Sleeping Beauty


Fairy tales are masterpieces of initiation suitable for small children. But those who compiled them, Andersen, the Grimms, Perrault, Hoffmann, made literature of them. None of them understood what he transcribed and all of them ignored their true, spiritual, initiatory significance.



Bitter Law

Before printing them in books, these stories were known to all. They passed from mother to daughter. All grandmothers knew how to tell them. They even knew how to adapt a certain tale to a particular little child who was experiencing special difficulties.

They come from the depths of our past.In a very distant forgotten antiquity, sages, sorcerers, enchanters who knew very well what they were doing put them into a childlike form. Intended for children, they are not childish and vain like the nonsense of Disney. Children can understand them but let’s not be mistaken, these tales are nothing childish.

“La Mère l’Oie est la mère Loi ou l’amère Loi.”Mother Goose is Mother Law or Bitter Law. We are her little ones the Goslings, forced to obey her, no matter what.
The language of the Goslings: It has been distorted into the language of birds. Ignorance of kali yuga…
The guardian in you: A terrible dragon watches at the foot of the tower where the princess groans: you are all together the dragon, the tower and the princess.



The Seven Women of Bluebeard

I could add the seven initiations, an ancient Celtic tradition that divides life into seven stages sanctioned by seven initiations, one every seven years: — 7 years old, age of reason — 14 years old, social age — 21 years old, majoritybefore an ignorant president demoted it to 18 28 years old, political age — 35 years old, middle age — 42 years old, age of wisdom. More information here.

The seven initiations are echoed by the seven women of Bluebeard. Contrary to the rumours that go around, Blue Beard is neither the Vendéen Gilles de Rais nor the Anglois Henri VIII, who had only six. Henry VIII’s marriages are more than royal unions; they reflect a reign marked by ambition, passion, religion and the relentless pursuit of power and control.

As for Gilles de Rais, or Retz, he was cursed without much reason. Anatole France tried to correct the truth, his invention but restores the image of Gilles de Rais without giving any explanation on the deeply initiatory nature of this legend.



The Ladies of the Devil

An entirely different story hides behind this initiatory tale. These six or seven women are not abandoned wives, or worse, murdered. They are fairies who came and went on their own. Ladies in the knightly sense, who are responsible for the initiation of young men. The love courses did not reveal any secret of love, this is not the role of courteous love. These Ladies come to pass on the secret hidden behind each chakra opening. They are the Devil’s Ladies.

Do not see any evil, it is the arcane XV, the good Devil of the Tarot of Marseille. At this stage, the awakened future must open up each of the first six chakras. My benefactor told me about his experience. When he had to open his basic chakra, a Lady came. She did everything necessary for Jean-Claude Flornoy to understand, not with his head but in his body, what the basic center commands and allows when it is open. And the Lady is gone.

He ascended to the sexual chakra. Another Lady came and helped him open up at this level. His task accomplished, the second Lady left. Six ladies, fairies do not doubt, have succeeded to open the six chakras of the Devil: the base at the perineum, sex, belly, heart, throat and forehead. When the third eye was opened on her forehead, the sixth Lady took leave.

My benefactor remained alone to know the mystical effusion of awakening, the opening of the crown chakra. His arcane XV lasted no less than two years. It must be said, by his own admission, that the guy was clogged.



Chakras Openers

This is the role played by the 6 wives of Henry VIII or the 7 of Bluebeard. The Lady of balance for the perineum, Lady of sensuality for the sexual chakra, Lady of Strength for the belly chakra, Heart Lady for the cardiac plexus, Lady of Powers in the throat, Lady of Subtle Vision in the third eye.

The seventh chakra, the crown, can tip over without help. Sometimes another Lady can help the good Devil to twist the neck of the dominant ego, major obstacle to awakening.

If the Devil sometimes speaks, God is always silent. We must find the answers alone.

René Barjavel


Thus, under pleasant outside, most fairy tales tell the steps that await the warrior of light, or the powers he will acquire during his progression. The pea princess has such a sensitive skin that she must sleep on seven mattresses. If you slip a pea between the bed frame and your first mattress, it will leave a mark on the skin so fine princess.

Which means little, unless we put this tale in the realm of subtle perception. The seven mattresses are the seven energy bodies through which one can perceive. If one is hyper-sensitive, the slightest damage to the external subtle body will be perceived by the physical body.



Dying Alive

Santa Klaus and the three small children at the salt stand express this simple idea, but difficult to admit: to be reborn in the light of awakening, it is necessary to know initiatory death.

“If you don’t die while you are alive, you will die while dying”

Motto of the Teutonic Knights


Not all fairy tales are centered like this one on subtle-perception, energy surge or awakening. Other tales prepare children for the dangers of adult life. The Little Potty teaches kids how not to feel lost without their parents. The Seven Leagues Boots are there to give confidence to the little man: his tiny size will not prevent him from performing the feats of a giant. It can also be seen as an initiatory metaphor, the magical boots representing a first experience of astral travel.



Sexual Initiation

The beauty and the beast prepares the girl to discover male sexuality, which is rather harsh in this case. The red hat symbolizes the first period. Once this stage is over, the girl becomes a prey for the wolf waiting in bed. The grandmother could cover up her granddaughter’s shock. Every detail is significant, so the bobbin and the peg that have intrigued so many generations, symbolize male sexual parts.

Hansel and Gretel teach them to be wary of pedophiles and how to avoid them. The Three Bears show their children how to master their fear. It is possible, and even desirable, to abolish races and all differences. The humble Cinderella triumphs, the three wicked sisters are humiliated. Cinderella’s humility makes the servant grow, the sisters’ pride diminishes them.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs embodies the awakening that follows the opening of the seven chakras. (source) Snow White bites the apple, a biblical metaphor that means: to know the wolf. Not bearing her fault, she falls asleep. Seven dwarves will wake her, it is the seven chakras that open to allow awakening.



Sleeping Beauty

The above lines have only one purpose, to serve as a fertile ground where this interpretation can flourish and bear fruit. There was no other purpose in this article. To point out how far some of our children’s stories can fly. This one can take us even further. He is one of the best known, he can suggest many interpretations whose deepest music puts one of my most recent discoveries. 

The Sleeping Beauty is the image of the sleeping spirit waiting for love to awaken it: this is exactly what happens during the first love as we teach the arcane VI The Tarot Lover of Marseille. (source)

The context

I wrote this more than thirteen years ago. It is a first reading, very insufficient. I have shown above that the tales offer several levels of intelligence, it is their great wealth and the secret of their longevity. In Sleeping Beauty, the real theme is hidden, it’s explosive. I was only able to grasp it recently. To reveal it, I must set the context of my recent discoveries.

As I have said and repeated in other articles, the gnosis says that we were created by two antagonistic parents. Our father Archon and his male assistants created our physical body, which possesses the narrow mind of a computer, but is devoid of spirit, deprived of consciousness.

These higher powers are inaccessible to the Archons who can only give what they have.



The Discord

The Great Goddess, empress of the thousand stars, rules over an entire sector of this galaxy. It has the great power to distribute souls to living beings.

When her reptilian eyes were set on the human body, its grace, the fluidity of its movements, the perfection of its physical body, she could not resist the pleasure of giving it a soul.

Seeing this, Yaldabaoth, chief of the Archons and Principal Demon, drew a deep anger that did not explode for eighteen centuries.

How does this… woman have the insolence to meddle in our earthly affairs? We did not wait for her to develop this planet and populate it with a thousand delicious creatures! She gives a soul to our last born, while we are still deprived! What a gall! What an offense! What an affront!

The rivalry of these two peoples, our masters the Archons and our Mother of Heaven, is the cause of our misfortunes. Parents who tear each other apart never make their children happy.

The Archons have remained in dispute until the dawn of kali yuga, the dark age in which we are still.

Where does this darkness come from?

The Vedas have determined the duration of the yugas, but do not venture any hypothesis on their origin and why this decline from the golden age to the silver age, from the bronze age to the iron age, the kali age.

Virgin Mother

My vision of things is bold, my readers will not be surprised. I take the legends literally, they are what bring me often disconcerting conclusions, in any case more convincing than the usual explanations which only increase the confusion.

The Goddess our Mother is a reptilian. She does not need a male to reproduce, which is why the title and quality of Virgin Mother belongs to her by right. It is more credible than the same attributes attributed to a mammal.



Sleeping Beauty

As a reptilian, the Virgin Mother has another peculiarity, the need to sleep regularly to regenerate. It is the reptilian dormancy, somewhat comparable to the hibernation of mammals. The latter hibernate when weather conditions become unfavourable. While the reptilians sleep at regular intervals.

Thus, the four ages, or four yugas, which pass through the cycles, kalpas or maha yugas, which follow each other over the eons could be explained. The golden age corresponds to the awakening of the Goddess after a dormancy.

She puts the archons in their place, very subordinate. They are cloistered in a parallel dimension from which they cannot come out as long as the golden age lasts, 32’000 years according to the shivaita traditions.

Then the Goddess begins to get tired. Then comes the silver age, less brilliant, less paradisiacal, because the vigilance of the Goddess weakens, which allows the Archons to approach us.

Then, less pure still, it is the bronze age or age of heroes. Great wars shake the planet. The Archons want to take it, with their cohorts of reptilians and humans passed on their side.

Finally the Goddess falls asleep completely, the age of iron begins. The Archons take total and undivided power over our poor Earth for the entire duration of kali yuga, that is 4000 years. This is the duration of the dormancy of the Goddess, which occurs every 28’000 years.


Escape the Archons

We are here. Getting in touch with the Sleeping Beauty becomes a superhuman task, hence the need for awakening, which allows to overcome the fear of the Archons, to acquire the clarity of clairvoyance and the supersensible powers of astral flight in order to recharge oneself in the pure light of the Virgin Mother, Anna Mother of God, since all the gods are from her, Sara Kali, the infinitely pure, the Great Black Goddess.

The Archons put Adam into a trance to put his perception to sleep. They did the same for humanity, weighing down hearts, causing them to lose attention and perception so that the reflection of the Divine Light is erased in them.

Those who cultivate the spirit of life, those whose illumination of the body strengthens the soul, no one can plunge them into oblivion of their true nature. For others, the evil spirit is strengthened by misguiding them. The Archons overwhelm their souls and make them forget who they are.” (John’s Apocrypha, II).



Visions, Mythes & Legends



Uniting with our inner divinity is the ultimate purpose of human existence.
Aldous Huxley