. (source)
*Arcadia is a utopia, an idyllic land, pastoral and harmonious. The term comes from the Greek province of Arcadia and dates back to classical antiquity.
In most traditions, “the North is under the sign of the high, that is to say the land of souls, but also of strength, light, virginal innocence.”
“For the Inuit, it is the incestuous union between a sister and a brother that presided over the creation of the Sun (the sister) and the Moon (the brother). In old norois as in Inuit language, the moon is masculine, the sun is feminine.
“The Chuktas consider the North Star to be a hole through which shamans can pass through the celestial vault where the hunter can experience an eternal paradise.
“In the oldest Brahmin texts, the earthly world is represented by the four cardinal points. The people live in the plain, to the south. The initiate lives in altitude, to the north, in the mountains.
“In all the Indian epic mythology, it is by going north that one goes to the Gods. The North is the Land of the Brahmins. All Brahmins seek to have in their genealogy relatives who are situated in the North. In a village, the Brahmins are in the northern district. The Far North is beyond the Himalayas, the land of deliverance; having reached it, one is no longer condemned to be reborn to make its fruits fruitful. Land of Northern Deliverance, or Ultimate Land where one lives in the Paradise of Shiva.**
**Another name for Hyperborea
“The Vedas evoke that primordial time when, under a sky turning on heads like a hat and where the night lasts six months, lived in the Far North, an initiated humanity”. ~~ Jean Malaurie, Centre d’Études Arctiques. (source)
Jean Malaurie (1922-2024) ethnologist, historian, geographer and French writer, founded in 1954 the collection Terre Humaine, which he inaugurated with Les Derniers Rois de Thulé. This disappeared island is none other than Hyperborea, the island of the four masters.
The polar star, officially called Polaris α Ursae Minoris, is the main star of the Little Bear (Latin: Ursa Minor). This circumpolar constellation contains a good twenty stars visible to the eye under a quality sky, far from cities.
It is above the North Pole, it belongs to the Little Bear, as Hyperborea was hovering over the North Pole, coming from the Big Bear…
“The polar star, a reference for all navigators, was considered to be the absolute centre around which the sky revolves. It is the pole of the universe. For the Sami, this North Star is the pillar, the hub of the world. For the Yakuts, it is the navel of heaven. In many Altaic populations, the altar is facing the polar star.” ~~ Jean Malaurie, Centre d’Études Arctiques. (source)
This preeminence is best understood when we know the role played by Hyperborea, the hyperluminous jewel suspended above the North Pole, whose brightness illuminated the entire northern hemisphere.
Note that the Vikings had the same view as the Sami. Yggdrasil, the World Tree, took its roots from the Earth Center and rose from the North Pole to the top of the sky: would it be the Great Bear?
“According to the Islamic tradition, the North Star and the Kaaba are connected. In the Christian tradition, it is a star that guided the Magi to the Son of God. Gate of the sky, the North Star is moreover and according to the most sacred mythology, the seat of the divine being, the throne of the Supreme God. Quaesivit arcana polividet Dei.the ancient alliance between man and gods.“ ~~ Jean Malaurie, Centre d’Études Arctiques. (source)
“It is a star that guided the Magi to the Son of God.” Curious formulation of Malaurie… Must we understand that the North Star would have guided the magi to Hyperborea? Indeed, all the gods come from it, as Plato affirms. The Son of God therefore came…
Beyond the North,over the North, beyond the ice,where ice is no longer beyond today,in ancient times
Beyond the death to the distancewhere life lasts so long
Our life, our happinessin a paradise of endless life
Neither by land nor by seaby air only
You will not be able to find the hunter that leadsthere is no guide…
To us, hyperboreans.…to go to Hyperborea
It is of us tooit is about our paradise
A wise mouth prophesized.that Nietzsche (and Séguin?) spoke
Which I can translate:
“Above the North, where ice is no longer, in ancient times, where life lasts so long, in a paradise of endless life, only access by way of the air, there is no guide to reach Hyperborea… It is of our paradise and us that Nietzsche (and Séguin!) spoke.”
This northern area has a name: Thule. It means: Thule or Tele: far — Thu-al or Tugdual: North (Celtic) — Tholos or Tolos: fog (Greek) — Tula: balance (Sanskrit) — Mexican tulor is in the esoteric tradition, the distant Earth, the white island, the pole of lights, the sanctuary of the world.
Thule, bay of the North Star, is at the apex of the celestial pole. Like Jerusalem, the Judeo-Christian pole or Mecca, with the Kaaba, the pole of Islam, Thule is the pole of the Hyperborean. (source)
The term Thule seems inexplicable by the Germanic roots. However, it appears in their texts as Thulur “catalogue” and Thular “enumeration” (saga). But Thula in old Germanic and Thulr in old norois have the meaning of “poet, singing, prose”. The nickname Fimbulthulr is an attribute of Wotan, which obviously brings us to Thuler which means “initiate” and it’s much more evocative: He is the Supreme Initiated! Note also the thulan goth verb “pick up” which will make us think again of Wotan the Fimbulthuler, the initiator-initiator who “picked up” the secret Runes at the foot of the World Tree. (source)
“Thulé the hyperborean, the island beyond time, the vessel from outer space, you are the abode of the Immortal and the Chosen; you will be yours one day, perhaps, if you know how to steer your ship beyond the icebergs and storms of your mind.
“Do not believe that it was the preserve of the Greeks and Germans: everyone everywhere could reach it and the Egyptian also knew it, he who called him Benben. and this Island which arose from the waters of the celestial Noun, on which the bird Phoenix had, at the Dawn of Days, laid the Golden Embryo from which the world was hatched. This Phoenix Bird, Egyptian Heron, but in Delos, an immaculate Swan gliding like a star in the sky over the waters of the Milky Way – far north of the world, and right on the circle of the pole…
“And that was indeed the great God of Heaven which Poseidon had once raised from the Sea and founded, we are told by old stories, on a Column surged from the Depths so that Letô could give birth to children out of reach of Python… It was Artemis and his brother Apollo, the Lord Pythian, Master of the Cauldron, Holmôs or the Grail. They were both born, like Leto, on this Island beyond the eyes that the Greeks called the island built by the sky, and we Thulé the Blessed.” (source)
Mothership Hyperborea
Flying Island Atlantis
Your life is before you like an ocean. You don't see the shore. My life…
No matter where you are, when you pray to your god, you’ve always look at…
Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…
Without much illusion, I stumble blindly to find the way. Towards where? No idea.
I lived this story more than twenty years ago, when I only practiced arcana XIII.