In 1992, when Flornoy showed me the magic passes that clean the chakras, I did not think to commit all my energy and patiently evolve it over the last thirty years. The reiki of the venerable Japanese Mikao Usui has taken a facelift in Celtic land. Here is the reki of the Nagual.
My benefactor and friend Jean-Claude Flornoy was an expert in tarology and familiar with subtle energies. When he showed me his practice of energy care, I imitated him at once. The adventure continued after his departure towards the Self. My own practice led me from magical passes to massage, then to Japanese reiki, Kundalini reki, Neoreki, Erquy reki, Celtic reki, and finally, Tantra Reki — tantra means ‘transformation’ into Sanskrit ; mine is not sexual — the Nagual giga Reki. Its unusual power requires mastery and precision. The chosen will be selected …
Without Flornoy, master of the Domaine de Rochefort sur Mayenne, expert in tarology and familiar with subtle energies, I could never have developed so many relevant formulas of western reki. Unlike the old Japanese reiki, mine correspond to current realities. I had to adapt them constantly to our changing time and its climatic, geo-biological, energy environment. And this work of adaptation will continue thanks to all this range of rekis for the whole range of my visitors.
What I owe to the Rochefort years is hard to forget. Why should I? This unreal parenthesis, so fruitful, remains one of the highlights of my life rich in summits. I have enjoyed a long life of adventure, generosity, love and discovery. Delights.
I followed the brilliant trail of my benefactor, blessing every day that we met, a summer of 1965, in a scout camp with my other friend and ally, Devic the irreplaceable. These two have taken the tangent, leaving me under a lamp that I take for a star, to beat the bushes in the crazy hope of an impossible return.
Even if they came back, would I recognize them? One could be that two-month-old girl who gave me such a strange smile. The other is that street kid singing Carmen barefoot in the gutter. Are they back? There is no other way to get on this planet. We all have to go through the pregnancy box, 9month aquatic life up to birth inconvenience.
Although more powerful, the last born fits in the line of my previous rekis: it performs in a short time the cleaning of the chakras, the control of the right spacing of the subtle bodies and the clearing of the blockages on the energy pattern. In addition, it can clean deep engrams from childhood.
Its effectiveness is my legitimate pride. What, with the old Flornoy method, could take several weeks, is done in four days and without any difficulty. The Flornoy method, rather harsh, could confine to torture… Mine is better company. I have been searching for a long time, this formula that brings together all the magical techniques to which I am lucky to be initiated.
Unified in the Nagual Reki, all my influences are harmonized: the magic passes of the Mexican brujos, voyeurs of the nagual and Toltec warriors; the secret practices of the Lakota men-medicine, the power of the songs of power, of the sweat-lodges; the magic of the Böns, archaic populations of Tibet; and the incredible incantatory passes of the Tongouz shamans of Siberia.
I work mainly with the nagual, the left side of the subtle body. For the poet Fernando Pessoa, “the left side of knowledge is science, reasoning, intellectual speculation; and the right side is knowledge of the occult, intuition, mystical and kabbalistic speculation.” (source)
For Castaneda, these two paths are reversed, because he does not speak of cerebral hemispheres like Pessoa, but of the “body knowledge“. The left side of the brain corresponds to the right side of the body, and the right side of the brain corresponds to the left side of the body.
I opt without hesitation for the Castanedian formulation, closer to the reality lived by the warriors of the nagual, constantly listening to the body, visions, feelings and intuitions that have strictly nothing of the mind. The nagual would correspond to the left (body) side and the tonal to the right. Magic is left side, reason is right side. The awakening is by way of the left hand and does not owe anything to that of the right hand.
In the Asian rites, this transformation is achieved at the end of endless spiritual exercises or sexual practices, whereas the nagualism of Castaneda can achieve it by a simple shift of the assembly point.
That’s why I’ve been looking for years to find a way to incorporate Nagualism into my practice of Celtic reki. Now it’s done. Thanks to this fusion, the prospects of clearing and healing are incredible. The reki of the nagual.
Told by the menu, here is the genesis of this discovery that floods me with joy!
B*** has visited me three times in the last few years and has been following my neo-reki closely. So when I discovered the ultimate, I immediately thought of her for a first experience. And the result exceeded our expectations.
Almost next door, B*** lives in Morlaix. We agreed to a two-day stay. On Monday at 4pm, the first session of tantra reki ended. I was still not sure if that would be enough, or if we should have a new session on Tuesday.
You will not be so easily able to stop. I know you’re stubborn, but it does not matter. The more you’re stubborn, the better you become when you’ll finally manage to change.
It was not my usual reki. It looked like an exorcism. I practiced it a few years ago, an episode that was trying, but when you see the relief of liberation, you forget all the pain.
Exorcism is a close combat with the devil. A living dirtbag has taken possession of a physical body, causing great suffering for the rightful owner of that body, who is sometimes condemned to stay outside. Then his mind hovers above his own body. He feels nothing physical, no kisses, no hugs, no blows, no wounds. The other one takes advantage of it.
With M***, another case. The possession was subtle. She carried in her energy body a kind of radio relay of negativity. Through this relay, orders and punishments were transmitted from who-you-know-not. And M*** obeyed. Suffered. And it did not end. She asked me to help her get rid of it. Then I could act.See further: Correlative corollary
The origin of this curse dates back to very early childhood, and probably before. It is a geis, an Irish word for a personal or family-related fate. Geis can be passed on from generation to generation. M*** has.
Geis, female name, in medieval Irish literature refers to either a prohibition or an injunction by word. The infringement or failure to comply with the GEIS has catastrophic consequences. It is therefore a process related to the supernatural and magic, but which is accessible to all. There are no specific criteria and it is sufficient to express a geis for it to be implemented.
There are several ways to end geis. I see two in the case of M***.
– Go back in time to the origin of the curse. And when we have found the impersonator, we deal with him. We try to reason with him. Whether he is alive or dead does not change anything. It is enough to master the timeline, the world-between and conviction.
– Expel out of the energy body. It is done in the same way as with a black entity. We isolate the relay terminal that transmits the geis. It is enough to be sensitive, seeing, full of vibrant energy.
With M***, another case. The possession was subtle. She carried in her energy body a kind of radio relay of negativity. Through this relay, orders and punishments were transmitted from who-you-know-not. And M*** obeyed. Suffered. And it did not end. She asked me to help her get rid of it. Then I could act.See further: Correlative corollary
The origin of this curse dates back to very early childhood, and probably before. It is a geis, an Irish word for a personal or family-related fate. Geis can be passed on from generation to generation. M*** has.
After the first reki, P*** falls asleep on the massage table. I go out. It takes an hour to emerge. I go back and see how he is. For now, P*** feels nothing but overwhelming fatigue. With a strong sense of strangeness.
During the reki, P*** stopped accepting my energy gifts. He took only the minimum to make the magic work. Just a pinch. The rest, I got it in the face. And it tucks.
His refusal beats in my plexus. Powerful and painful. Damned law of reflux! When the healing energy is blocked by the unconscious of the patient, the healer receives a shock in return. All the energy refused to him is negative and its power is multiplied by ten. Since yesterday, I’m tired…
To avoid refusal and painful reflux, the first rule is never offer your services to someone who does not ask for anything. He would not believe it and the risk of energy reflux is too great. The healer must wait until asked before acting. And it is the patient himself who must apply, not a friend or relative. The patient in person. Without any pressure.
Since this painful experience, the reflux has disappeared, I only receive blessings.
Why does the unconscious refuse what can cure the person? This is the question I asked myself as soon as Flornoy told me about it. I discovered the answer years later while treating WY*.
He had a condition that required him to have two dialysis sessions per week. His kidneys were dead, inoperable. The impossible removal forced the surgeon to graft a third kidney on the abdomen. At his request, I sent him a good dose of energy by scalar waves. The next day I receive an email overexcited. WY* had just pissed three drops, which hadn’t happened to him in twenty years!
Very well. For several days I resume my scalar emissions. White cabbage. Alarmed, he writes: “I come to see you in Erquy”.
Good idea. In my place of power, the Force is with me. I thought that this healing would not drag on. One week of treatment and two dialysis sessions later, still nothing. He went home very depressed.
Some time after this failure that put me on the sidelines, I understood two things:
1 the law of reflux, whose terrible effects I had just suffered,
2 the desire not to heal which possessed the friend WY*.
I tell him, he insults me and hangs up. Time passes. He calls me back, bummer.
-Xavier, you’re right. I don’t want to heal. I have too much to lose. There’s this young woman who cares for me, very dedicated, I love her. If I heal, she will leave. I will also lose my pension of 2000€. How will I live? Great disabled citizen, I have never worked in my life.
“That’s why your daughter is mute,” Sganarelle would have concluded. And that is also why I am very careful about accepting a patient or an intern.
* *
Those who would like to try this rebirth should expect a thorough investigation of their motivations, background, etc. And after that, my agreement is not guaranteed, far from it. This extreme reki is strictly reserved for extreme cases or for sharp warriors. For the others, I have in my bag of mischief other celtic rekis suitable to requinquer them for a long time.
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