

Twenty years ago, people who came to see me had great difficulty remembering their early childhood. Jean-Claude Flornoy helped me in this step: he practiced a deep trance that he called the arcane XIII, because it corresponds to the phase of life described by the arcane XIII of the tarot of Marseille, which remains a wonderful tool for initiation.


The Pilgrimage of the Bateleur

My benefactor Flornoy has worked a lot on the life path described in the initiatory tarot. He summarized his research in a book, The Pilgrimage of the Battlers, which is still available — I believe. Our inner life begins at the arcane I, the Bateleur
. What is a bateleur? A public entertainer, who amazes and smiles with his tricks, nonsense and grimaces. The newborn child, the tadpole hanging on to the breast, up to the little one who does not walk yet, this is the public entertainer, the one who softens, who amazes and seduces by force of ignoring everything in life.

The young child we were will progress from arcane to arcane, from trial to trial, until awakening in House God (arcane XVI) and if a favorable wind pushes it to the end, it will go up to the Mat, which represents the state of Buddha.

But before, the remembrance of the engrams of the Bateleur is necessary to the pilgrim. By shamanic techniques, Flornoy brought the person down into the depths of his being. He taught me these techniques that I still practice.

The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….

Albert Einstein

My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.

Victor Hugo

All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.

La Bruyère

He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.

René Char

We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.

Lao Surlam

Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.

Christopher Nolan

“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”

Christopher Nolan

Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.

Albert Einstein

When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.

Lao Surlam

The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Every man is, anciently, a big stone.

Yoruba proverb

What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein


The Double Bottom

After reaching the emotional zone, the person has yet to drill through the floor. A powerful ritual helped him to descend into this double bottom, which is the energy zone.

It is undoubtedly this area of the deep psyche* that Freud should have reached, but too locked in a conformism castrating, too superficial, too narrow-minded, he limited himself to the exploration of the emotional. Serious loss of time that causes suffering the analyzed and fills the analyst’s pockets…
*Psyche can designate a large moving ice or all psychic phenomena.

The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….

Albert Einstein

My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.

Victor Hugo

All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.

La Bruyère

He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.

René Char

We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.

Lao Surlam

Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.

Christopher Nolan

“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”

Christopher Nolan

Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.

Albert Einstein

When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.

Lao Surlam

The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Every man is, anciently, a big stone.

Yoruba proverb

What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein



Bad Timing

The emotional zone is a bad time to be in. The less you stay there, the more you avoid unproductive suffering. When you think you’re touching the bottom of a pool, you think you have to come back up. And then you start again.

Instead, you have to dig the bottom. You have to go down under the false floor to reach the energy zone. You only heal at this point. And the healing process only lasts a few days…


Gwenwed White Light

Arrived deep within ourselves in this magical area, we discover a paradise of pure white light, Gwenwed for the ancient Celts. There, everything becomes clear. Every detail of our past becomes as visible as yesterday.

Freud was too stuck to resort only to effective techniques, shamanic trances and body exits.

But enough about this egotistic withdrawn. Compared to Flornoy who has had so many brilliant successes, it is a pity to mention here the nonsense of Freudism. This false good idea should have disappeared with him, but it was without counting Lacan the stain.


Dear Benefactor

Flornoy was a childhood friend. We met at the age of men and his evolution immediately caught my attention. He is one of the few who has only developed his positive side. I immediately understood the major role that he would play in my life.

I spent with her unforgettable years, where the shaman who was in me since childhood could open his wings and take me where I am now, to my true place. And those who call on my help are not dissatisfied with the journey.


The Tower

Yet I have not practiced the recollection of arcane XIII for years. It has no purpose now, because this step is easily passed by everyone. I focused my efforts on the awakening, the arcane XVI Maison Dieu. It has become almost insurmountable for the adventurers of the unconscious. Curiously, thirty years ago it was just the opposite.

The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….

Albert Einstein

My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.

Victor Hugo

All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.

La Bruyère

He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.

René Char

We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.

Lao Surlam

Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.

Christopher Nolan

“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”

Christopher Nolan

Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.

Albert Einstein

When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.

Lao Surlam

The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Every man is, anciently, a big stone.

Yoruba proverb

What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein


Proof that the evolution of consciousness goes upwards: we were on XIII, now on XVI… Tomorrow will it be on XX – The Judgement?




The story I want to tell you dates back more than twenty years, when I was only doing arcana XIII. Yesaëlle came to see me for that. This young woman left her tropical island to meet me: first time someone came to see me from so far away. It’s changed: since this site is read in 170 countries, I receive visitors from everywhere.

For months, even years, we had exchanged many emails. I published one that I like very much. This dialogue gave me a glimpse of the complex personality of my correspondent, for example her way of speaking about Her in the third person. When she asked me for a Arcane XIII internship, I accepted immediately. I was eager to meet her.

Dear Yesaelle! You have a special place in my heart. If you read me again, know that I would like to read you too, little darling.


In Brocéliande

Yesaëlle has given me a meeting in Brocéliande, the magical forest where Merlin met Viviane the fairy. I found her with another woman of her age, who was her boss. She was a manager of a construction company — public works, where little Yesaëlle was the foreman, leading a team of big guns that were twice her size and three times her weight.

While Yesaëlle sympathized with my friend Devic who accompanied me, the boss BTP slipped me two three words. She wanted to tell me about Yesaelle before I made her work.

-You look at her, she looks fragile with her thirty-five kilos all wet. Do not trust it! She has a lot of energy. Worse than the powers! You would see her take a big fat man by the braces and lift him from the ground, it is not to believe!

Yes, I can’t imagine. The boss laughs at my bewildered face.

-You know, when there’s a bad weather, if my guys can’t work, I lose money. I call Yesaelle. She goes to the cliff facing the big blades, she extends her arms against the gusts and the storm stops.

Okay. Yesaëlle didn’t tell me this in her emails. I must expect something heavy, it looks like. It’s going to be a funny arcane XIII.

Yes. It has been funny and more than that…



Weak start

And it was a terrible moment at first. Five days when Yesaëlle and I stretched time in unimaginable proportions. Five days of madness, self-sacrifice, violence and love. Five days that have been like everything possible, even the impossible, without ever getting as close to arcane XIII as I was doing then.

I tried. We spent a first day, with dedication and perseverance. But Yesaelle was a force of nature, an athlete who played the fairground, she foiled all my plans, laughing at my poor pitfalls. Despite superhuman efforts, I could not draw from her the slightest memory, plunge her into the slightest trance, or awaken her motionless body pending.


Seen from above

The few bits of memory she agreed to let go of me were nothing new. She knew all that. Only one detail titillated me: as soon as she evoked her past, the scenes they showed me had a curious point in common: she saw them from above. From above. As if she was hovering out of her body to be able to describe the action from an aviator’s or archangel’s point of view…

But I have not deepened, having to do with memories too present, already rehashed twenty times, worn out, knowledge by heart.

I got angry. Why did you come if you don’t want to do anything? Why do you want to make my trials useless? Why do you want to make them inoperative? You have travelled thousands of kilometres, you have spent your money, you have been obliged for months to tell me about your troubles at the end of the oceans, and then nothing!



Gnashing Fury

My moods only aroused his wrath. His naked body, which two minutes before seemed cool and relaxed, started to shiver, covered with dew, and the sleeping monster suddenly woke up.

– Poor bastard! she cried. I don’t give a shit about your arcane XIII to the bite me the ass! You made me naked thinking of shaking me, it makes me neither hot nor cold!

Of course! She does not come from so far for little things in which she doesn’t believe. She comes for something else entirely. For the Beast I see in her, the nasty Beast who owns her, this dirty Beast that makes of Yesaëlle all she wants in her bestial head. I was beginning to understand, I had to start faster than that.


I See Red

The girl from the islands begins to speak in tongues, like the apostles at Pentecost! And now I understand everything! And I answer her in these improbable idioms!!! Now she insults me in elvish, the language of the Lord of the Rings. Damn! I answer him in the same language invented for cinema!

We are both deranged, she the gigantic, invincible Beast, who dominates me with a good head and spits fire, me like a worm that does not let himself be. The tone rises. Rise again.

I never hit a woman. Never in life. The Beast is not a woman. It made me mad.  Without controlling myself, I throw him a torgnole to shoot a bull. In the face and so strong that I expect to see his poor face in blood.

At once, a sort of monster giga comes out of his little body, indistinct in its speed, which throws itself through the window. Closed. Still intact after the monster has passed through. Immediately evaporated towards south. I suppose he went back home to the ancient Bourbon Island.



Will he come back?

The little girl is KO on the couch. I look at her cheek: she has nothing. Not a trace. After the old thing I put on it, it should look like steak haché. But no, not a damn! Nothing to the cheek, nothing to the eye. As if I had hit next!

Yet I did not miss the bitch. A monster, a monstrous bitch who ran out of the window closed. Lying on the couch, the little one is drained. It’s running everywhere but not blood. Without the Beast inside, it looks like nothing. A stammering, shivering wasp. “He’s coming back? she asks.
-No, I say calmly. Like a jerk I add: Unless you ask her.”

There I missed a great opportunity to shut my mouth. But at the moment we can’t think of everything.


Coconut trees

We eat a bite, then I propose a ballad with tongs. The tour of wild beaches by the path of customs officers, it will change our minds. Yesaëlle walks slowly, too slowly, I’m afraid she’ll trip. Then the confidence comes back. We arrive at the beach of Portuais and we go along the top of the cliff towards Cap d’Erquy. After the barrier of rocks and ponds where I have so often fished green shrimp and crankbills, I am close to syncope.

Instead of the beach of l’Ourtué that I know by heart and looks like a big sister to the Portuais, here is a beach that comes straight out of the imagination of Yesaëlle. A tropical beach with a dune of large coconut trees. In Erquy? You can’t fuck around. I’ve been running these beaches since I was 4 years old, you don’t have to tell me, I know. There’s never been a palm dune in the area.



Black hole

We look at the sea 30 meters below. I reach out, it feels like water is coming in. Yesaëlle does the same. You see, she said, it’s good!” How can we know from thirty meters away? How could our hands have been soaked in it? Arms of 30 meters? And then what?

When I get back from Cape Town, the best one is waiting for me. Yesaëlle walks ahead on the tarmac road. I follow her at 2 or 3m. Suddenly I feel the cold behind me. I turn: nothing. I mean nothing to see, nothing. Where the Cape Hill should have been, there is only one black hole. The void of space. And staggering.

I press the step to join Yesaëlle and I will not turn around before home.


Five days, twenty years

The days that follow are hallucinating, in a dirty sense. Yesaëlle healed of her monster makes me see all the colors. The Beast is no longer in her, but the magic continues. And better than ever. We lay side by side and slept. Seven minutes, seven hours, seven years, difficult to decide.

First awakened, I go to the sink, I open the medicine cabinet: empty! There is nothing in it! What does that mean? I go down to the toilet, and there, second surprise: the tile is not the same. I have a flash: I still sleep lying next to her. The scene I think I’m living, I’m dreaming it. Or rather Yesaëlle is dreaming this scene and I woke up in her dream!

She has reconstructed everything as in reality, except for some details that she forgot, like the bathroom tiles. Or that she could not see, like the inside of the cabinet. The delirium does not stop there. Several times in a row we woke up in a dream, and each time the waking dream time was multiplied ten times. So that after a lot of waking up, we spent twenty years together while only five days have passed on earth for normal people…




Who is normal, who is not? Where is the reality, the real one? In this bogus world or in our dreams? Some time later, I saw this American film that almost tells the same story: Inception. Of course, there is a lot of special effects, the protagonists are forced to inject drugs, it’s full of exaggerations, but one specific fact is consistent with our experience: waking up in your dream multiplies time in significant proportions.

And it’s easy to explain: dreams are instantaneous. In clock time, they have no duration. In the astral there is neither time nor space, I have already repeated it twenty times. The relativity of time and space meets its brilliant confirmation, and it is not science fiction, it is only an exorcism…

It’s a pity that Einstein didn’t have the opportunity to live this like Yesaëlle and I. I suppose that this experience which goes back to about twenty years has inspired many visions, and thanks to them I was able to write many pages for my Saga of Eden.


Her foreign body

After twenty years of living together, I was afraid that our separation would be heartbreaking. But no, it all happened like in a dream. We left at the airport, delighted by our adventures, and resolved to write again as we had done for years before Yesaëlle came to see me.

Her life long, since her birth, a demonic entity had taken her place in her body. She had never taken her children in the arms, they were snuggled up in the arms of the entity. She had never known the physical embrace with her husband, it is the entity that made love to him. Her first emails were full of gratitude. The joy of being a woman, only and completely human! The happiness of no longer floating above her body, like an intruder, a viewer, a spectator in her life!




For several weeks, his messages have given me great joy, no doubt less than his own, but memorable, I tell you. And then silence. I revived it, once, twice… Before I understood. Her boss had praised me the exploits of his foreman Yesaëlle. The energy she used, the incredible powers she had, her strength of herculean… In her job, these assets were indispensable. She couldn’t do without it…

“He won’t come back?” asked me Yesaëlle who remembered my answer: -No. Unless you ask her…

The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….

Albert Einstein

My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.

Victor Hugo

All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.

La Bruyère

He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.

René Char

We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.

Lao Surlam

Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.

Christopher Nolan

“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”

Christopher Nolan

Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.

Albert Einstein

When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.

Lao Surlam

The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Every man is, anciently, a big stone.

Yoruba proverb

What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.

Albert Einstein


Healing Secrets




“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Christopher Nolan