In the mists of time, goddesses from Alcor in the Great Bear chose this planet to design it. The Earth was wild, They terraformed it. Here everything comes from Them, everything is to Them. Our grandmothers were their slaves, we are their tenants. The night of time has given way to the day. They have given us gifts. Wake up, it’s time. Take your flight before nightfall.



The thirteenth tribe

Book of Goddesses, verses 1 to 5


1 These giant ladies are black and yet beautiful.
2 So beautiful and so big that we all fell on our knees.
3 Their skin colour is as beautiful as dark honey, precious as ebony.
4 As their daughters, we have the same skin as them, of the same colour, but less bright.
5 We are proud to look like our star mothers.

I am black and yet beautiful, Balkis will say to her beloved Solomon, of divine origin just like her. These are the very first words of the Song of Songs, attributed to the poet king, the magician emperor, the grandfather of Beta Israel, the flying demi-god. But written by an anonymous racist long after the reign of the great king.

Racism had already passed through, that Balkis, Queen of Sheba, was obliged to apologize for her skin color. And the white editor added: Yet beautiful! A Gabonese girl-friend told me this saying from her home:
“When a white man is beautiful, he is beautiful. When a black man is beautiful, my god, how beautiful!
When a black man is ugly, he’s ugly. When a white man is ugly, my god!”

Beta Israel is the thirteenth tribe of Israel, in which the Jewish tradition sees a tribe from Central Europe, ancestor of the Ashkenazi Jews. I don’t believe this version. The thirteenth tribe is a book by Arthur Koestler published in 1976. He argues that the Jews of Eastern Europe and their descendants, i.e., the Ashkenazi, do not (or little) descend from the ancient Israelites, but mainly from the Khazars, a people from the North Caucasus region who were converted to Judaism in the 8th century and later migrated to what is now Eastern Europe under pressure from nomadic tribes from Central Asia. Koestler refers to the work of the Israeli historian Abraham N. Poliak. (read more)

For me the Beta Israel is in direct line with the great Solomon. These are the Jews of Ethiopia. These black Jews are the descendants of Menelik, son of Balkis and Solomon. It can be seen as at least emotionally linked to the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica.

Under the banner of Bob Marley, the Jamaican Rastas worshipped their founding pope, Haile Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia. Born on 23 July 1892 in Ejersa Goro, in the Ethiopian Empire, and died on 27 August 1975 in Addis Ababa, Tafari Makonnen dit Haile Selassie was the last emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974.

Throughout the centuries, the Jews of Beta Israel have waged many wars against other tribes across Ethiopia – some Christian, some Muslim – and been subjected to numerous attempts to convert them by force.



The Bisexual Goddesses

Book of Goddesses, verses 6 to 12


6 At night, Eloha haveElona is a singular / plural, so one can say have or has skin of the colour of the night sky.
7 In their eyes shine a thousand stars.
8 During the day, their bellies are the colour of the deep ocean.
9 Gems and pearls sparkle in it.
10 Their hair is silk and organza.
11 Their word is like a storm.
12 Their smile like a flower freshly opened.


According to Greek mythology, Gaia was born from the primordial darkness and arose at the very beginning of creation. Its emergence marks the beginning of the universe and the earth itself, and is intimately linked to the natural elements and forces of the earth. This entity is the personification of the Earth as a living and nourishing entity. His union with Heaven (Uranus) gives birth to a powerful offspring, thus marking the beginning of divine genealogy. (wikipedia)

The Eloha are the great goddesses from the sky, from the planet Ur under the star Alcor, in Ursa Major. The name Gaia is a dress made by the first patriarchs. Eloha — not Gaia– from the deep black of distant space, who was clothed in primordial darkness.

We can trace this origin by decomposing the Greek Sky, Ouranos / Uranus. Ur ahn usUr our ancestorof the German Ahn.

The patriarchate we know is a very long matriarchal era that ended tragically. The Amazons, former royal guard of the Goddess have made reign terror on the little males. They have sworn never to leave power to these cruel and degenerate giants. 

Hence the sexism that still plagues two-thirds of humanity. The woman, strong sex, good at organization and much better than the man in the management of the tribe, has nothing in common with these damned Amazons. Today condemned to a foolish submission to the weakest, she certainly does not deserve the advantages that too many macho morons make her suffer.

It has been forgotten that the black race is the first one created in the image of the Goddess, as the primacy of matriarchy was obscured. Although the patriarchate is rather recent — a few thousand years at most — the matriarchy has lasted more than one hundred thousand years, since the arrival on Terra of the Goddess and the black giants charged with terraforming our then wild planet.


In their image

Book of Goddesses, verses 13 to 17

13 Eloha are male by force and female by body.
14 We were all created in their image, we are male-female humans.
15 From our bodies and mould are the lineages that have populated the earth.
16 They have occupied the whole earth, even to its ends.
17 Armies of divine grace, they left the earth to go up on its twin and brother.


Mythologies claim that the first human beings were created in the image of their creators. They were half male, half female like their creators, which the Hebrew tradition calls Elohim. There were seven males and seven females, each female in the same man, and each male in the same woman. Their real name, I have restored it in the form of Eloha.

The human beings they created have populated all the earth, even the most remote mountains, the farthest islands, the driest deserts. They had the task of improving their hostile habitat to make it similar to the earthly paradise, which floated in the northern sky. They used the divine spacecraft to populate its twin moon and sister Mars.

Human colonies on the moon have left still visible traces. The first US astronauts to set foot on it saw these testimonies, photos exist — or have existed. NASA wanted to make them public, but all the US presidents blocked this information “too dangerous, of a nature to upset the beliefs of the peoples and to destroy religions, morality and the psychological balance of the world.”


Females first

Book of Goddesses, verses 18 to 23


18 They have two sexes, the female and the male.
19 There is two kinds of reproduction, depending on whether one came from the pre-existing or from the earth itself.
20 From the pre-existing, goddesses multiplied by separation.
21 From the earth and formed of clay, human females were born by casting.
22 Females are born first, they were for a long time the only ones.
23 Whether they were divine or human, the males came much later.


There is an astonishing description of the first human hermaphrodites in Greek mythology. Their bodies had two sides and no back: one side was female, the other was male. No back?! How did they poop?

We have understood that this description is purely imaginary. The divine females were bisexual, but they certainly did not have two faces, although the Bible describes flying creatures also with two faces of different sex. We must not be moved by these descriptions or take them literally.

The legends about the Avant Goddesses have been passed down orally for millennia. Those who wrote them for the first time belonged to a patriarchal world, devoid of technology, without memory of the events that once marked the history of our species. And above all, wanting to minimize the role of females.

If we can say about a thing “This is new” that thing already existed in the former centuries. 

King Solomon


Today, thanks to the investigations of science fiction writers, secular and religious mythologies can finally reveal their secret. For everyone, the mysteries taught in ancient cults have become obvious right out of movies or comics.

Some more generations and everything I reveal in this site will be taught from kindergarten. Quantum physics will have radically changed lifestyles and our religions will belong to the obscurantist and superstitious past in which we are still immersed.

Everyone, even the most backward scientists, will have understood that the world we live in is virtual. A prison of matter in a spiritual world. Our present will be considered the time of the Great Passage.see below 





The Amazon Furies

Book of Goddesses, verses 24 to 30

24 They are our cherished mothers.
25 Their daughters were kind to the people.
26 All their descendants have kept this course.
27 And the Primordial Mother fell asleep.
28 The evil giants have hunted down the males of our people.
29 We feared the complete extinction of our species.
30 We remained hidden for months.


Greek mythology gives this virilized version. The first conflict in which the Primordial Goddess participated was the rebellion of the Titans against their father, Uranus (the Sky). The story begins when Gaia, the Earth, is angry with her husband Uranus for having imprisoned the Titans in the depths of the Earth (Tartar) out of fear of their power and potential rebellion. She sees this as an injustice to her children and decides to take steps to free them and avenge them.

While it is true that the Amazons have hastened by their cruelty the end of matriarchy, the Greek version mixes everything. First of all, the sexes must be reversed; this legend has been revisited by the dominant patriarchy. For the Egyptians, the Celestial Vault, Nout, is a Goddess, while the Earth is Geb, a male God. We must enter into this vision that puts the church in the middle of the village, and the Goddess in the middle of the Great Bear.

She has long mediated the conflicts of Terra. She has kept the male God in his subordinate place. But the Goddess is Reptilian. It therefore goes through periods of dormancy, like all reptiles. When the cat is not there, rats have fun.

Maha yuga lasts for 64,000 years. Every 60,000 years, the Goddess goes into dormancy for a period of 4,000 years. This is the kali yuga, the dark age where we are still. The evil gods our masters make disorder and vileness reign.

When the Goddess resurfaces, a new golden age begins. Another 4 centuries of waiting. What will remain of our time? Of our world? Nothing, I’m afraid.


Soleil Invaincu

Book of Goddesses, verses 31 to 34


31 The sun shone day and night like a hundred suns.
32 The Goddesses have watched over the Daughters of Men.
33 The Amazons have moved away like a cloud of passing storm.
34 There was nothing left of the world before.


Undefeated Sun, as it is called in ancient Rome. For the Greeks, the Great Sun is perched above the north pole. Hyperboreal, it shines so bright that it dazzles. No one can look at it.

Our leaders the Goddesses have their island there. The giants occupy another one. The Fairies make sing the third one. The dwarves are in the last one. Fairies are the daughters of humans and gods, or humans and goddesses. If they did not protect them, humans would kill them. They do not like fairies, sorcerers, thieves of males.

The Amazons’ exile was a blessing for Terra. Too much blood shed, too much cannibal horror. The Amazons are worse than the Archons. It is not good to be on the way. Make yourself small, friend. These gueuses are always hungry.

Without them, without the ogresses, Terra experiences spring years. Heat and light come all year long from the great sun of Hyperborea. The fear was gone at once. Laughter broke out around the bonfires. Everywhere the feast and new loves, heralding renewal, messengers of children, bearers of life, sower of lasting happiness.



The reign of the Archons

Book of Goddesses, verses 35 to 39


35 Our planet has always been ruled by an evil god.
36 The eternal Emperor took refuge in the bowels of the basement.
37 The Goddess can do nothing against him.
38 She first reigns over the Celestial Vault,
39 The United Stars of Ten Thousand Planets.


An evil god, male in addition, is the heir of a flourishing civilization that has continued for millions of years, the Dinosaurs. While current anthropology gives mammals little more than a million years of existence, the Dinos have ruled Terra for hundreds of millions of years. They appeared 230 MY ago, and they would have disappeared 66 MY ago.

I don’t believe it. They are still there, hidden in the bowels of Terra. Gnosis calls them Archons, from the Greek administrator. They have been, are and will be the masters of Terra for a long time to come. They imposed on humans the unique religion of money, the cult of gold dear to the dragons of legends and archons of Mammon.






The Great Passage

Book of Goddesses, part 2
coming soon


Towards the end of the dark age will come the time of the Great Passage. Gradually, the thick material will become more fluid. Still too heavy, this material will become lighter. All matter will become liquid, then etheric. In large numbers will come down then the Passing Masters.


The awakening of Eloha

Eloha will wake up from the great vital sleep, ie reptilian dormancy. TheyEloha is a collective name. One can writes they or she. will drive away the evil gods from below. Theiror Her triumphant reign will bring joy, as all discord shall be erased from the hearts.

Each one will prepare for the final stage of our evolution: the abandonment of this material planet and all matter. At the end of the Great Passage,coming soon! the living and the dead will find themselves in the pleurope, the Preexistent. This non-place out of time, out of the multiverse, out of space where souls rejoice forever.

Yet the secret resistance will be organized on two extreme axes: those who refuse to abandon matter, and those who refuse to believe in disembodied eternal life.




Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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