You tell me that you want to know more about the assembly point (AP). You have understood what it is, you know where it is, but how to move it at will? Are there any recipes, things to know? Do we have to adopt a special attitude? Without pretending to be like me, you would like to learn my method, if I have one.
Ignorance is not the lack of knowledge, but the lack of self knowledge ; without self knowledge there is no intelligence.
So you want to know how to change the position of the assembly point (AP) yourself. My first answer will not help you much. What seems like an unattainable feat will soon be as commonplace for you as getting dressed in the morning. Don’t think about it, it’s done on its own. Still, it is necessary to have reached the level of impeccability that distinguishes the warrior from the ordinary or profane man.
“The new seers say that the technique lies in awareness. First of all, we must be aware that the world we perceive is the result of the location of the point of assembly on the cocoon, in a specific place.” The cocoon is the name that gives the new seers to our first subtle body, which they see as a more or less bright glow in the form of a mandorla, that is to say almond.
“Once understood, the points of assembly can be moved almost at will, which is the consequence of new habits. The point of assembly of man appears on a defined part of the cocoon by the command of the Eagle. But the precise place is determined by habit, by repeated acts. We first learn that it can be placed there, and then we tell it to be there. Our command becomes the command of the Eagle and this point is fixed at that place.” (source)Carlos Castaneda, Fire From Within. All the quotations of the present post come from this book.
Every time our AP moves to a new position, we become someone else. Some voyeurs can change their appearance at will, change age, change size, change sex or even become any animal.
It is enough to go a first time in an unprecedented position so that our body can return to it by itself. But the warrior does not decide on this return. Another stage of progress remains to be accomplished.
In the 1970s, many young people took lysergic acid trips or LSD. They experienced spectacular hallucinations. Some of them have found these hallucinatory periods years after the acid intake stopped. There was a rumor that lysergic acid could reoccur unexpectedly after a very long period of time. Well, no. Acid recharges do not exist. A trip of LSD puts you in a certain position of the AP unknown to you. Without taking any substance, your body is able to regain this position of high. Hence the illusion of a rise of acid.
It is the body that decides, never the mind. To decide in place of the body, you have to put a solid intention, and make use of the correct attention. It is useless to think about it. Thought is mental, and the body does not recognize what comes from the mind. The will comes from the mind and can be used to win a sport competition, never to change the AP. Only intention matters. Nothing comes out of head. Ultimately, the decision is made by the physical body. Your belly, yessir!
There are three kinds of attention: first attention, second attention and third attention. The first is ordinary attention, ie the worst one. The second is used by impeccable warriors. It is the one that allows to assemble other worlds the position of AP changes. Then you will reach the ultimate stage, that of seeing. At this level opens the third attention. Seers can control the AP changing.
Control, discipline, endurance, timing, intention.
The five attributes of the warrior allow for the inner progression that takes place in five stages:
Profane, apprentice, impeccable warrior, man of knowledge, seer.
An impeccable life necessarily leads to a sense of moderation (temperance) and this, in turn, leads to the displacement of the point of assembly our body can return to it by itself. But the warrior does not decide on this return. Another stage of progress remains to be accomplished..
Do not confuse intention with will. The intention comes from the energy of the belly, the will comes from the mind, which is the ego. The only good way to use your head is to take it for a part of the body, like footballers with theirs.
We stink of the head.
It is the inner dialogue that keeps the assembly point fixed in its original position. Once you have reached inner silence, anything is possible.
The obsessive chain of first attention to self-concern, or reason, is a powerful force of constraint. It gives a great rigidity to the position of the assembly point. The use of rituals and incantations has no other purpose than to loosen this rigidity to allow the AP to move. The same applies to magic spells, magic passes, and all the acts or ritual words of sorcerers. The flawless warrior uses it at first, then no longer needs it. The AP has lost its rigidity and can move more freely.
The warrior seeks out the little tyrants. They allow the AP moving.
When you feel uneasy, roll your eyes. Eye movement causes a momentary shift in the AP. This move will give you relief. This is done in place of true intent mastery.
At first, children do not know the trap of first attention. So they do not have a fixed point of assembly. Their inner emanations are in a state of great agitation and their point of assembly moves everywhere within the human band, allowing them to concentrate with force on emanations that will later be completely neglected. Then, as they grow up, the all-powerful adults encourage them to maintain an incessant inner dialogue, which firmly fixes their point of assemblage in the most prevalent position.
The child is dead. His body becomes less graceful. With grace and innocence, the dead child has lost his waking state. The adult is on the way. When grown-up, everybody will have to make considerable efforts to regain this grace and lost innocence. One begins to sleep like all humans on this damned trap planet. The one who was pure spirit, behold, gradually becomes a thick, heavy matter only governed by the reason of the strongest. Which is always the worst.
The place where the point of assembly is during its movement in dreams is called the dream position. The old seers became so strong in the art of maintaining their dream position that they could wake up while their point of assemblage was anchored in this position.
They called this state the dream body. They created a new temporary body each time they woke up in a new dream position. New voyeurs are sometimes able to create a dream body. That’s what I do when I travel on the timeline. You will find the perfect example in Constantine’s Apotheosis. This is what all seers who live in the astral do.
Getting a dream body — or several — is simply a matter of AP mobility. Awakening allows us to fix an almost infinite number of P.A. positions, not only in the human band but in the five great bands of emanations.
The nagual seers say that these emanations come from the Eagle. That is why they insist on the necessity, for an impeccable warrior, to take his death as advice. The Eagle gives the warrior a detachment that places him above fear. He is no longer the toy of his emotions. They have become more vivid, more colorful, more childish, but the warrior has every opportunity to come out when he wants.
One setback to the dream bodies: they translate into the famous sadness without cause when the warrior returns to ordinary life, the consciousness of the right side.
The trap is to become obsessive. An impeccable life necessarily leads to a sense of moderation (temperance) and this, in turn, leads to the displacement of the point of assembly.
Temperance is the arcane XIV of the Tarot de Marseille. It perfectly expresses the interest of moderation which must become a rule dze life of the impeccable warrior. The right timing is to develop this moderation at the time of arcane XIV Temperance. Just before the rise of kundalini of arcane XV The Devil, which will inevitably lead to awakening, in arcane XVI The Tower, better named in French The House of God. The Tower is your body ; when awakening comes, it becomes the house of god. Your heavenly double is constantly with you, as you can see in the half hidden person behind the tower.
It is a good time to let go of all second-hand beliefs and follow the inner experiences that come from seeing. It is the time to believe without believing, instead of seeing without seeing.
Believing in official history is taking the word of criminals.
Religions have existed since the first hypocrite met the first fool.
A true revelation can flood us with well-being and serenity, it is only an emotional discovery, or the meeting with the mold of man. I’ll come back to that in a little bit of time. You realize that when you try to move someone else’s assembly point.
For new A.P. the most important step in such a process is the sustained effort that the A.P. must make to establish the stability of the P.A. in its new position. New visionaries consider this to be the only method of teaching worthy of discussion.
They know that it is a long process, which must be done at turtle step.
I sometimes work on it for years, especially when it comes to people close to me. Emotion may then take precedence over impeccability. It is also easier for me to heal complete strangers. Strangely enough, unconditional love is easier with them. People I love sometimes have a hard time giving up completely. What I give them then evaporates very quickly.
Power plants have a role to play in this process. Don Juan used it a lot for Castaneda. See the first book of Castaneda : The Teachings of Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.
The power plants, by shaking the P.A., cause it to drift far from its normal position. Their effect is like that of dreams. Power plants move the P.A. but in a wider and deeper way. The stability of the new position of the P.A. is more difficult to achieve by dreams than by power plants. The latter are much more destabilizing and their effect lasts longer. See above the acid rises of ergot of rye.
A master then uses the disorientation effects of this kind of displacement to reinforce the idea that the perception of the world is never definitive. But the main asset of power plants is their ability to permanently fix P.A. in any new position. In order to be able to return when necessary.
This is why sacred hemp remains banned in France, while alcohol is strongly encouraged. Alcohol is not a drink of power but a dirty sleeping drug. It kills thousands of people every day in the world, while hemp awakens hundreds.
Oh! Too dangerous! How to exploit awakened as easily as drunken idiots? Lao Surlam once told me.
Beware of everything, the matrix is everywhere, but not the Resistance.
Keep calm and don’t use drugs, you may awake!!!
The war against drugs can not be won because it is a war against human nature.
The world is what we want it to be. If you don’t like how you see it, look at it differently. Learn to see. Change the position of your assembly point. Step by step the impeccable warrior becomes the man of knowledge. Then seeing it.The five steps, see above
Some seers have the art and the way of passing on their knowledge. They are naguals, doors to the Great Elsewhere.French: grand ailleurs = grand tailleur The great tailor of certainties. The daily train-train operator. With a kick in the butt, he breaks routines and makes himself sandwiches. Tomorrow he will feed on humor and fresh water.
This tailor is breaking the world apart. With his magic fly, he transforms reality into a cardboard decor. Are you happy? Too bad for you. Your heart is already dead. Reason has eaten it.
Go elsewhere to see if I’m there. Surprise! There I am. There I always be.
“I’m nine. I love Jesus, Walt Disney and that asshole Davy Crockett. Nine years later, I lost myself in the strata of Over World. A half century later, I do not come out. Wing edge!Bord d’aile! I will be buried alive!!” — iks24
to be released: Underworld Layers or the Disguises
to be released: Underworld Layers or the Disguises
to be released: Underworld Layers or the Disguises
to be released: Underworld Layers or the Disguises
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