Grey Wolf Sings


Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know your name, nor your age, nor the reason of being here and now. If only you knew this before… Days ago, you remember. A detail, a little nothing, a lost shred that lights everything and suddenly everything is clear. There are rare moments that we will never forget. And there are moments that we did not see coming. Open wide the fairy eye!

Coming the Wolf

He came to me so that I could help him understand himself. I feel lost in this world that is not mine, he said. I have read some of your articles and know that you can help me. We speak the same language.

Yes, you and I speak the language of the Birds, you are right. The language that does not come from the world, but from our distant memories, those buried memories that everyone tries to bury deeper. The language of the body, coincidences and synchronicities. The initiates are too evolved to think.

I don’t think, I’m too intelligent for that.

Albert Camus


They let the body tell them what matters. They speak a language that explains, which emphasizes and which rejuvenates.


Collective Amnesia

Coincidences do not exist. There is no happy chance,Jung and synchronicity but an implacable chain of facts and deeds that aim to elevate us. We are on earth to grow. In front of the armies of fools who try hard to put us to sleep, there is a cosmic force of awakening. A universal power is working to cure our collective amnesia.

The worse the world goes, the greater this force. The more humans decline, the more initiates emerge and reveal.

But as for you, initiated into the sacred mysteries, take confidence because divine is of origin the race of the mortals and with those who know how to awaken in their soul the divine which slumbers there, nature reveals all things.



The vessels of good and evil communicate, so that opposites are balanced. The more fools there will be, the more revelations there will be. When people are narrow, dumb, zombified, the word of the prophets becomes stronger and more convincing.

And their singing becomes very enticing.

Humanity is mentally controlled and little more conscious that an average zombie.

David Icke



First Song

At the evening of life
The old wolf says
Have I grown up enough?
Did I fill in
The wish that binds me
To the Wolf Clan which
Once was made
For six hundred little
Children of the Grey Wolf
And for all those who
Are born of Him.

Was I a good Grey Wolf?
Did my trained soul
 Heal me really
Of so many follies
What we may catch here?

In these futile places
Was my astral
Sensitive and ductile
In this subtle body
To be useful
The action of the betyl
In fertile soil?


Not a single word

When I took a breath, he said: –I didn’t understand anything. It’s beautiful, I confess. I listened to everything, I vibrated, I almost got a hard-on, but I didn’t understand anything.
-Sweet my Wolf! Let go to the end.

Suspicing, suspi-sign. I say more, suspicianny and suspinnacioment.



Second Song

In between-lives
As before
The Wolf will walk on the wind
Tell me, life,
Have I grown up?
Tell me if I have matured?
Have I sat down enough
On the rocks here?
Am I gone far enough
By the winds pursued
Have I paid for my life
Full of passion and envy?
My She-Wolf, have I grown up?

Have I grown old enough?

The cries, the crimes, the many worries
Have they trained me against the enemy?
Did I laugh enough? Where am I allowed?
Did I get my grey hair for a thank you?
Is this how the Grey Wolf ends?
Full of life has it taken so far


Higher / Ailleurs

– At first it’s fine, he says. But the end is a big deal…
– You didn’t do anything, did you? Débeutt neu is noich for you?
– Do you have kwa?
– Leave concrete. Wesh. Téguell Tou, you don’t have the ref.



Grey Wolf Sings Too

You speak for yourself, that’s it
I just wanted to tell you
The dream I had

You were a wolf like me
All your friends were wolves
There was nothing but us
The wolves
No bugs without humans
With nothing to eat

But we didn’t care
We had no wings and yet
We touched more ground
We were stealing

Yes without dec
We flew like birds
Even better
As fixed rockets
Without flame and smoke

We could go wherever we wanted
Without running
Without moving foot or paw

You decided for us
We followed you like one wolf
Always without stirring
Leg or foot

You brought the different places
Who ran to us
Without being seen moving

It seemed a world still
Who moved without stopping
Without eating we were not hungry
We drank nothing
We never slept
Except we slept all the time

Like the images in my head
When I was nursing Mama Wolf
Dreams yes that’s it

We dreamed everything up
While sleeping
Well awake yet
We dreamed all the time



It’s called the Astral


Astral Wolves 2025

There we are, Wolves. The big take-off will take place tonight. Don’t miss the event: the first pack of 12 wolves will fly away without moving. While you sleep, the astral worlds will come to you, Wolves.

It’s still time to sign up: the more you are a Wolf, the more you laugh. The more you live. And you remember it in the morning.

Those who return know too well what awaits them. They will not forget to tell me their memories of the night every morning if possible, as long as the memories are clear. New people will also think about it, and I will post excerpts with my comments on your favorite site.

Mmmmmh!! You have very good taste, said the Wolf while licking.


Time to register!

1 An email with your names, given names and the reason for the message: astral flight.

2 Pay €11 or $12 using the donation form opposite

3 In return, I acknowledge receipt and ask for a recent photo to secure your flight.


Astral Saga




The East is the spiritual world where rises the pure intelligible sun, and Orientals are those whose inner residence receives light of this eternal dawn.
Henri Corbin