Categories: Asian Wisdom

Chen, Awakening Lightning


The Yi King, Book of Changes, is a very old Chinese treatise that provides oracles. Its origin is lost in the dawn of time. We do not have the three interpretations of its 64 hexagrams, only the most material of the three, for the use of princes, in order to help them in their temporal charge. I wanted to restore the other two ways, more useful for us than that of princes…


The Three Ways

As a book of wisdom, the Yi Kingalso spelt I Ching is no exception to the traditional rule of three ways of interpretation. In France, the Tarot has found these three ways thanks to the work of Jean-Claude Flornoy, interpreter and fervent restorer of the initiatory Tarot called “de Marseille” and master builder of the Tarot of Rochefort.

The famous translation of the Yi King by Richard Wilhelm can provide nothing but the way of the prince. This is the way of matter, wars, strategies, cynicism and the dominant ego. We cannot be satisfied with it.

I thought it would be useful to give an overview of the other interpretations of these fabulous hexagrams. To the way of the prince, that of the translation Wilhelm, I have added two others, too long hidden: the way of the wise and the way of the Light. However, I was content with a hexagram, the one that is closest to the eternal tradition: the one I distill in Eden Saga.


Please Go On

I give it to you here as an example. Everyone can go on, if they feel like it. Comparing these three ways is a great way to discover the invisible beyond appearances. It is risky, even harmful, to settle for the Way of the Prince. These masters of the material world already have so many advisors, specialists, assistants! The Yi King would be a perfect instrument of awakening if the other two ways were developed by motivated researchers. I stick to it for a hexagram, only 63 left…

It’s your turn, my wise friends. It’s your turn, you beings of light.



The Lightning of Awakening

I chose Chen or Tchen, I said it, my favorite. Subtitled The Awakener, the Shaking, the Lightning, the hexagram Chen evokes lightning as an instrument of awakening — a clear confirmation of my thesis. It is composed of two identical trigrams, two flashes, showing the continuity of lightning, the continuous shaking, image of awakening.

Chen the Awakener corresponds to the arcane XVI The Tower of the Tarot, which also represents awakening. Like this arcane, this hexagram receives contradictory interpretations.

It will be seen that the advice to the prince is not the advice given to the wise, by no means. Proof that princes have no use of wisdom… which can be seen everywhere and in all times.

When it comes to the Light way, or divine way, the difference is even more striking. The fear of the gods is no longer present, quite the contrary. Fear is the first enemy of the light warrior, so it disappears in this third way.


The Three Ways

To complete Chen’s commentary, I begin by quoting the prince’s way, the only one that has survived in its traditional form. I have chosen the translation by Richard Wilhem and the comments by Wengu/

Each hexagram in the Prince’s Way has three approaches. First, a description of the two trigrams, the top and bottom one. In Chen’s case, they are the same. This description is accompanied by a first comment in italics.

Then a more detailed description, The Judgment. It remains symbolic, it is necessary to decipher. Its translation follows, always in italics.

Finally, a kind of moral, an explicit conclusion from the two previous descriptions. It is called L’Image. It is in the same form as the two previous descriptions.

I wanted to remain faithful to this divinatory instrument from a very old tradition. Thus, my own comments, the Way of the Wise and the Way of the Light, are also divided into three parts, the Hexagram, the Judgment and the Image.




The Hexagram

Chen/ The Awakener, the Shake-up, the Thunder
 Up Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder. 
 Bottom Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder.

The hexagram Chen is the eldest son who takes command with energy and power. A yang trait appears under two yin traits and exerts a powerful upward thrust. This movement is so violent that it arouses fear. He has for image the thunder that gushes from the earth and whose shaking causes fear and trembling. (source)


The Judgment

SHAKING brings success.
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh!
Laughing words: Ha! Ha!
The shaking sows terror for a distance of one hundred miles.
He does not drop the ritual spoon and cup.

The shaking caused by the manifestation of God within the earth gives birth to the fear of man, but this fear of God is good thing, because it allows the inner joy and joy to succeed him. If one has acquired the inner knowledge of what fear and trembling are, he is assured against the concussions that might be caused by external influences. Even if thunder rumbles to the point of sowing terror a hundred miles around, one remains so full of calm and veneration that one does not interrupt the sacrificial rites. A deep and intimate gravity upon which the external motives of fear fall, powerless, is the spiritual disposition that must possess the guides of men and the rulers. (source)


The Image

Continuous thunder:  Image of THE SHAKING.
Thus the noble man, in fear and trembling, rectifies his life and examines himself.

The thunder continues, by the concussion it causes, brings with it fear and trembling. Thus the noble man always observes an attitude of reverence before the manifestation of God; he puts order in his life and examines his heart to see whether nothing is secretly opposed to the divine will. Thus fear is the foundation of true art de vivre. (source)




The Hexagram

Chen/ The Awakener, the Shake-up, the Thunder
 Up Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder. 
 Bottom Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder.

The hexagram Chen is a violent break from the routine of ordinary life. Such a shock is positive because it allows the sage to turn his gaze, and to evolve in an unexpected direction. The noise and fury shall not frighten the trembling deer, but delight the strong deer.


The Judgment

SHAKING brings success.
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh!
Laughing words: Ha! Ha!
The shaking sows terror for a distance of one hundred miles. He does not drop the ritual spoon and cup.

The shaking produced by the manifestation of God in the life of the wise man causes both stupor and laughter. When the earth trembles, everything it carries undergoes this trembling, but the bird continues its straight flight.  The wise man is not surprised by anything to be able to marvel at everything. 


The Image

Continuous thunder:
Thus the wise man overcomes fear and trembling, he knows how to welcome the shaking so that the work is accomplished.

The thunder continues, by the concussion it causes, brings with it fear and trembling of the ignorant. But the wise man rejoices in the gifts of life; no omen is a bad sign for him, for it is up to him to turn them to his advantage. The wise man recognizes himself in these violent circumstances: he has already given his life, what does he have to fear from death?




The Hexagram

Chen/ The Awakener, the Shake-up, the Thunder
 Up Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder. 
 Bottom Chen: The Awakener, the Thunder.

The hexagram Chen is the moment when you receive awakening, a powerful force that rises from deep within yourself and falls from heaven at the same time. The meeting of these two forces, one that rises, the other that falls, should not be the object of fear, but of trust, for there is awakening.


The Judgment

SHAKING brings success. 
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh!
Laughing words: Ha! Ha!
The shaking sows terror for a distance of one hundred miles. 
He does not drop the ritual spoon and cup.

The shaking produced by the manifestation of light in your flesh causes a first movement of stupor quickly calmed. Immediately laughter wins, for success is there. Springing from your fontanel, the kundalini meets the white light coming from heaven. Their fusion forces the road to the heart of your being, it inebriates you, you ascend to heaven with it.

While the vulgar moves and runs away, full of fear and trembling, to put himself away from the noise and fury of lightning, you know what awaits you. Remaining centered on your path of awakening, you are not disturbed in your sacred practices.


The Image

Continuous Thunder: SHAKE image.
Thus the divine man, far from fear and trembling, welcomes with serenity this liberating fracture.

The thunder continues, by the concussion it causes, brings with it fear and trembling of the weak. But you rejoice in the benefits of the continuous thunder, which makes its way to the heart of your being to make the inner light bloom. Thus the image is that of a crystal rock in the molten lava forge.  The crystal illuminates the lava that consumes the hearts of the weak and the weaknesses of your heart.

After the shaking of the continuous thunder, you finally taste the awakening in the calm light that does not dazzle you.



Asian Wisdom



The Tarot of Marseilles



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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