Why do myths have such an appeal to people, and for so long? At the age when I discovered mythologies in the Contes et LégendesTales and Legends collection, I had already understood that myths fascinate because they are true. Later, I discovered with happiness this affirmation of the great Plato: “the myth is the echo of a real event.” For me it is an obvious fact. 


A Real Event

For a majority of people around the world, it is one too. But opinion leaders are convinced otherwise. For them, myths have nothing to do with reality. This unanimity of the thinking elites reflects a more general crisis of society, which goes beyond ideas, which surpasses all convictions. There is a frenzy of denial that opposes the serene reassessment of our past. It has been truncated, deformed, reduced, castrated, humiliated — and this humiliation is that of Human, of his status, of his inner greatness.

Those who would reduce us to the sad role of paying pigs, will live to regret it bitterly. They can no longer stand on untenable positions. It has become impossible to deny certain evidential facts in the name of the continuity of the lie. The error is unmasked everywhere. Lying to lead, betraying to rule: that’s enough!

I want to limit myself here to the mythologies. This questioning can open many doors. A flow of fresh air must penetrate the world of ideas, to dust off the stubborn brains.

In an article on this subject, which is dear to me, I suggested, not without irony, that if myths are so similar from one end of the globe to the other, it is because there were once people who sold myths, travelling trade representatives who would have tried, successfully, to sell the Gallic nonsense to primitive savages of New Zealand. Others, coming from Africa, would have had the same success by trading myths from their homes to primitive Native Americans, who not only bought their salads but also, enthusiastic about the power of these nonsense, would have started to carve in the hard rock huge heads of black Africans, to give them a touching transatlantic tribute.



Psycho Anal

The pseudo-specialists of mythologies are so panicked at the idea that we can believe in myths that none of them could perceive the irony yet biting that was hidden with great difficulty in my joke. This article in Le Monde où l’on ennuie, dated 2020, is proof of that.

“Why do myths have similarities across the globe? (…) The psychoanalysts first assumed that they revealed psychological invariants, mental representations common to all humanity.”  (source)


Well, come on! Psychoanalysis, this decadent and obscene non-science, imagines anything as long as it is stupid. And many well-stocked wallets believe it for decades. I have studied during these years, this horror, this buffoonery, this tribune of cabotinage where throne the worst of all, Jacques Lacan, in his smoky role of lecturer at the Collège de France. I followed one of his coursesone of his shows? entitled The hole as worldsymbol”.“Das Loch als Weltsymbol” would say Papa Freud 

No comment. Freudian inveterate and invertebrate, sad empty puppet and eager for applause, Lacan made me laugh when I should cry. Only one psychoanalyst finds favor in my eyes: CG Jung. His futuristic visions rise far above the cackling of the farmyard. But let’s move on.

Experts in obsession and convinced practitioners, the disciples of Lacan scrutinize myths to project their sexual obsessions. These people would like to bring back all mythology to the cult of pussy and puss. It’s daring, but they dare everything. Some myths still give them trouble, but let’s leave them two-three decades, you will see that they will succeed.




Myth Transporting

Specialists in mythology have nevertheless formulated another hypothesis: these myths spread, either with very ancient migrations or through exchanges between cultures.

“So how do we explain the discovery of almost identical oral accounts on both sides of the Bering Strait? The peoples of America and the Eurasian continent were almost entirely separated between prehistory and colonization. Charles-Félix-Hyacinthe Gouhier, Count of Charencey, noted in 1892 that the Iroquois had similar accounts to the myth of Orpheus, a poet descended from Hell: “We would gladly see, in her journey to the underworld in search of Eurydice, a legend going back to the Palaeolithic times and which, at a time impossible to specify, will have been transported to Canada.”

I can hardly believe it. What I was once saying as a joke is very seriously put forward by scientists! Enough to get icterus! They even cite an exhumed particle puppet of the 19th century, Charles-Félix-Hyacinthe etc., who sees in the myth of Orpheus a legend born in the Paleolithic and mysteriously brought up to Canada!

Mysteriously?!? They’re pulling legs?! If myths tell the truth, how can we be surprised that so many legends overlap around the world? There is more wisdom and true knowledge in the Dialogues of Plato than in the antics of Gouhier.

My pupil’s joke described these scientific pretensions too well. Mythological salesmen would therefore have invaded the whole wide planet. They would have sold the European myths to lots of remote villages whose unederdevelopped inhabitants were delighted with the good fortune: before us, they had nothing to tell each other by the fire! My goofy people, don’t take us for fools.

In front of so much stupidity, racism and bad faith I can only pity all these sad assholes of false oxydantal scientists if occis in everything. Oxydantal? Absolutely! … contrary to their mistakes, my faults are voluntary.

Let’s say the truth ever since the Lie is constantly widespread and by many: in the press and books, school and university, and everywhere it exerts its influence.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



Religion Myth

There is another kind of myth that deserves to be analyzed: religion. From the Latin religio, what connects. Religions that bring crowds together in antagonistic beliefs and cause many blood crimes. Religions are not what connects, but what divides. They are the complete opposite of what our world needs to appease its rifts.

The religion with the most believers in the world is Christianity with 2.4 billion followers. The second religion in terms of numerical importance is Islam with 2 billion adherents. The third most practiced religion is Hinduism with 1.16 billion adherents. Paganism or irreligion is in third place with 1.1 billion, Buddhism with 507 million, Animism 430 million, Sikhism 27.7 million and Judaism 14.7 million — according to a 2021 ranking.

There are saints, sages, spiritual guides, gurus, illuminati! So many spiritual workers to proof that the business is profitable. No doubt: so many lost souls wonder what they are doing on earth. So they adhere anything. And since Christians are the most numerous, their religion is constantly growing. But Islam gets involved, smoothes the soul and becomes entangled.

Only fools and oysters adhere.

Paul Valéry



Observers of the religious fact estimate that by 2050 Christianity will be, if not joined, at least tailgated by Islam. In a world torn apart by hatred and violence, this reward for intolerance is not surprising. We see the turn of intolerance and racism in Judaism.

If nazism was considered a religion with Hitler as prophet, let’s bet that it would grow very quickly, too. The followers were different anyhow. We have seen how much neo-Nazis hate Muslims.

The followers of Hitler hate even more the Jews whose religion is very minority … This minority has a simple reason: Jewish religion does not practice proselytism. If Christianity and Islam recruit fast and furious, the conversation in Judaism imposes an almost impossible obstacle course on the adept



What Jesus’ Life?

La vie de Jésus… ou l’avide Jésus ?Life of Jesus … or greedy Jesus?  We could write it greedy Jesus, given his score. As I have shown in many articles, Jesus did not exist in the historical sense of the term. His life is therefore imaginary. It results from the collage of several other lives of characters belonging to different and varied religions.

Started in 2011, my investigation into the Jesus Case continues 14 years later. During all this time, I have accumulated enough evidence and consistent facts that any reasonable person can only bow. Alas, the sensible people already agree with me.

As for the believers, nothing can dissuade them. “Jesus hears me and speaks to me,” they say. Although I tell them that any invisible person can answer them by pretending to be Christ or Santa Claus, they agree with Santa Claus, but not with Christ. Even if I brought Jesus in person to confess his fraud and tell them he never existed, they would still believe in him.


The Jesus Case


Whether he existed or not, Jesus should be ashamed. This Christ has caused so many cruel deaths, so much torture and ignominy, that he would rather deserve the title of principal demon.



It is clear that the myth of Jesus is very much alive in the hearts of many worshippers around the world. And the greed of Jesus knows no bounds, since his religion is at the top of the belief chart — or lack of belief, when it comes to irreligious beliefs.

Nagualism can in no way be defined as a belief, nor Buddhism, since the Naguals like the Buddha have erected this maxim as the absolute foundation of their doctrine: Believe without believing.



This map and classification raise other questions and calls for further reflection. Especially this one: can we confuse paganism and atheism? If atheism is the absence of religious belief, so is paganism. The authors of this card do not mention it, which is a pity. But is there a single statistic on this practice considered archaic, even primitive?

My readers know that I disapprove of this outrageous label. Is the old religion of the druids more archaic than current beliefs that can be considered much more shocking?


Dieu or God?

It must be remembered that Dieu is called so because it is a translation of the Greek term theos, which also translates as Zeus. If we consider that all the worshipers of Zeus are pagans, then it must be considered that any believer in [dieu, deus, theos or its derivatives] is pagan too. As for the worshipers of God, Gott and derivatives, they replaced Zeus with another pagan god.

Dieu: this name, at least in the Indo-European languages, refers to the idea of light, and light from heaven. It is indeed at the root of Indo-European *deiwos which means “light” from heaven or day that the Sanskrit devas, the Greek theos, the Latin deus, and the French dieu are attached. It is true that the terms which designate Dieu in the Germanic languages (Gott in German, God in English) have another origin, also Indo-European, but here the etymology does not give an assured answer, because one can relate the German word Gott either to the root Indo-European *ghau, which refers to the notion of call or invocation, meaning that God is thus understood as being invoked, either at the root Indo-European *gheu, base of the German verb giessen, which means to pour, God being then the one to whom a libation is offered in sacrifice. (read more)

Summoning an invisible creature or worshipping the light are just two ways to worship a pagan. It is necessary to dig a little deeper into the origin of this term, which qualifies all adherents of ancient religions. As it is true that the gods of the old religions become the devils of the religions that replace them…

Good little devils whose only fault is to have believed what they saw: lights in the sky. Unbearable gleams emitted by these giants from elsewhere in their superb craft.



All pagans?

Yes, they were all pagans. The first evidence of the use of this term to refer to those who are not Christian is found on the epitaph of the tomb of a child from Sicily, Julia Florentina, who lived for a few months during the first decades of the 4th century. The epitaph records her brief life, indicating that she was born pagan (nata pagana), and then at the age of 18 months, a few hours before her last breath, she was baptized. The epitaph then evokes the pain of the parents and the burial by a priest in a place where martyrs were buried.

What this inscription about the term paganus indicates is that, according to a usage of the beginning of the 4th century, people are born “pagans”, but they can become Christians through baptism. (continued)

It is understandable that the paganism of which the fathers of the Church spoke referred in particular to the religion of the Romans and that of the Greeks, not very different from present-day Hinduism or the ancient Egyptian religion. These so-called primitive religions are, in my opinion, the only ones that can boast of a historical foundation. All the others are based on revelations. Not that I take them for nonavenues, I only say that faith rests first on credulity.

We believe because we want to believe. We need to believe. Not all humans are fit to become warriors of light. The overwhelming majority simply choose a guide, religious or otherwise, who will think for them and decide what is good for them. That is why today’s religions are above all morals. So-called divine laws. Rules of individual and social behaviour. Safeguards without which anarchy would reign.


Plea for Anarchy

In short, and to conclude, what we today consider as fariboles, delusions without foundation, jokes, bedtime stories, what we call with contempt myths of myth, Sorry to say, these are the only truths that could have survived us. The tide of foolishness has swept over. Our beliefs and convictions are struck at the corner of stupidity and dullness. Nothing is true in new religions. And if some idiot thicker than the others had one day the idea of transforming these revelations into some new religion, evil would have won. Forever. And wisdom would have lost the game for good.

Morality? We must believe, yes, our whole being. But without believing in it, without believing in it, without surrendering to any belief. For faith whatever it is is the best and the worst of things. Institutionalized anarchy seems to be the only escape, the only way out that can save this moribund world.

There is no other savior but yourself. If you forget it, if you meddle in wanting to save others, only the worst of them will follow you while the best will run away.



The Matriarchs






Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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