We belong to another world. This is just a training ground. Thick and hard, it resists us to allow us to improve. With every day new fights, a new challenge. Whether we fight or not, it doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, you have to take the challenges head-on and solve them to move on to the next one. Stagnating is regression.
Read while listening: Elle est d’ailleurs (She is from elsewhere)
Stagnation regression!
This thick and hard world is a boxing ring. A tournament court. A manoeuvring field. A concentration camp. A slave market. A movie set. A stage. Elsewhere, we are at rest. A welcome respite that makes us lose our energy, this is the contribution of sleep, this is the benefit of dreams.
Whatever state of wakefulness or sleep we have reached in our material life, we will keep it unchanged while we are elsewhere. This place is not another world: it is outside the multiverse. Outside created. It is elsewhere, like the Pleroma*. For me, the pleroma is the astral, which I will call the Great Elsewhere or the Great All.
*Pleroma is a term from the ancient Greek pleroma, fullness. In the Gnostics, divine fullness whose spiritual beings are emanations. By extension, it refers to the whole of spiritual beings.Gnosis is the knowledge of the divine plan embodied by the Goddess. This superior knowledge makes us access to the plerome, to the fullness of being, to the Great Elsewhere.
Stagnation gives the illusion of a respite. We certainly fill our batteries again. But this rest is not a definitive solution. Who does not advance recedes. It is impossible to remain still in a world in perpetual motion. To progress, you must descend into the competition. Fighting against gravity, gravity, bullshit, ineptitude, nonsense and the unobjectionable. To be again a subject without verb, an employee without job, a fighter without cause.
Everything we do here doesn’t matter anywhere else. Our true nature is not here. In truth, under the skin of mortal flesh which is only an appearance, we are immaterial, immortal, impossible to conceive with a material and buggy brain.
Hard Struggle
Yes, there is a bug in human brain. If the archons hadn’t bugged it, the tool they created wouldn’t be bad. The best computer can’t do anything if its programs are crap. Our brain contains fake sequences. Comparable to the sound of a song, see how they turn and turn and you spin, see how they turn you in a mess, as they rattle you until you are turned like old butter, even if it becomes as dangerous as him.
Human existence is a battle. Struggle for life, as Darwin said — on this point he is right. The truth is not given at once, it is a lifetime conquest. Error is everywhere, lies too, at every moment they are deliberately exposed to the eyes of all, and most are content with it. So many people live as if matter alone existed; when it does not. In doing so, those people renounce eternity — as we shall see below.
What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.
Mind and Spirit
I have the recurring impression of pushing the nail harder and harder, with no noticeable result. Because the nail is material, like Madonna singing “I’m a material girl in a material world.” Oh yes indeed, Madonna is in a material world, no doubt. Like everyone else. But she is not material. No one is. What is material is the physical body. Our immaterial aura is 100% spiritual. And our subtle bodies are subtle, ie partly material.
All this confusion because everyone confuses the mind and the spirit. The mind, for a sportsman, is the little extra that ensures victory. The sportsman is wrong. This little extra, so useful, if necessary, is not the mind. Not at all. That’s the warrior’s intention.
Will and Intention
Intention and will should not be confused. The will allows to stop smoking, to be obeyed, to obtain advantages, and in this last case it is confused with the audacity. Intention works differently: it is not used directly, it is just a trigger.
We can mobilize our intention to achieve a goal, get a result, accomplish an achievement. How does our intention work? By calling for help a universal power, the Intention with a great I. Individual intention gives a signal. This signal is received by the universal Intention which comes to help.
What I’m telling you here is Nagualism, pure Castaneda. I use it because it works. It’s true in all cases. Like Nietzsche. For Nietzsche, the will to power is a perfect mix between intention and will. I’m fond of Nietzsche but I love Castaneda.
God is dead, said Nietzsche. Nietzsche is dead, said God.
Intention and Energy
According to Castaneda and the Nagual sorcerers, there are only two universal powers, Intention and Energy. Note the capital letters. Our individual intention has its seat in the belly, it sends a signal to the universal Intention that flies to his rescue. Or not…
Sorcerers can never build a bridge to reach the people of this world. However, if people wish to do so, they must build a bridge to join the sorcerers.
Energy flows through our physical body. It travels in all directions, if it ever stops, we are dead. Energy is movement, intention is desire. Personal energy comes from a larger, universal, and even multiverse Energy. Its source, however, is neither in the universe nor in the multiverse. Energy comes from the Elsewhere. Intention too. These two powers are from the pleroma.
Soul or Aura
Energy and Intention permeate our subtle bodies. They form a bridge between our purely spiritual aura and our purely material physical body. The soul is deemed immaterial. It is definitely. I prefer to talk about the aura. It is another name for the soul that has become a suitcase word, widely recovered by all religions, each one putting a different meaning to it.
Few people care about their souls these days, even if their souls are constantly working for them. We have a body, we have a spirit, but we do not have a soul: our soul has us.
The aura is neutral, little known, little distorted by ignorance. Its indisputable reality owes nothing to this or that ideology. If one does not know what the soul is, the aura is the visible trace –for the seers– and the palpable presence –for the sentient.
But as for you, initiated into the sacred mysteries, take confidence because divine is of origin the race of the mortals and with those who know how to awaken in their soul the divine which slumbers there, nature reveals all things.
Principles or Gods
There are several ways to replenish our energy. Feeding is the best known. One can also draw directly from the universal source of Energy. The warriors of light, the awakened ones, the sorcerers and the naguals proceed thus. They can stay without food longer than the average man.
Intention and Energy are infinite. Both are free and free. They are more willing to give themselves to those who know and respect them. Others must eat physical food and use their will.
These universal principles are often mistaken for gods. The gods are alive, therefore mortal. Energy and Intention are principles, like Gravity, a form of energy that depends on a supreme Intention of which I know little. Do we need to understand what electricity is in order to use it? However, no sane person would kneel to honor electricity, nor to pray to Gravity.
Intention Helps
The Intention seems to listen and to answer, sometimes. If it can help, be sure that the mind is not responsible. Echoing the almighty intention, we possess in us its weakened image, the uncapitalized intention. Not to be confused with the will, which should come from the belly, but which very often comes from the mind, produced by an aberrant, castrated, limited brain. While our intention is infinite like the Principled Intention, the will is very timid. Coming from the mind, it has no power compared to intention.
But here’s the problem: the intention is much more difficult to implement. Some people get it right the first time, others need to train themselves to make an intention without making a wish, to want without wanting, to act without acting.
Mental = Ego
For everyone, the mind is ego. For the sportsman too, often. His ego gives him the pride not to lose. What does it matter the means in the face of victory? he said. Yes and no. He is wrong and he is right. As long as this subterfuge pushes him to go beyond himself and gives him the victory he hopes for, there is nothing wrong with it. But there is a downside. By boosting the will, we develop the mind which is only too invasive. And the ego become almighty does not leave the free field to the mind. Too bad. Because if the mind is not worth much, the Spirit is all-powerful.
And if the spirit withdraws, only the ego remains whose fate is to fade and disappear. Our body dies with it …
The Subtle from the Thick
I would like to know by what miracle everyone identifies with his body when no one really inhabits this body. No one uses the infinite possibilities of their body. The awakened has a real ability to do so, but doubt prevents him from doing so most of the time. Among the vast crowd of sleepers, awakened are only a few. Flying Wolves, most often…
They feel abnormal, while they embody the higher destiny of the human. They feel rejected, those who should be cherished, cajoled, admired, imitated by others. All the others, the snorers who sleep in the bright light as if the night were eternal. Which, for them, could be the case…
Reaching infinity is a challenge for most. We live in a finite world, our body is finite, but our radiance is infinite. The finite and infinite are also called the thick and subtle, that is how they were called a few centuries ago.
And it was customary to say, for as long as one is prickly with hermeticism or cabals, that the subtle comes from the thick. But if one practiced alchemy, they would rather say: without the subtle, no thick. A finding from athanors* and cornues**.
**The athanor or digestion furnace is a furnace used in alchemical operations. Cylindrical in shape, it allows to maintain a constant temperature.
**The cornue is a narrow, long, curved vessel for distilling. Synonym: pot still.
The Soul is the Aura
This subtle radiation is called aura or soul. The two words are interchangeable. The soul is associated with the physical body. But some physical bodies do not emit aura. The physical dimension can exist without the soul, as is shown by the Archons. They are only matter and mind. They practice hypnosis, possession, black witchcraft, rape of bodies and consciences. But they are far inferior to us. The light of the soul remains inaccessible to them, and it will remain so.
This explains why the archons languish for this light which is the signature of the human species. Demonic entities, the Archons are however the creators of our physical body.
Many humans are possessed by these demons. Kept in a state of submission and baseness, they are sleepy or perverse beasts. For our humanity, fifth of the name, it has become the norm in this end of kali yuga. Most humans know only matter. From their point of view, those who like me believe in the purely spiritual soul are crazy, conniving, misfits. All three together. I am firmly convinced that this is not the case.
The Body is the Unconscious
Those who believe only in the matter will never know anything else. As for me, I believe in the existence of a soul that guides us to the top of ourselves. I believe it because I see it at work in each of us. Even in those who do not believe it, the soul pulsates and pulls them upwards.
The man who can make the difference between soul and spirit reaches supremacy over all conditions and becomes omniscient.
The first thing I see in a person is not their physical appearance, let alone their clothes. I see within her her immortal source. I see her perfection realized. This person may have defects, aberrations, bad habits. Like all of us, she was gququished by the stupid and mechanical life that we are forced to live in this rat-race maze. Dark powers constrain us. They force us to stagnate in the material thickness. We aspire to something else. The children know it. The school forces them into the mold of man.
No More Here, No More Now
This binding mold that makes worse than stupid: incoherent. Those who believe only in the matter should at least inhabit their physical body. Well, no, they don’t always live there. And even very rarely. They can be athletic, maintain their fitness, work on their muscles, their flexibility, nothing of all that is inhabiting his body.
This body synonymous with the unconscious means more to us than the mind synonymous with the ego. Our ego dominates us, obscuring the unconscious that does not care and guides us with authority. He makes us sick when we need to, as He heals us when the inner crisis is over. Our body is a master that most treat as a slave. Fatal error that causes many problems and leads to death.
All these concepts may seem abstract, I agree. Don’t think I’m cutting my hair in half. Look at a hair under an electron microscope. Like any two million times larger matter, this hair is made up of more vacuum than atoms. This void is animated. It is not a nothingness, otherwise nothing would live. Likewise, the astral plane is not nothingness, since beings live there. I spend most of my time in the astral, in the Great Elsewhere, I feel better than here.
Soul Avatars
- Gratitude to the Immense
- Portrait of a Lost World
- The Higher Self
- The Gnosis and the Arts
- Gratitude For My Pilot
- The Two Wolves
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- The Meaning of Pain
- My Grail
- The Princess On The Tower
- Unconditional Love
- Soul Words
- The Crack Between The Worlds
- Mystical Effusion
- Elsewhere
- The Narrow Gate
- You, Your Double, Your Death
- Golden Silence
- Body Of Glory
- The Inner Voices
- The Universal Lie
- Those About To Leave
- The Origin Of Racism
- Dig Life
- When Death Comes
- Be Passing
- Alchemical Couple
- We Fall Asleep
- Spirals
- Near Death Experience
- Facing Eternity
- Carlos Castaneda
- Practising Castaneda
- Moving Your Assembly Point
- Will And Intention
- The Impeccable Warrior
- Non-Ordinary Reality
- A Separate Reality
- Erase Your Personal Story
- Stop The World
- Benefactor
- The Tyrant And You
- The Rule And The Nagual
- The Nagual’s Door
- The Art of Dreaming
- The Art of Seeing
- The Seven Degrees Of Seeing
- The Assemblage Point
- Sense of Timing
- Knowledge And Duty
- Emotional discoveries
- The Four Enemies Of The Warrior
- Warrior With No Importance
- The Warrior’s Mask
- The Guardian For Castaneda
- Self Power
- The Second Ring Of Power
- The Path With A Heart
- Sorcerer With A Heart
- The Dressing Of Perceptions
- Human Inventory
- The Do-Not-Do to Write
- Places of consciousness
- Here and Here
- The Cubic Centimeter of Luck
- Little Tyrants
- The Conspiracy Of Good Thinking
- Self-Contemplation
- Ancient Seers
- Your Death For Advisor
- Wizard Options
- The Human Mold
- The After-Life Of Sorcerers
- The Eagle’s Gift
- Controlled Madness
- The Place Without Mercy
- The Art Of Stalking