Hathor is the most powerful avatar of the Great Goddess. His reign of absolute power covered the entire planet, from one end of the Taurus era to the other. His delicacy contrasted with the bestiality of his lieutenants. The former gods are his children. The male gods serve the Daughters of Hathor. Hateful or adorable, Hathor has forever marked the unconscious of males: never again that.
These are the (male and female) key names that define and summarize the era of Taurus, around 4000 BCE to 2000 BCE. This era should be called the era of Cow, since it is dominated by a woman, or rather a dynasty of women, I mean the great goddess Hathor and following Amazons Queens.
At the time, Queen of the Amazons meant Empress of the World, since their power was worldwide. That was the triumph of matriarchy, female domination in all areas including war.
This female supremacy has rarely been understood by historians to whom the systematic masculinization of goddesses has largely escaped. Which of them could say with me that before the Patriarchs, the Matriarchs ruled Terra for tens of millennia? The mythologies of the world mention them, but all historians know that they are only tales without historical foundation. That’s why your daughter is mute…
“The most widespread religion in the ancient world was perhaps the cult of the bull, the animal dedicated to the Great Goddess. Although it dates back to ancient times and myths, when the supreme goddess reigned, one finds the sacred bull behind it. The excavations of Nineveh, Babylon and Ur, as well as smaller towns of the Tigris and Euphrates valley show that bull accompanied the worship of the great fish goddess Tiamat, often represented by a mermaid, as on a seal discovered at Nineveh ” (source)
Victim of the prevailing cultural machismo, the author makes too widespread a confusion between the cult of Taurus and that of the Cow. Taurus is not, as he believes, the animal dedicated to the Great Goddess. He is his stallion, rare among the oxen of the matriarchy.
Taurus, the bull is the stallion Zeus for the Goddess Hera. The astrological era of Taurus brought about the systematic worship of this animal, but let us not forget that Hathor has cow horns, and that the sacred cow wins in India over the bull. One can trust eternal India for the respect of traditions already ancient in antiquity.
Please let’s start from the beginning
My view is a drawer I like to open for you
I dive with delight a finger concupiscent
I titillate and I excite and I slip by
Mercilessly without way I slip another finger
Having for avowed purpose only your renunciation
(Stef Kervor, L’empaffé)
When Nietzsche evokes the oldest of the cities, he calls it “the Multicolored Cow“. (source)Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra This is Babylon which was called Babel. Funny to note that these two syllables are still devoted to the cow and its milk — in France at least: the Bel cheese factories and their famous Ba(by)bel. This is the b. a. ba of cultures and this humanity. A nice nod from our mother Hathor.
Bel, Belen, Belenos, Belenus, Baal, Thor, Enlil. Master of the former gods of the earth’s surface, he had as brother and rival Teutates, Enki for the Babylonians, who ruled over the depths, named Hades. Teutates was Teuth Hades, the people below.
During the Age of Taurus, Teutates was the lover of the Goddess Hathor, while Belenos was content to be his armed arm. Lover of Hathor? The Book of Enoch tells a similar story. One may wonder if Enoch and Tutatis are twins or if they are one person.
Bel/ Bélénos was not only a Celtic god, he ruled over the whole West, and even further. Unbeknownst to us, his presence is still attested by many toponyms. Bel died drowned in the quicksand of Mont Saint Michel. Neighbor of the Mount, the rock of Tombelaine is a deformation of Tomb Belen. All the high points once bore an oratory or sanctuary of Belen. This name was forgotten to become Bel-Air.
In the Middle East it was called Baal, declined in many names, like Baal-selbub, Baal-zebub, Baalzebuth, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, etc. Yes, the god Belen became the great demon Beelzebub, so it is true that the devil is still the god of the religion before. Eternal way to eliminate the competition of the Old Religion.
The rest is eloquent. A self-proclaimed Yahweh, Zeus, intends to supplant Bel. He chose his people. Great is his modesty. While Baal had gathered all the countries in his bag, the humble Yahweh, rotten with pride, took only one people. Yet he had trouble keeping these people. Hear him groan in the fold of Moses who cannot but, embarrassed as he is.
Yes, old Moses, I like you, you know, but still, when I see all your people rushing like one man in the temple of Baal, it gives me the balls. As soon as you leave for five minutes, they melt the precious metal of my effigy into a golden calf. Descend from Mount Sinai, my friend. They disobeyed me. Come down and yell at them like rotten fish. It is time to put it right. (Word of Yahweh Zeus, general of the Cherubic army corps, including seven legions of angels)
Hathor is a Hyperborean goddess, she came with the astronauts gods on the artificial planet Nibiru also called Hyperborea. The Tuatha de Danaan called her Dana An, ie An’s wife. An or Anu was the chief god of Anunna. These people revered Hathor above all other gods, they proclaim she is the Great Goddess who protects humanity. The Sumerians called her Ninhursag.
“The goddess Ninhursag is also called Ki, which means Earth. She is the queen of the mountains. Goddess of fertility, she created all the vegetation of this planet. Ninhursag is one of the older members of the Sumerian pantheon. She prestigious title “mother of the gods”, “mother of all children.”
She is also called Ninmah, Nintu or Mammi. She was the deity of the Sumerian governors, who called themselves “the children of Ninhursag.” Under the leadership of Enki, she participated in the creation of men in a late Sumerian text. Under the name Nintu, she is the goddess of childbirth.”
“Hathor was known in seven forms that played a role with both the deceased and the newborn. They are represented sometimes as seven cows sometimes as seven young women, wearing the sun disc and cow horns, playing the tambourine and sistra.
In their cow form, they are rather encountered in a funerary context and they are accompanied by the “bull of the West”. Their role is to feed and protect the deceased.
In the tomb of Queen Nefertari, each bears a name: Mistress of the Universe, Storm of Heaven, You of the Land of Silence, You of the Land of Kemmis, Red Hair, Bright Red, Your name blossomed by knowledge.
They are also found on mythological papyrus, tomb paintings or temple reliefs. In the Book of the Dead, in chapter 148: “To feed a blessed in the world of the dead”, ends with the vignette “the seven cows and the bull” (source)disappeared site: Maat of Belgium
In the image opposite we can recognize the archetype of the Black Virgin, nurturing mother of humanity represented by the child on her knees.
The Greeks know and worship it under the name of Athena, where the root Ath, Hat. It is Ninhursag-Athena who assists Enki / Prometheus for the creation of our species.
It is to her that we owe our immortal soul, too bad for those who doubt it.
A soul, that is to say the supra-consciousness, direct link with the transcendence, that each of us possesses in the secret of his heart. As such, Hathor the Matriarch is the great benefactor of humanity.
For the Sioux and large tribes of Plains Indians of North America, she is the White Buffalo Woman. She is Wakan, her person is sacred. For them, everyone is sacred wakan and has power. Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, also translates as Great Mystery or Great Medicine. For my part, I think that White Buffalo Woman is THE most sacred person, and as such represents the original Wakan Tanka, the Great Medicine, the Great Magic. Only macho sexism translated Wakan Tanka into a masculine name.
The Buffalo tells us the time, the era of Taurus. Buffalo because at that time there were no cows or bulls in America. White because that was her skin colour. She came to the Lakota over ten thousand years ago, at the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age. Her skin was white, her word clear, her powers great, and her radiant beauty sublime.
Wakan Woman is sacred, more than anything else. This fact has explanation: she made a wonderful gift to the Great Plains tribes. Her coming ended the great famine of dry weather. The ice age had given way to a terrible drought that lasted for several millenia. The game disappeared little by little. Holy Woman extended her arms, she uttered her melodious song. Heavy clouds arrived like the night in broad daylight. The rain fell forty days and forty nights, before the great sun dried the mud and grew the blue grass.
The White Bison Woman spread her arms a second time. In a stormy din, an immense herd of large furry beasts invaded the infinite plain. The plains people had never known bison. Horns to horns, hooves to hooves, for days they came, encircling the hills where the brave and their families had taken refuge. The Sioux rejoiced in this profusion of fresh meat: they who had been feeding on lizards and dry grass for years, they believed neither their eyes nor their ears.
In a rolling thunder, millions of hooves hammered the ground, making the earth of the hills vibrate. The buffalo seemed to need no rest. Their backs and massive heads rolled their swells in the sea of foam that drowned the plain. White foams like their white fur. All the bison were white as the snow of the mountains.
The Wakan Woman spoke. These animals are your most precious asset. Their tasty flesh will give you strength and health. Their fur is water repellent on the outside, warm and dry on the inside. It will protect you from cold and rain.
Follow them in their migration, so you will not miss the game, neither to your children, nor to the children of your children. The strength of your arms will no longer falter under famine.
You will live in this paradise until the first brown bison arrives. When all the bison turn brown, white men will come. Beware, they will be evil and deceitful. Armed with lightning, they will slaughter the buffalos, until the inexhaustible herd dwindles and disappears.
The continuation of his prophecy was not revealed to me. The White Bison Woman kept silent, I lost her astral trace. This is what the poor memory of the red men has kept from Her. The Lakota Sioux remembered her words when she gave them the sacred Chanunpa Pipe:
I give you this Earth, you will walk a sacred step. You will walk in perfect balance with Unchi, our Grandmother Earth. I give you this sacred pipe. With it you will pray for everything that lives, for creatures that walk, fly, swim, and crawl. (source)Archie Fire Lame Deer, chief Lakota
Note that Mother Earth is said Unchi in Lakota and Ki in Sumerian, suggesting a common origin – no offense to the most cautious linguists. Note also that Unchi and Enki seem to be one and only name.
Hathor is the great Goddess, the Incas called Pachamama. Closely related to fertility in the Andean cosmology, Pachamama is the earth-goddess in some cultures present mainly in the space corresponding to the ancient Inca empire. The figure of Pachamama is particularly strong among the Aymara and Quechua peoples. It is a major goddess of pre-Inca Tiwanaku culture in Bolivia. (source)
Before the stars shine in the sky, Tiwanaku existed.
Mama as Mammi in Sumerian, as Ama in China, as Mom, Mammy, Mum, Mamma, in European languages. Note also German Mutter and English Mother, composed of Mu + Thor.
Pachamama where we find – in addition to the universal root mama, Mother – the roots pa and cha, also present in Cha (nun) pa, the sacred clay pipe of the Lakota. Clay, as we have seen, is a very special material, a kind of blood plasma of the Earth, closely linked to the creation of humans. The pipe is sacred because it brings fire to clay, and because its steam opens the divine kingdom. It is thus understood that Pacha means Earth, Clay. Pachamama is thus translated: Mother Earth.
Pachamama is the Mother of Amerindians all right. But Hathor is also the Mother of their ennemies the cowboys. Aren’t they called “cow boys”, sons of the Sacred Cow?
Hathor is doubly divine: by her mother earth function or Mom of the World and by her lover function, as sexual initiator, divine consort and sacred portal to gods’ pleasure.
She is the origin of all plants of this planet, if one believes the Sumerian tradition. I believe she was a chief-gardener who contributed grandly to the development of imported cereals and vegetable. Moreover Hathor is the source of our divine or transcendent side. She is indeed our divine mother, without whom we would be fossilized apes. As such, she is the object of our eternal adoration.
But she is also the eternal object of male desire. Lover Isis, irresistible Venus, Hathor who loves Horus and Ra:
The golden flame, the beloved of Horus, O thou whose head is black and who are standing around the neck of Ra! You want to go up to heaven, I want to go up to heaven. (verses of Hathor, cited by Jean-Louis Bernard and Siegfried Schott)
Profile Mélusine la Serpente, fairy daughter of Isis awakens. Like Hathor, like Melifactory, Isis gives the perfect mind by its sexual power and through lightning, both of which also raise the kundalini. Opposite the most powerful cathedral in France, Notre Dame de Chartres with two black virgins, an old brewery celebrates the cult of the Reptilian Goddess Mélusine under the pretty name of Café Serpente.
For the Hebrews, Melifactory Isis will become Lilith the initiator, Adam-Ra’s first wife. The serpentine that stands around Ra’s neck. But she is also the Queen of Sheba for Solomon, just like the beloved mystic of Djallal ad-din Rumi, Isis the awakener is desirable spiritually as well as fleshly.
Time traveler, gallant but less green than before,Vert Galant means eternal lover — lost in translation I know the sublime happiness of being loved not by the Goddess but by her noblest avatara. She was the first daughter of the tribe of Noah the Celt.
“Her worshippers called her the Great or the Golden, because of her aura.”
You who sow the emerald, malachite and turquoise
To make stars
If you shine, I will shine the same.
O you invaluable you the mother of my fathers,
Giver of divine power, vigor
And the great age inaccessible to human,
The beauty of your face glows and sparkles
O Hathor! You’re welcome
The head turns us in front of your lovely little face
O Hathor! O Gold!” (verses of Hathor, cited by Jean-Louis Bernard and Siegfried Schott)
Eroticism and mysticism were in Egypt two sides of the same coin; what is above is like what is below. (J.L. Bernard, Aux origines de l’Egypte)
The original cult of the goddess Hathor was a controlled sexual ecstasy, codified in a ritual practice that gave origin to Tantrism of India. If Hathor cannot satisfy by herself the lust she arouses, she will send a real substitute to fulfill her worshipper, as evidenced by this eloquent prayer: “I love the Golden, I praise her majesty, I celebrate the mistress of the sky, I sing the praises of Hathor and the glory of the sovereign lady. As I implored, she heard my prayer and sent me a lover.” (verses of Hathor, cited by Jean-Louis Bernard and Siegfried Schott)
It cannot be clearer: Hathor is one that awakens through sexuality, or rather through the control of sexual impulse.
It is clear that Christianism did not dig this aspect in the sad avatar it produced. Virgin Mary mates with archangels only. Poor Joseph and poor us! All cuckolds except our priests who are pedophiles instead.
Save Our Souls dear Hathor! Help us!
For once, don’t be a little cow !!
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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