Plato says Atlantis island disappeared under the waves in one night. The high number of surviving Atlanteans leaves doubt… An accident so fast should have caused millions of deaths, which was not the case. It was planned long before. Most of the Atlanteans have reached the European coasts to settle in these wild lands …
Many survivors have found refuge in the Americas, already largely colonized by their ancestors. Others have gone further. A majority of Atlantean refugees settled in Meso America: they are at the origin of countless civilizations that have developed there. Others have moved to the Andes, North America and even Antarctica, another important settlement of the ancient Atlantean empire. Others have moved eastward, where they have returned to the lands of their distant ancestors. The black Atlanteans have returned to the Yoruba Land.
The white Atlanteans have gained Liguria, Etruria and especially Northern Europe where they founded the first Western empire. For millennia, ice age Europe had only housed hunter-gatherers divided into small tribes under the command of a shaman/ warlord. If the authors of the frescoes of Lascaux or Altamira are not savages, they are much less civilized than the Atlantean invaders. Overall, their reports were not hostile, although the “Indians” often pillaged the crops of newcomers. Some Indians have been at the service of the Atlanteans who taught them agriculture, weaving and metallurgy.
But most natives thought it prudent to stay away, taking them in turn for gods or demons. The Atlanteans, a people of sailors, have settled on the coast of western Europe, relegating indigenous populations to the interior. The imagination of the Grands Bretons has preserved this memory.
Now, from -8,000, or even before according to some geologists, the sea level started rising rapidly: 130 meters in a few millennia. Over the centuries, those on the seashore have had to give up their ancestral land swallowed by the ocean. The trauma was terrible and lasting.
The Atlanteans, people of sailors, settled on the coasts of Western Europe, relegating the native peoples to the inland. The British unconscious have preseved this, as evidenced by a Cat Stevens’ song, Longer Boats. Yet, from 8000 BC, or even earlier according to some geologists, the sea level began to rise rapidly: 130 yards in a few millenia time. Over the centuries, littoral people had many times to renounce their ancestral land swallowed by the ocean.
The memory of this inexorable rise of water still finds echoes in many legends of our Atlantic coasts, which attest to the ancient presence of sunken cities in Holland, Great Britain… In Britanny, the town of Ys off Douarnenez (Finistère), or that of Nazado off Erquy (Côtes d’Armor).
Adorned with a truncated pyramid, the glorious city of Ys was the capital of the Tuatha de Danaan. It lies under the Iroise sea a few miles from Ushant. The city of Nazado was a powerful Neolithic city built around a large white pyramid, located on the south shore of the estuary of a great river then constituted by the Seine, the Somme and the Solent, on the current plateau of the Minquiers off Erquy and Cap Fréhel.
Divers, to your bottles! What a victory the day when we will find the traces of these ancient cities! Although, as for the Minquiers plateau, several dozen wind turbines are now built. Under the tons of concrete of the anchor posts, the hope of finding traces of Nazado is reduced to nothing.
Reluctantly, the Atlanteans have left their cities and lands. Pushed back into the interior by rising waters, they are becoming increasingly cramped.
Behind them, gobbling crumbs of their knowledge, the indigenous peoples, half wild, strive to imitate them. We no longer speak of Atlantis, since it has disappeared. The new masters come from the four North Islands, from the great mother ship in stationary orbit above the North Pole. In Celtic memory, this quadruple space island is called , its Greek name means “which is above the north pole“.
The new gods are like the old ones. They are no longer called Atlanteans, but Hyperborean. Under different names, several of their tribes have taken up residence in Celtic land. These are mainly the Tuatha de Danaan, the Etruscans, the Ligurians. Another age is coming. The emperors of the world are no longer Atlas and Poseidon, their names are Rama, Cuchulann, Enki.
Their work was just as considerable as the colossal work of the first diggers. While the latter have printed their seal in virgin clay, the new gods had to rebuild. They had to heal the wounds of a world once again fallen into barbarism. Teaching uneducated crowds of hunter-gatherers. Re-learning to speak, understand, trace, melt metal, build stone walls, raise cattle, farm land, these are some of the evening classes that the Hyperborean gave to the people of the north.
The trace remains in place names. The most beautiful, the clearest too, is Norway. North way. Nor wege. The path of the north. The way to the gods. Even today, the Norwegians feel vested with a unique power, an overwhelming responsibility over other nations. This small country was the first to be touched by the grace of the gods before. Hyperborea, the magical ship had stopped just above them. At 200km altitude above the North Pole.
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This privileged status, the gifts they received, the training the gods gave them transformed the Norwegians. They became Vikings. Kings of life. Kings of the seas. First “rediscoverers” of America. The former gods had shown the way. Atlantis was a convenient bridge to pass from Europe to America. And when the ship Atlantis had taken the road to the stars, the Vikings had the fast ships gift of the former gods. Drakkars.
And what shape did these drakkars have? That of a reptile, or dragon more precisely. In honor of those who had taught them everything, given them everything: the dragon gods descended from the stars. The word drakkar can easily be cut to reveal an obvious secret : Drak Kar. The dragon car.
Old Norse dreki, ie dragon. The word drakkar is a 19th century French creation, based on the dragon-headed prow figure of most Viking ships. (lire la suite)
Not only the prow figure of prow, it is the whole boat from head to tail that evokes the dragon. Its square sail evokes the dragon wings. The hull has the shape of a dragon body. Up to the round shields attached to the border reminiscent of the scales of the large reptile.
The cult of the dragon was not limited to the far east. The Hebrews served their cruel dragon god with devotion. Certainly, the Jews have forgotten these facts, while the Chinese and neighboring peoples still celebrate their New Year with the Dragon Dance. In the Chinese horoscope, this noble and formidable animal occupies the place of the Lion in the rest of the world.
Some Vikings have been raised in North America. One can find their physical type in some Indian tribes, thanks to the remarkable photos of Curtis.see below Be careful not to look next to the truth. If you’re chasing blondes with blue eyes, you’ve got the wrong number of millennia. The first Vikings and the first Celts were black. Beautiful black people 4meter high.
The Niggers discovered by the first European settlers, who they called Brown Niggers(French: Nègres Marrons) because of their skin colour, were indeed descendants of the very first Vikings, later blended with Asian refugees from the Pacific or through the Bering Strait. These brown niggers mixed with some white people are the Indians of the North or the Indios of the South.
This is the origin of the so-called red race: a cross between the excluded from everywhere with the noble descendants of the first conquerors of the world, heroes of ancient negritude.
Beware of false information spread by the slave traders. Brown Negroes are not slaves escaped from white plantations. The testimony of the Mali emperor Abu Bakari is unequivocal.
In 1907, Edward S. Curtis undertook a monumental ethnographic and artistic project: a photographic inventory of the 80 Native American tribes still existing.
This ambitious artistic and ethnographic project was supported by President Theodore Roosevelt and funded by John Pierpont Morgan, a steel and railway magnate.
The North American Indian, a work of 20 volumes in total, original edition limited to 272 copies.
Edward S. Curtis will have spent almost 30 years producing his work. In all, he will have fixed 40,000 pictures of Apache, Sioux or Navajo tribes on his glass plates just before they disappear, engulfed by modern America.
Curtis died in 1952, forgotten and penniless. Today his work is recognized and appreciated internationally. The original copies of his works, now extremely rare, reach a phenomenal price. But given the time and energy invested, Curtis had to settle for tiny copyright. (read more)
In the south, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between Africa and India, a circular ship landed like an island. It’s called Punt, from the Greek “the great water”. The inhabitants of Egypt, Sumer, Ethiopia and India went there to trade unknown gadgets and precious materials.
This mysterious Land of the Sea still intrigues historians as to its precise location. Its name clearly indicates that it was in the middle of the waves. But it was not a natural island. The countries of the Mediterranean rim remembered the Peoples of the Sea who devastated everything on their way to Asia, India and China.
If they are called the Peoples of the Sea, it is because they too do not come from an island. They come from the Atlantean empire. Their large circular vessel floated on the Atlantic Ocean. Just as the Land of Punt floated on the Indian Ocean. As for finding the submerged remains of these metal islands, historians can always look. As the island-ship Atlantis had done, one day the Land of the Sea became the Space Land when it resumed its flight to the stars.
The bascule is already starting. The Bronze Age is coming to an end, and the terrible Kali Yuga, the iron age that is just around the corner, is already beginning.
On this occasion, the last living gods were able to use lightning to hold in respect the rising civilization. Why not imagine that a man-made cataclysm, like the fire of the sky, has erased from the map a number of turbulent populations?
Before the last prince of Hyperborea, all shame drunk, marries an Egyptian princess … While his spacefaring buddies return to the stars in their mothership and the last savages of Europe’s jungles continue to dream of life.
Long ago has been born in the wild of Europe
All in desire for green and for wind in the trees
A different destiny one can smell in the breeze
Which is more tighten than any chain and rope
(Lao Surlam)
The giant Marduk and his human worshippers — Between them, on an altar, you can see the plan of Hyperborea, the four islands where four rivers flow — source: tablets of Shamash, Sumer
Hyperborea hovering over the planet Ur, Alcor system in Ursa Major, the Great Bear.
There are many doors to get to other worlds. Sometimes they are visible.
No matter where you are, when you pray to your god, you’ve always look at…
Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…
Without much illusion, I stumble blindly to find the way. Towards where? No idea.