People who have had a heart transplant have tastes and memories that do not belong to them. One may wonder if the new heart would not have brought with it fragments of memory of its former owner. This idea may seem strange to old-school zombies, it has nothing to surprise an awakened person, scientific or not.
The observation was made by several people who had undergone a heart transplant. They have emotions, tastes, memories that donors would have. Why not? Scientists are serious about the number of these testimonies.
And I approve of them. Our body is capable of storing memories elsewhere than in the brain, my personal research has shown me this time and again. That these new habits could be transmitted by a transplanted organ seems to me more than an hypothesis.
In the case of heart transplants, the question is so relevant that Saudi researchers have devoted a medical study published in April 2024 to it. It shows that after a heart transplant, patients report changes in their tastes, preferences for food, music, and even sexual orientation.
These changes refer to the deceased donor’s taste or, more surprisingly, the way in which he died. For example, a transplant patient would have developed a water phobia after receiving an organ from a drowning victim. One is typically in the memory of the body whose primary role is to protect this body. No need to be a human, even an animal will have the same phobia.
Another studypublished in March 2002 in the Journal of Near-Death Studies discusses a woman who developed an unrestrained taste for chicken nuggets after being transplanted by a man who was fond of it. “She was a dancer and choreographer, concerned about her health. Upon discharge from hospital, she felt an uncontrollable urge to go to a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant and order chicken nuggets, a food she had never eaten. [… ] Interestingly, uneaten KFC nuggets were found in the young man’s jacket when he was killed.” (source)
Confronted with the many accounts of ‘grafted memories’, researchers tried to understand the mechanisms that could explain such experiences. They formulated the following four assumptions:
-Cellular memory: individual cells or networks of non-neuronal cells could store memories. Would new cells from the donor be able to reconfigure pre-existing connections?
-Epigenetic modifications: reversible changes that would alter gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Transplantation may cause such alterations.
-Energy interactions: here, the researchers are thinking about the possible influence of the electromagnetic field of the transplanted heart, especially if it is different in size from the original organ. As far as energy is concerned, I think of different interactions.
The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….
My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.
All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.
He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.
We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.
“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.
When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.
The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.
Every man is, anciently, a big stone.
What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.
-The heart’s “little brain”: a complex neural network in the heart that could play a much greater role in regulating the heart rate than previously thought. Would it be able to store memories? Could it communicate with the brain?
For the first time, researchers were able to map in detail the heart’s “small brain”. It is an unknown intracardiac nervous system (INS) that plays, with the fibers innervating the entire muscle, a key role in modulating organ activity.
An organ transplant, and a heart transplant, is an important event in life. The physical and emotional stress of the operation, the complexity of the surgery and treatments may explain some symptoms that patients describe as memories from their donors.
The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….
My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.
All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.
He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.
We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.
“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.
When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.
The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.
Every man is, anciently, a big stone.
What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.
The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….
My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.
All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.
He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.
We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.
“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.
When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.
The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.
Every man is, anciently, a big stone.
What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.
“Emerging evidence suggests that heart transplantation may involve the transfer of personality traits and memories from the donor to the recipient, challenging traditional conceptions of memory and identity, and mayread in the Saudi study on cardiac memory published this year. In addition, the neural network of the heart and its bidirectional communication with the brain supports the idea of a heart-brain connection in memory and personality.” (source)
The French philosopher Henri Bergson is still in purgatory, but sooner or later he will return to the student mode and we will see many theses on his own, often bold for the time. Thus Bergson, very aware of the scientific news of his time, published in 1896 one of his masterpieces, Matière et Mémoire. A work that is considered difficult and abrupt, which may escape the hasty reader but which, in the eyes of the philosopher, reveals an incredible innovation and richness. While Bergson contemplates and limits the materiality of memory, he goes on to explore the relationships between mind and body and suggests that inanimate matter possesses a form of memory.
The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….
My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.
All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.
He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.
We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.
“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.
When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.
The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.
Every man is, anciently, a big stone.
What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.
Inanimate objects do you have a soul
Who attaches to our soul and the strength to love?
(Lamartine, Milly or the native land)
To be read on site: Poésie Française
Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869) had written shortly before this poem where he expresses exactly the same idea. Did she seduce young Henri during his humanities? Is it a memory of Lamartine haunting the mind of Bergson?
These ideas were undoubtedly in the air of the times. Merleau-Ponty says the same thing, albeit in a more pedantic and much less poetic way: “The things visible around us are in themselves and their natural being is so full that it seems to envelop them as if the perception we have of them were made in them.” (source)Le Visible et l’invisible, Gallimard,Tel, p. 163
The spirit and the matter have an autonomy in relation to each other that will be exploited by philosophers of magic action such as Carlos Castaneda. Bergson couldn’t read his books and that’s a great pity. Those two would have had many things to say.
The more I discover, the more I marvel … The more I marvel, the more I bow … The more I bow, the more I discover ….
My friends, remember this: there is no bad weed or bad men. There are only bad farmers.
All is said, and it has been too late for more than seven thousand years that there are men and who think.
He who comes into the world to disturb nothing deserves neither consideration nor patience.
We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Of all things we perceive, only love transcends the temporal and spatial dimensions.
“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Life is like cycling: to keep your balance, you have to move forward.
When you have more than what you need, make yourself a longer table and not a higher fence.
The essential is invisible to the eyes. We can only see with our hearts.
Every man is, anciently, a big stone.
What we call matter is energy whose vibration is so low that it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter.
When the French philosopher addresses the relationship between memory and mind, memory and physical body, he does not only focus on humans: “Philosophy should be an effort to surpass the human condition,” he writes.
In short, after this only mental glimpse of a reality that is not, I return with a thrill of pleasure to the poet’s formulation, by far the best:
Inanimate objects do you have a soul
Who attaches to our soul and the strength to love?
Rationalists love to cut their hair in order to hide their inner emptiness. The rational, the mental, the scientific mind does not make good harmony with the sensitivity, the sensibility, the spirituality. The rational mind is unsettled on these quicksands. So the scientists use impenetrable formulations to scare away the uninitiated. And it works perfectly.
Result: only students in philosophy read philosophers, and as soon as their thesis is supported, they forget about philosophy forever in the best of cases. What the former philosopher Yannik Séguinmy dear brother summed up by this magic formula: “Philosophy leads to everything provided that we get out of it.”
Where did it lead me, I who never could get out?
I know: it has lead me to where I am today. A heart that is suffering martyrdom. I’m not talking about cardiovascular disease, not at all. I’m talking about the intolerable pain of being in love. Imagine a woman who likes me. It happened more frequently when I was fifty years younger. As soon as she showed me, I fell in love right away. But serious. Lost, incurable lover I was. But she did not.
Hence my intolerable suffering. One loves, the other doesn’t. For me, the heart of the problem is here.
This organ that beats in my chest is not just a pump, however sophisticated it may be. Heart pain exists, not to be confused with any disease. We know very little about the close relationship between dead matter and the spirit of life. If we listen to the scientists, we will not know more and perhaps even less.
This wall that separates us from each other is first the inner wall that divides us in two. The oldest mythologies teach us this truth: our Father and Mother are very different. They belong neither to the same world, nor to the same plane, nor to the same time.
The parents in question, of course, do not interest Freud who knows nothing about them. I am talking about our first parents: the male creators of the physical body, the female creator of the soul.
Our Fathers
Our Mother
In fact, they cannot communicate with each other. Our Mother the great goddess gave us a seed of immortality, but it is our Father the archon Yaldabaoth and his kind who made our physical body, mortal as all that is material. Well done, the archons!
Nice work, thank you Big Daddy. Really well done, this zombie body. The Goddess who saw it, said in petto:
-So cute this little one! And the other animal did it all by itself? F… son of a b…! I’ll finish him in style.
And she did! With her magic wand, she gave us a soul, not of God, but of Herself. And what a success! This teamwork should have brought our parents closer together, but not on earth. Nothing. They never stopped pulling each other’s faces. Something that happens, alas! in the best families.
Our mother can talk to our father, who does not always hear. Not necessarily. And our father could talk to our mother, she would have no trouble hearing it, but he does not want to. He prefers to ignore our mother too far away. Too different from what it is.
My father has a super-powerful brain and a tiny heart. My mother has no brain, she doesn’t think, she’s too smart for that.Thanks to Albert Camus But she has a heart bigger than the whole earth. It is in her heart that she makes us grow. And we do not stop growing in the heat of her love, even when she sleeps deeply, as at this moment.
All this creates difficulties. The wall between father and mother grows faster than we do. We witness, helpless, their stupid rivalry, their eternal disagreement. I do not say that they are on the verge of divorce, they have never been married.
All this creates difficulties. The wall between Fathers and Mother grows faster than we do. We witness, powerless, their stupid rivalry, their eternal disagreement. I’m not saying they’re on the verge of divorce, because they were never married.
The Matriachs
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