This article is the third part of the Book of Goddesses which has 375 verses. I have already translated about a hundred. Can I get it all straight? The words are simple, but the meaning becomes incomprehensible. One of the ancient Vedas suffers from the same defect — which is surely a precious quality. Inspire me, Eloha!
The Book of Goddesses is a trifle of 375 verses. Everything is printed in my old head by taking lots of notes because I am like the great Jeanne, j’ai la mémoire qui flanche, j’me souviens plus très bien… I have a memory that flops, I remember not very well.
I often have a happy hand in my astral journeys. This time, the Goddess took me in her arms. A choir of adorable reptilian women sang Ramona, kind of a gospel review of the endless peripecies of their major work.
We learned it in schools when they were still among us, there is this… Wof! It does not rejuvenate us. As their inspired vocalizations unfolded, their words were engraved in my body. It’s a power I don’t have, or rather I no longer have. The years are the cause of it.
And here I am, with my memory of old. I guess the Goddess gave me a little help. She wanted very much that this sublime Book reach my time. Always ready to serve, I let her do.
Now it is my duty to make this revelation in a language that can be understood. From verse 101, if the words remain simple, the meaning still escapes me. We are dealing with the description of an unprecedented reality that has no common point with ours, this simulated reality that most humans still hold to be true…
Book of the Goddesses, verses 75 to 79
75 At the very end, nothing will remain of this opaque world
76 The last vapors of illusion will be dissipated
77 The prisoners of the past will no longer be
78 The ruins will be covered with yellow flowers
79 Before sinking into the nonexistent
Return to the disappearance of our world. When the book evokes the vapors of illusion, we are in line with Vedic thought. We also join Matrix, the blockbuster of the Wachowski sisters, which physicists discover with candor: are we in a simulated reality? The Book of Goddesses gives them an additional reason to explore this hypothesis.
They and their fellow men have been prisoners of the past for so long. People from the day before yesterday clawed their teeth and claws at an outdated description of the world. The one that artists-authors have been fighting for more than a quarter of a century.
By force or by will, the Book seems to say, these retrograde beings must leave the place. To whom? To what? The rest of this revelation speaks at length, but I confess to understand nothing for now. What is presented as eternal bliss does not look as cool and comfortable as one might wish, seen from here and now.
Yes, but here we are, the here and now describes our space-time. Which must disappear. Once again, we will not have a choice. It will be necessary to adapt or evaporate. Sunday Bloody Sunday.
There is a conundrum: what are these strange yellow flowers that grow on the rubble? Sulphur flowers?
The Matrix produces humans that it manages in hybernation. They all feel like living in a reality yet dreamed.
Does it remind you of anything? Read quickly Simulated Reality.
Book of the Goddesses, verses 80 to 84
80 In times to come
81 Humans will no longer be human
82 The brother will no longer know his brother
83 The daughter will be the father of her father
84 The mother will not have children
These times are our near future. But what does it mean close to the scale of the Great Goddess whose life is extended by billions of years? Tomorrow, next year, in four centuries, in ten thousand years? I cannot say, for I know nothing. In my heart, which is a pretty fort, I also feel that these times are near. As for giving a date, I am careful. It is easier to give a date.
We will no longer be human? What will we then be? Animals like our bad masters? Or gods… Those who are admitted into the corridor of the Passage will have germinated the divine seed that grows in the heart and blossoms into a flower. Yellow, who knows?
Many brothers are already the worst enemies. Many loving girls already nurse their old dad when death is around. What did I have girls! My boys take care of their old mom… Is that the point? It is not said that the daughter will be the mother of her father, but the father. This could evoke a step back. Before it disappears completely, will time turn around? Will we know what we have forgotten?
This hypothesis is confirmed in the following verse. If the mother no longer has a child, is it because she becomes infertile or because her children will be her parents? Again, back to the past.
Book of the Goddesses, verses 85 to 89
85 No word shall come out of any mouth
86 The words will be forgotten, become useless
87 The tongues will stir in vain
88 The minds will be empty as space
89 A deserted nothing, without stars, without light
No more chatter, conciliabules, chatting, babbling, cursing, gossip, imprecations, the language said Esopo, is the best and worst of things. Especially the worst, I will add. The word is silver but silence is gold.
Words are evils. Words are no excuse when they are vain and factitious; when they are not roles, they are not words. Who said, “In the beginning was the word and the word was god?” This beginning is like nothing. It is not the word, but the act that creates. This wordy god is not one.
So if the end of this world is without comments, why should I add them? Let us respect the inner silence that transforms words into birds of a feather. From winged words to zealous evils. Silence.
Hush! the owl hoots
Book of the Goddesses, verses 90 to 95
90 It’s not just the Earth
91 It’s not just the Sun
92 Nor its planets and their satellites
93 The disappearance will concern the infinite space
94 All stars visible
95 And all the galaxies
Matter and light
Yes, all matter will see the end of its reign. The light will no longer be obscured by the thick hardened mass that slows everything down. Without matter, space and time will end. Concretions, solidified amalgams, piles of waves folded on themselves that no longer spin round, this is what we call matter. This is what we live with. Illusion of illusions, everything is illusion.
The vibration of light is so high that it blinds our gross senses. Its brightness can only be perceived by our subtle senses.
Book of the Goddesses, verses 96 to 100
96 Other universes will suffer the same fate
97 The time of inert matter will have lived
98 The space between worlds will shrink
99 Intelligence will disappear
100 The age of the infinite moment will come
Yes, matter will escape. And those who are in love with it will suffer great pain. Bad words. Too bad for them, no one forced them to be interested only in the coarse, perishable, vain. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
If the physical screen disappears, space is abolished. Without space, it is obvious that the worlds will touch each other until they merge. The dead will change the living. No more wormhole or tunnel to go here or there. No more need of here or there. Everything comes down to here and here.
Without the word that weaves the web where it flourishes, intelligence lose much interest. Emotions and feelings can be without words, reasoning exists only through speech. End of the reactive mind, end of all mind. Place to the Spirit. It is without intelligence since it is omniscient, omniconscious, omniconstant, omniconsistent.
If there is no more space, everything is present. So there is no more time. The age of the infinite moment will come.
Time is an obstinately persistent illusion.
Book of the Goddesses, verses 101 to 106
101 A single great being will form the union of the separated
102 A single house for homeless people
103 One spirit to feed the hungry
104 One heart to comfort the orphans
105 They will have lost more than their world
106 They will have lost their reason
It becomes more difficult to grasp. We will be, in the truest sense, the parts of one great being. Tiny parts, since we will have to unite all of us. Humans, animals, aliens… The personal part is reduced to the infinitely small. Do we have enough heart and openness to grasp this notion that can be frightening?
Goddess Ishtar the Warrior
Book of the Goddesses, verses 107 to 110
107 Formerly united by the flesh, they will be disunited by it
108 Once known by the image, they will be unknown without face
109 In the white light that dresses them, will they unite?
110 Into the infinite void of the uncreated, will they go?
Our Mother’s Light
The concepts expressed in the following verses are likely to cause fear, refusal or even disgust. The opposite of the light that comes from our Mothers. The opposite of the hope that will be generated by their return. The time has not yet come.
I explained in a previous article that verse 101 marked a tone break. Its increasingly dematerialized vibration becomes difficult to bear for the material beings that we are still. But I must continue to pass on this legacy as it was: with gratitude.
The Book of Goddesses will be published in its entirety for three primary reasons:
– So that the present humanity make place to a new race, that of the chosen ones.
– So that we can clean up the past.
– So that the reign of love replaces that of money.
Thus everyone will fully benefit from the wisdom, truth and heart, gifts of the Goddess.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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