The Flying Island


See the powerful image that Adobe’s super creatives have designed these days! This transparent globe on a perched tree, I unmasked it, it is Hyperborea. I talked about it so much! This image, vision of a modern Ezekiel, I must comment on it. Some mistakes to deplore, but what matters? The powerful Dream is shared…


A Modern Ezechiel

What is the traveling planet doing at the top of this tree? I’ll say it. See Hyperborea climbing on the ash tree Yggdrasil, the Earth’s engine tree that gushes right at the North Pole. In this time free of ice. Thus the ash of the world dear to the heart of the Vikings can carry the wandering planet when the Goddess wants to come down to Earth.

See, in the picture, the ship is much too small. The crystal globe was gigantic, the size of the planet Venus. It housed four continents, four districts that the Celts and Vikings called the Four Northern Islands. One was Avalon, the Isle of Apples, the terrestrial paradise. Ireland’s traditional quadripartition survives as much as homage. To this kingdom there had to be a queen. It was Ana, the Mother Goddess from the Great Bear.

See the axis of the world, see how it springs from the Arctic Ocean in such a remote time that the ocean there was neither icy nor icy. Even bathing, always in the Sun!


Reservations However

Bad luck! The designers of this great image suffered an electrical failure during their vision. It simply lacks the dazzling lights that come out of the crystal dome.

Imagine these super bright lights that have earned the mothership the nickname of Sun in all ancient traditions. The Sons of the Sun were the children of the former gods. They ruled over different parts of the world when the gods returned home.

Imagine laughing and beautiful islands instead of this spectacle of desolation where black raptors fly. It would have taken radiant goddesses, the magicians and druidesses of Avalon riding their dragons. It would have taken the three trees of Paradise. It would have taken Mount Olympus in the middle of the four island-continents. It would have taken many other things that I list in the related articles.



Still so many books to read, so many fascinating readings and not knowing where to start! I have a rule in this matter: if I hear of a certain book twice in the same week, I get it and read. It gave me some disappointments, but overall I welcome it.

So many more stories to tell in this exciting adventure that reclaims the world and its past — and not knowing where to start! I have a blind rule: if I hear about a place, a character, a tale, a practice, a myth or an author twice by two sources, I immediately immerse myself in it with delight. That’s how I came across Alfred Weysen. I think I read it in the 1980s when he published. But I read so many books that I was not yet ready to break the bone to suck the nourishing marrow.


Used Book

Refreshing my memory seemed necessary. So I acquired the work that pseudo-chance advised me, Le temple du secret.Alfred Weysen, Le temple du secret et l’apocalypse, Robert Laffont, 1990 It is not republished, so I had to choose it for occasion. I received it shortly thereafter, in good condition, but covered with annotations. I cursed the first owner, until I realized that his comments are, by far, infinitely better than the book that would have fallen out of my hands without them. 

Weysen is a remarkable scholar, but with a completely messy mind. He seems to know very well where he is going, but he is the only one. The poor reader must decipher his lightnings, grope several pages later when the glow fades, and set off again to attack a mountain of knowledge absolutely indigestible in the hope of finding a new pearl. While the commentator, he is always exciting. It is about a Breton and megaliths specialist Jean Ciril – such as I could decipher his name on the dedication of Weysen. Thanks to him I was able to write the articles on the Kabir, and it is not finished. The rest is in preparation.


The Island of the Watchers

But Alfred Weysen wrote another book, much more interesting for me: The Island of the Watchers. It is earlier, dated 1986. It was the one I had read at the time: perhaps it was printed in me so that the notions it contains ripen slowly, in order to hatch ten years ago, when I started writing the texts of this site? All our readings, all our encounters shape our imagination.



The title already appealed to me. The Watchers, it will be remembered, is one of the names that ancient Greeks has given to the former gods, the famous terraformers of Hyperborea. And this island, according to the author, would be a flying island, hence its Greek name Aeria, the aerial, the one floating in the sky. And it’s not just anyone, but Plato himself, again and again. If the great man did not understand everything, he transmitted everything with scrupulous honesty, let him be praised for it.

Never have quotations from ancient authors approached so much of my thesis, which has become, since the time, a very serious hypothesis. May my faithful readers forgive me, I must summarize it for those who discover this. Billions of years ago, star visitors began terraforming this planet, which was then a wild planet. They called it Ter Ra, or Ter Re, which means third planet in the RA or RE system, ie our sun.

Through the eons, these terraformers have returned. Science has noted the trace of their interventions, without figuring out the true cause. I am preparing a series of articles on this subject, entitled The Seven Days of Creation, which are the seven great moments of intervention of the gifted aliens whose work is the development of wild planets, to make life blossom. and thus increase knowledge.

The Flying Temple

This is what I find in Weysen’s books: “The Island of the Watchers is the Temple of Hyperborea of ​​Plato.” And further: “The flying temple of Hyperborea (pterinos naos) dear to Plato, and where we speak the language of the birds is obviously identified with the island of the Watchers, Aeria.The mythology evokes indeed a certain Babylonian Klinis, aka Kleinis or Chlounes, a great friend of Apollo whom he accompanied in Hyperborea during his annual trip.” This Klinis wanted to establish in Greece the solar culte de l’ânecult of the donkey, which he had discovered in Hyperborea – which Apollo forbade him. Chlounes disobeyed and was transformed into a bird by Apollo.

Into a bird! See this! To be able to join the flying island, I suppose? But that’s not all.

The solar culte de l’ânecult of the donkey! How exciting! Anedonkey is obviously Ahn, ie the great ancestors. The humble animal and our initiators are united thanks to this homophony.Only in French! As a confirmation, a solar cult is mentionned. Now it turns out that Hyperborea, the wandering planet of terraformers, was called the Sun, for its brightness was ten to one hundred times lighter than that of the true sun, totally overshadowed. The cult of the Sun or the universal title of Son of the Sun refers to this wandering planet.

As for Chlounes turned into a bird, I have no doubt that he did not become a bird himself, but that he embarked aboard a great iron bird to return to Hyperborea. Here is a brilliant confirmation of my insight. Weysen and I did attend the same shelves of the Akashic library. Hyperborea is a flying island, the Island of the Watchers, the big island that floats in the sky above the North Pole.




I flatter myself that I have attended assiduously the work of the great Plato, whom I also scratch out here and there. Who loves well chatises as well. I have no memory, however, of mentioning this pteros naos, this so auspicious flying temple. It is true that this detail could escape me. Too bad that Weysen does not quote his sources. It seems that this detail – which is not one! – has also escaped Google. Which is more worrying … If I type “pterinos naos / Plato” Google directs me right away on the book of Arthur Weysen!

No doubt I am the only person in the world to be interested in this (false) detail. I make a heartbreaking appeal to the Platonists who read this – on more than 4 million readers there must be a few – please write me if you have a track, give me the references of this quote of Plato, you will be a thousand times blessed and Plato himself will welcome you to paradise. He promised.

For Weysen, the fact that Chlounès and his family are turned into birds becomes something else. According to him, the language of the birds is a Celtic invention, and it is in their country that it places Hyperborea. This error is common. And so he declares, without fuss: “So these Babylonian priests of the solar cult of the donkey spoke the language of the birds after a journey with the Celts” (source)L’île des veilleurs, par Alfred Weysen

This mysterious island is also referred to as Thule. (source) Certainly I could tell you about it, but what’s the point? I have already done it under the name of Hyperborea. There are a thousand labels for this bottle – this beautiful space jar that was visible from all over the northern hemisphere.


The space is infinite where you fell asleep, but the space in your body is much larger still.
Lao Surlam