The Body Gold

This article follows a first on the subject published in April 2022, Our Bodies and Auras.


The aura of the body responds to gold. In Latin, gold is called aureus, aura, aurum. Au is the chemical symbol for gold. See how the two meet, gold and heart, body and aura. Since the aura is the other name of the immortal soul, its heart can only join the gold of the mortal body by descending the steps made by our subtle bodies. 


Our Fathers the Archons

There are usually seven between our physical body and the nearest aura. When I speak of the aura, I am talking about it. The closest to us. Our soul mate, the neighbor, the friend of heart. Why can’t the aura and the physical body merge without these subtle intermediaries? Because they belong to two worlds, two kingdoms, two opposite destinies.

The aura or soul is totally spiritual. It will not know death. The physical body is totally material. If he remains, he will die as he dies.

“If you don’t die while you are alive, you will die while dying”

Motto of the Teutonic Knights


The physical body was created by the Archons, super evolved animals, of genius tinkerers of matter. They made us with pig and bonobo genes, to which they added genes to themselves, which the geneticists isolated but did not identify. One of them even hypothesized that these few dozen unknown genes were not of terrestrial origin. His colleagues suggested that he abandon the alien hypothesis. Good joke! Geneticists do want to be taken seriously, these big losers.


On the image shown, the aura in red surrounds seven subtle bodies from white to purple. The colors are useful to distinguish the different subtle bodies but they express only the arbitrariness of the graphic designer.

We see the seven main chakras, from the perineum center of base to the fontanel center of awakening. The secondary chakras are shown in purple, and the root network has been drawn in red as well. It starts from the soles of the feet but also from the perineum, which is not indicated in this diagram.


Our Mother the Goddess

Seeing the result of the Archons’ brilliant crafting, noting the physical perfection of Adam, their creature, the Great Goddess decided to give him a soul.

But the soul is not a physical organ that can be slipped between the liver and the heart. The soul is of an ethereal, impalpable and subtle nature. Such is its spiritual nature.

The Goddess and the Archons are not the best friends in the world. Their rivalry has been going on forever. The Goddess was there long before the Archons, as she will be there long after they are extinct. But she is not their friend. On the contrary. The Goddess comes from Heaven, the Archons come from the underground, from the bowels of the earth. The Goddess pulls us up, while the Archons push us down.

Their rivalry is expressed in a hidden, sometimes open, always real hostility. This opposition consummates the divorce between body and soul. We have only one goal in this life which is a test: to give up the body and material goods so that the soul can be incarnated, condition of awakening. Before awakening, the arcane XVI House God of the Tarot of Marseille, there is the arcane XIII, the unnamed arcane. It is the initiatory death that will prevent us from dying by dying.see quotation above



Our enemy the ego

It is therefore necessary to renounce the body so that the soul can finally be incarnated. But everyone does the opposite, renouncing the soul so that the body can dominate.

Left to itself, the body is made to exult. It has no other master but itself and its animal mind, the ego. It is constantly asserting himself, dominating the small ones, imposing himself among the worst, shining alone, crushing the weakest and commanding a lot of people.See the pix opening the article

The ego is just a donkey that commands an army of zombies. This donkey but ruins the life of the being you are. A donkey of darkness who thinks it is shining while it prevents you from letting your inner light appear.

This is the only light that we need to seek. It is obtained by renouncing the body pride. By dominating the dominant. By encouraging the less good. By supporting the weakest and helping as many people as possible.

The Goddess has an immortal soul, death is only a step to climb to rise again. Archons are mortal and have no soul, so no chance of survival to physical death.

Humans have the choice to have a soul or not. To be mortal or not. To live as a beast or to live as a god.

Let’s say as God! For many gods are archons, and no one could desire seriously to be one of them. Archons are mortal. They enjoy a great longevity, but they will die by dying. Our life is very short, but we have eternity before us.


Born awake

If you want to choose to have a soul, I will guide you step by step. At birth, you were awake. If you had chosen to incarnate in the golden age, you would have stayed awake all your life. But you were born in the iron age. Your soul fled when your parents and other grown-ups began to form you.

Do not hold them against, or reproach them. They have done your good; at least they believed it. They did what all the great ones do to the little ones in the Iron Age. It’s the hard law of kali yuga. You’re born to shit, you have to start small.


You’re nothing

At the age of three, you get the first engram that makes you a Earthman. Terrien, t’es rien. (Earthman, you’re nothing). You have to make up for it. Don’t try to become someone by following the bad advice of your ego. If you rule over the assholes, you will become the king of the assholes.

The soul has flown away because it does not bear the integral materiality. You have lost your spiritual lightness, that of the little ones. Your soul must have flown away. But it hasn’t gone far. It’s just above you, and below you, and all around you.

It is called the aura. In Latin, gold. See above. It envelops you, it embraces you, but it cannot penetrate your material body. First, it must be purified.


The Subtle Bodies

This is the role of intermediate bodies called subtle-bodies. There are seven, most of the time. Seven subtle bodies SB between your physical body PB and the first aura A. The aura is a distance of 3 to 4 meters from your physical body. These 3, 4 meters house seven subtle bodies more and more material as they move away from A to approach PB.


The seven Subtle Bodies form a bridge to allow the spiritual Aura
to incarnate in the matter of the Physical Body.

On the image opposite, the aura in red surrounds seven subtle bodies from white to purple. Colors are useful to distinguish the different subtle bodies but they are arbitrary.

We see the seven main chakras, from the perineum center of base to the fontanel center of awakening. The secondary chakras are shown in purple, and the root network has been drawn in red as well. It starts from the soles of the feet and also from the perineum.

The SB are spaced about 45-55 cm apart. As they are spiritual and material in varying proportions, they are called subtle: less material than matter, more material than aura.

One can feel the subtle bodies with the palms of his hands, while the aura is perceived with the back of his hands. One can work on subtle-bodies almost as easily as on the physical body. But not on the aura, not directly. 

The changes we make to our bodies can have an impact on the aura, but let’s not count on it too much… The aura dominates us from all its divine height…


The aura

We do not work on the aura, it is immaterial and our bodies of matter cannot modify it. It is inappropriate to say that we have an aura. It is true that we have a physical body and subtle bodies, but it is the aura that has us, not us who have it.

I am talking about the first aura, which is closest to the PB. There are many others, always separated by a few less material SB as we move away from the PB.

With an apprentice, we tried to count them. We went on a large beach at low tide, to have space. We measured the subtle-bodies and auras over a distance of 300 meters. We found more than five auras, and lots of CS that allow the farthest auras to get closer to the PB.

I am sure that the aura + subtle body system extends to infinity. Which allows initiates to travel in time and space, to visit the farthest worlds… and to take apprentices on their astral journeys.

I am talking about initiates who have reached the final stages of awakening.



Stacking of SB

For several months, a new phenomenon has been observed during my sessions of reki of Erquy, neoreki, celtic reki or reki of the Nagual: the stacking of subtle bodies. The aura remains at the same distance, 3 to 4 meters from the subject. When I approach with the palms forward to feel the SB, I see the presence of only one, or none at all. I have to get closer to the subject by about 20 cm to feel several SB stacked on the SB closest to the body.

With a movement of my hand, I chase them towards the aura. This gesture is enough for them to find their normal place. At the end of the session, I check the spacing and number of SB: all seven are in their place, each in the correct spacing from the previous one and the next.

This stacking occurs in tense, anxious or ill-formed subjects. The simple fact of putting the SB in their place causes an immediate relaxation of the subject. I wondered if this simple gesture is not the only thing that matters to the subject. In most cases, I have not found anything to fix on the energy plan.


The Energy Pattern

This is the set consisting of the central sushumna channel and the two lateral ida and pingala channels.

These channels are added to the seven chakras of the trunk, the basal center at the perineum, the sexual center, the center of the belly near the navel, the heart center or cardiac plexus, the throat center, the front center or third eye, the center of the skull or fontanelle.

It should also include the secondary chakras that are double: shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms, knees, ankles, soles. All forming the energy pattern.


My Reki

The work of reki began with the control of subtle bodies and their correct spacing in relation to the physical body and aura. Then it consists of checking the fluidity of the three channels and eventually to clean the “butterflies”, small film particles that are placed on the channels or chakras. These particles can turn into blockages.

I turn on the chakras that do not rotate or too slowly. To do this, I use several shamanic songs, African, Mexican, Celtic, etc. I use the trance dance around the massage table where the subject rests.



Ending Reki Session

The session is not very long, 15 minutes is usually enough. I recommend that you don’t get up too fast. He must lie down for several minutes, and when he gets up, he must go slowly. By getting up too hard, some sensitive people have been dizzy until they lost their balance.

There is a bed in the “temple” – as I call the large room where the ritual takes place. I invite everyone to rest for as long as it takes after taking a reki. Sometimes people fall asleep in it. No problem, the bed is made for that.

That’s what I can say, but I know it’s not much. Tell yourself that a test is better than a description.


Bio Energy



    If God exists, atheism must be less insulting for him than religion.
    The Goncourt brothers