Amon Rama


Ancient religions and mythologies all tell us the same story: ours. Let us find Ra / Ram / Rama hidden behind Amon-Re, one of the first gods of Egypt. Amon the Egyptian and Ramos the Celt are as similar as Karnak and Carnac. As an appetizer, taste a little Spanish where Raymond calls himself Ramon — possible contraction of Ra Amon.


Amon Ra

I came across the following text, edited by UNESCO. Each word calls for a link to another of my articles, or a comment that demystifies obscure statements. When we know what we are looking for, we find it everywhere. This decryption, everyone can do it in the light of previous discoveries.

Amon (Amen, Amun)(1) was originally the god of Thebes,(2) he was later identified with Re or Ra and named Amon-Re.(3) Amon’s name means “hidden” (4) because no one could see it. Unlike other important deities, Amon did not live in a far place from heaven.(5) His presence was everywhere, invisible but felt like the wind.(6) His oracles communicated the divine will to humanity.(7) It was said that Amon came quickly to help the pharaoh on the battlefield (8) or simply to help the poor people. (9)

According to the oldest Theban traditions, Amon was created by Thot (10) or from the egg of the world (11) as one of the eight primordial deities of creation (12) with its parèdre Amonet, also called Mout, “the Mother” (13) which seems to have been the Egyptian equivalent of the archetype of the “Great Mother” (14) found in many mythologies. (15)


The commentary

(1) Amon or Amen: We have understood where the Latin word Amen comes from which we translate “so be it”.

(2) Amon god of Thebes: Capital of Egypt in the Middle and New Empire, Thebes was the city of the god Amon. With the temples and palaces of Karnak and Luxor, with the necropolis of the Valley of Kings and the Valley of Queens, she gives us striking testimonies of Egyptian civilization at its peak. (UNESCO)

(3) Amon-Ra or Amon Ra: Rama is named Ream in Khmer, it is Ré Amon. Rama is named Phra Lam in Laotian. Lam as Lama in Tibet, where he founded Lamaism.

(4) Amon’s name means “hidden”: Rama was erased from Western memory. His name disappeared from our ancient history. Instead it was given a host of other names, including Amon, Amen, Imen, Zeus, etc. For ancient Egypt it is Imen achâ renou, “Amon with multiple names”.

(5) Amon did not live in a distant place in heaven: Certainly not. He resided in Hyperborea, his large mother ship hovering 200km above the North Pole.



(6) His presence was everywhere, invisible but felt like the wind: Moving in aircraft like Solomon, he often changed continents to administer his planetary empire. He materialized in the breath of his engine, like the dragon god Hashem of the Torah.

(7) His oracles communicated the divine will to humanity. Like Hashem, his word was indisputable, for he read the future as clearly as the past.

(8) Amon came quickly to help the pharaoh on the battlefield: see Rama the conqueror  

(9) … or to help the poor people: Rama who is also the first mythical Buddha has spread a social and charitable teaching throughout Asia, Lamaism.

(10) Amon was created by Thot: In the language of origin, thot, touth, tuath, etc. do not designate a being, but a people. We find this syllable in Tuatha, Toutankhamon, Thoutmosis, or the words all, all, total. It is the same for Adam who designates the first men, or for Enoch who designates the demigods admitted in Alcor.

(11) Amon comes from the egg of the world: The egg of the world is another name for Hyperborea, which has many. Hyperborea, mother ship of terraformers the former gods, our creators, is indeed the origin of the world, in any case that of our terraformed planet.

(12) Eight primordial deities of creation: Creation is the terraforming of our planet and the creation of the human species. These eight deities and their consorts are called the Ogdoade. It is the ensemble formed by the eight geniuses of Hermopolis from the Noun, the primordial ocean from which our world comes. They remind me the Seven Elohim of the Bible.


The Ogdoad of Hermopolis as can be admired with the third eye in the temple of Hathor at Dendérah,


(13) the consort of Amon, also known as Mout, “the Mother”: Amon and Mout, Rama-Zeus and Ana, Enoch and Hathor… These divine couples are at the origin of many traditions, in imitation of Shiva, whose consort is Shakti, the Eternal Feminine.

A personal aside: when they were little, my sons called their mother Mit Mout. I doubt that they knew about Amon’s consort. Do you say Mut? Would that be the origin of the word mutton? Isn’t her husband a ram?

(14) the Egyptian equivalent of the archetype of the “Great Mother”: See The Great Goddess

(15) found in many mythologies. See Our Lady Anne

The image

Amon is a blue god, like Krishna and Rama. Blue is a late metaphor for the noble race.  This noble race has not disappeared.


The noble race

Blue skin is a racialist code that hides the first created race, black. The first Buddha was black, like all semi-divine figures of some importance. After worshipping the black gods, the white race discovered racism. And the Indian Buddhas of black stone or black wood do not have frizzy hair, but no, not at all: they give refuge to snails on their skull!!!! Racism, when you hold us…

He carries in his right hand the scepter Ouas, a long stiff cane whose bottom part is forked. I see it as a technological object, probably electrical. The fork at the base was a power outlet, and at the top I see a transmitting antenna.

In the other hand he holds the Ankh, the cross of life.




The Ankh of Atlantis

There is reason to believe that the Ankh was not invented by the Egyptians. It is an Atlantean heritage.  This symbol is present in various ancient civilizations related to Atlantis. Calixtlahuaca, today Toluca has one of the most mysterious objects discovered in Mexico. Monument 4, known as the cross altar or Tzompantli, shows an incredible similarity with the Ankh cross. 

This is only surprising for specialists. Others already know. Our Egyptologists, without imagination and very ignorant of pre-ancient customs, have classified the Ankh in the category of symbols. Symbolism is a recent invention that began to be used when we stopped understanding things from the past.

The ancient gods who taught our ancestors were rather realistic and pragmatic. They were dealing with wild cattle, our ancestors. Why did not all the ancient gods leave their Ankh? They are always represented with an ankh in hand.

Who would do that with a symbol? A symbol is worn on their clothing, like a badge or a rank. Or on a piece of jewellery, around their neck. But having it constantly in hand is a real embarrassment when you have to monitor or even watch over primitive belligerent. On the contrary, what kind of thing does a cattle keeper always have with him?

Our Egyptologists are endowed with a poor imagination because they have been kept in the ignorance of pre-ancient mores by a dumb teaching, castrating through blindness. They therefore classified the Ansee or Ankh cross in the symbols category. Symbolism is a recent invention that began to be used when nothing was understood in the past. Similarly, the various specialists of ancient history have classified certain texts or artefacts in a drawer marked myths, vast tote in which they hide what does not fit with their narrow vision of the human past.

If the Ankh was just a symbol, why would all these gods keep holding it? A symbol is worn around the neck, in a belt buckle, or embroidered on the dress. What you always hold in your hand is a handgun. (excerpt from Thundering Zeus)



Atlantean and Hyperborean

Amon has worn many titles as “Lord of the Throne of the Two Lands” (a), “Elder of the Gods of the Eastern Sky” (b) or “One whose time is over” (c).
Amon’s attributes are the solar disk,(d) the ram horns (e) the ankh and sceptre ouas. (f) His sacred animals were the goose (g) and the ram with large curved horns. (i) He is recognized as the first born of Noun (j) (source)

(a) Throne of the two Lands: America and Europe were connected by the island ship Atlantis, throne of Amon, lord of Atlantis.

(b) Elder of the gods of the Eastern Sky: the oldest god conquering the East and becoming god under the Eastern Sky.

(c) “One whose time is over”: The name of Amon Rama has been erased from Western memories. His time is over for this part of the world. Maybe he went back to Alcor? Or is he simply dead? The immortality of the gods, as I have shown, is a myth that the giant Gilgamesh has uncovered.

(d) Amon’s attributes are the solar disk: Like its title Re or Ra, the solar disk represents not our star, but the unbeaten sun, Hyperborea, origin of the former gods.

(e) the ram horns: whether of a ram, bull or other beast, the horns are much more than a distinction. We often represent shamans with horns: see the three characters of the arcane XV The Devil in the Tarot of Marseille. On the first layer of the subtle body, at the temples, the sensitives, awake, seeing, have an organ in the shape of a ramure. It serves them to capture information that their yet sharp senses do not give them.

(f) the ankh and sceptre ouas: see above

(g) His sacred animals were the goose: Wouldn’t that goose be the mother goose? The bitter law. Or the Mother Law, the primordial law enacted by Amon Rama. It is said that the Primordial Goose laid the world’s egg. The primordial goose would be the great goddess, the Mother. And the egg of the world would be Hyperborea, that big egg-shaped vessel that terraformed the world, which is Terra, our planet.

(i) and the ram with large curved horns: Doubt is no longer permitted. Amon is Ra, the unbeaten sun. And Ra is Ram or Rama, as its name indicates it means ram in English and as its sacred animal the ram attests. If as I believe the horns are antennas, the curved horns, longer and spiral, offer a better perception of the waves.

(j) He is recognized as the first born of Noun: “In Egyptian mythology, the primordial ocean is called the Noun, which would be a concept rather than a god. The Noun is the Ocean that made Life and will make Death; without a creator, it extends around the world. All creation myths have one thing in common, this Noun, from which the god-creator was born.” (source)


Like all quotations cast in the mould of dominant thought, we must decipher the agreed gibberish to shed light on what is incomprehensible. For me, the primordial ocean is outer space. Nout god of space or space itself possesses a parèdre, Nout, goddess of the celestial vault.

In the same way, Ra designates Rama and Ra designates Hyperborea, emerged from the Noun with Rama Amon on board. Amon Ra would he be the creator god? If he’s like I think the first terraformer, then yes, he is.



Hymn to Amon Rama

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
The radiant, lord of the becoming, of many aspects,
Hearts are full of your love!

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
Sun born from heaven, who creates the earth, who creates the waters and the mountains,
That brings all beings into existence!

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
You have illuminated the earth in darkness,
You arise out of the Noun, men and gods follow you.

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
The powerful, with multiple names, that no one knows
He who looks at us from afar, but close to hear us.

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
With strong arms, lord of strength, quick to anger,
The irritable who throws out his enemies!

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
Merciful, lord of goodness, rich in love and goodness,
Who listens to complaints, coming to the one who calls him!

Cheer on you, Amon-Ra!
Who begets all men, who creates their sustenance
The one, the strong that makes you live! He never tires!

Extract of the Berlin 3049 hieratic papyrus p. VIII, lines A 1-7,
XXIInd dynasty, around 945-715 BC. (source)



What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson