Lugh the Tuatha is called Son of the Sun. Apollo the Greek bears the same title – in fact, he has so much in common with Lugh that many mythologists assimilate them: although belonging to two separate traditions, Lugh and Apollo seem to be one. The Romans, for that matter, called Lugh the Northern Apollo.


The giant Gargan

Apollo are numerous in Celtic legends. It seems, however, that the true Apollo of the Celts is King Gurguntius or Gargan, who became Garganus in late Latin. A cave in Mons Garganus (Monte Gargano) in southern Italy was once dedicated to Apollo.

Celts in Italy? To me, it’s not a discovery. Wasn’t one of the two founders of Rome from Celtic Gaul? Remus of Reims faded in front of his twin Romulus, but his presence was indispensable to consecrate the first king of Rome.

The Celts lived far away from the lands that are now theirs. Many parts of the world still bear the gal root in their name: Galicia in Spain, Galicia in Poland and Ukraine, to name but the most famous.

There are traces of Celtic settlements in the Maghreb, in the Middle East. I showed the strange lexical and toponymic relationships between Arabic and Breton.

In the 19th century, the Celtist Henri Gaidoz launched the idea that the giant Gargantua was not invented by Rabelais. Gargantua means devouring, swallowing. Gaidoz thinks it is a Gallic god who “perhaps” devoured human victims burned in wicker hoods.

To establish his thesis and the link with the Celtic world, he quotes a Gurguntius son of Beleni in the chronicles of Giraud de Barri and Geoffroy de Monmouth, identified with Gwrgant of the Mabinogion. (wikipedia)

Élie Henri Anatole Gaidoz (1842 – 1932) geographer, ethnologist, was fond of Celtism and traditional knowledge. He played an eminent role in the progress of Celtic studies in France which earned him the title of knight of the Legion of Honor.


Giant snakes

I fully agree with Gaidoz’s thesis, which Wikipedia quotes from the lips, neglecting as usual the most innovative theses. Just like Hashem the dragon of Eden, the god Gargan devoured his victims. But he did not burn them in wicker hoods, but by the devouring fire that came out of his giant dragon mouth.

The Gigantomachy tells of the terrible fight that the Olympian gods allied to the Cyclops led against snakes of a phenomenal size. These snakes of another age are some of the dinosaurs that survived the extinction of their species. These great Mesozoic saurians ruled our planet for millions of years. It is not surprising that they have developed in their ranks a superior being, the dragon, just as mammals have developed the human species.

I think it is important to point this out. For the Greeks and the Romans, giants are not humanoids, but reptilians. On Greek vases, on frescoes and Roman mosaics, the gigantomachy represents Zeus, god of very large size, fighting snakes much larger than him.



And intrigued scholars wonder why giants are depicted as endless snakes. Because they are snakes. Their size is so impressive that it earned them the title of giant. This code was known in antiquity, it escaped the scientists who do not want to hear about gigantic snakes. Poor things! We have the scientists that our ignorance deserves.

Very large humans are not called giants, but Titans or Cyclops. As proof, Greco-Latin mythology reports a mythological fight against very large humans: Titanomachy. No giants in there. Giants are definitely reptilians.


A universal title

The giant Gargan, reptilian, archon and dragon, is part of a solar myth associated with fire worship. This worship of fire could refer to his quality as a fire-eater. But I see something else in this solar myth.

Greek mythology tells that Apollo drove the chariot of the sun. One day, yielding to the prayer of his son Phaeton, he allowed him to take control of the hyper-luminous flying machine.

Fire came out of that chariot, a fire whose brightness overshadowed the sun. But was it the chariot of the sun? Piloting the cumbersome craft was a heavy task. The young Phaeton could not avoid a road trip, and the sun ignited the earth.

Like his father Apollo before him, Phaeton was named Son of the Sun. Strangely, all the most powerful of the ancient gods have received this title of Son of the Sun. In Egypt, the exact title was Son of Re Atoum, the solar god. The pharaohs of the early dynasties were also called Sons of the Sun.

On the other side of the Atlantic, we find this title in the Andes: the Inca, priest-emperor of his people, was worshipped under the name of Son of the Sun. 

One of the many titles worn by Tibetan dignitaries of old, such as the Karmapa, was also that of Son of the Sun.

The emperors of China, self-proclaimed the country under the sky, also received the title of Son of the Sun, like the mythical emperor Yao, in the name that is pronounced as Yahweh or Jah.

The ancient omnipresence of this title raises questions. Of course, none of these gods or demi-gods come from our star the sun, where the extreme rise in temperature makes human or divine life impossible. So what?



Tuatha and Fomorian

Lugh was the son of a Tuatha de Danann and a Fomorian, a rival clan of the Tuatha. Fomorians and Tuathas were mortal enemies who always waged a merciless war. The two clans of reptilian giantsand giant reptilians had the same origin, Hyperborea, which Plato says was the origin of all the former gods.

Lugh’s father was Cian the Tuatha and his mother was Fomorian Ethniu, daughter of the dragon Balor. If the dragon Lugh is a Son of the Sun, his parents are so.

The epithet Son of the Sun would then be a sacred distinction, such as the title of Hajj worn by the Muslim who made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Now if the title of Hajj is worn by all pilgrims, that of Son of the Sun seems much more selective.

More than a simple distinction, it denotes a belonging, an origin. That of Hyperborea.



The first time I saw this title appear outside the mythological context in the historical Roman Empire was with the young emperor Heliogabalus from Syria.

This weak and superficial being had been spoiled by his ascendants, the Syrian princesses.

Fortunately, his absurd and cruel reign lasted only four years.

However, this young madman received the supreme distinction of Son of the Sun, once reserved for the former gods.

He wasn’t reptilian, he wasn’t from Hyperborea. This title was given to him because he had been knighted by the heavenly fire: balls of lightning had awakened him, making him a kind of idiot Buddha.

The Syrian court had a betyl, or lightning stone. It has the power to turn deadly lightning into innocent rolling fireballs. It was thanks to this rolling fire that Heliogabalus was awakened. Under the influence of his mother and grandmother, the Syrian princesses, the young enlightened created a new cult dedicated to the god Mithras

Thus was born Sol Invictus, the Roman religion of the Unbeaten Sun, which would later evolve into Christianity.



 Lightning suns

What does that mean? Many things, including this one: the Sun of which these elect call themselves the Sons would not rather these balls of fire, the balls of lightning? When lightning strikes a tree, the point of impact appears like a mini sun, whose brightness and radiance it has.

The Ancients had noted this phenomenon, they knew that these little suns gave men the perfect spirit of awakening. And so they were the rays darted around the head of the elect, the Sons of the Sun, those who had received enlightenment by the grace of the suns of lightning.

The fiery rays of the sun that surround the head of Sol Invictus – like that of the Statue of Liberty, moreover – also appear as the beneficial flashes, attenuated by their bursting into balls of lightning, which give men the divine attributes, that is, the full powers of enlightenment. These rays represent at the same time the spiritual radiance that emanated from the elect of the Sun.

But the investigation does not stop there.


Anchor of the Sun

Another stone stands in the center of the ancient cities of the Andes, called Intiwatana, the anchor of the Sun. It is present in Machu Picchu, as in several other shrines of awakening by lightning. 

These explanations are partially true, but remain frustrating. They lack the vision that gives rise to the flash of understanding in the reader’s mind. I cannot be content with it. This sun anchor in particular seems absurd to me. Would the sun need an anchor? Why can’t Phaeton guide the sun chariot? The ancients knew perfectly well that the sun moves without any vehicle, chariot or boat and that it doesn’t need to be anchored to the earth.

If the sun would need a flying machine to wear it, what sun are we talking about?



Solar boats

The solar boats of Egyptian iconography seem to me to be utterly ridiculous on the part of such a cultured people, led for centuries by great initiates. These solar boats, this anchor of stone to fix the sun, this chariot of the sun which deviates from its course, the responsibility of Apollo on the conduct of said chariot, all this gives to think.

I feel a conclusion that will amaze many, given the wonder in which it plunges me already. The anchor of the Sun, the stone where the Sun hangs, must play a role in this sacred process.

One may wonder whether, like Heliogabalus betyl, this anchor was not used to burst the deadly lightning into balls of total safety for man, nevertheless capable of creating in the central nervous system the just surge that allows it to mutate, to take possession of a divine nature. If this hypothesis is correct, the study of the other Sons of the Sun, coming from distant cultures and apparently without contact, should bring us the confirmation of it.


You have to add another branch to the lightning tree. In most myths, the biggest things are literally. If some awakened were named Son of the Sun, is it not because they shone like him? Their skin glowed with a glow that the human eye could barely support. The rays around their heads could be that glow.

This phenomenon exists in the animal kingdom, it is called bioluminescence. Many deep sea animals thus generate their own light to pierce the darkness. Bioluminescence is caused by bacteria, or by a significant increase in the vibratory rate, in the case of the human person.

Bioluminescence is also a feature of the human brain… waiting to become that of our skin.


Shining gods

Yahveh was bioluminescent. Lugh, Apollo, Rama, Cuchulainn, Enki, Zeus, Mithra are described thus in the various legends. Some aliens are. One day, humans on this planet will be bioluminescent as well. It’s just a matter of vibration. But that of the planet does not cease to climb, in particular thanks to the fluxes of particles of energy from the solar storms, more and more violent, more and more frequent.

If the luminescent gods created the human in their image, it is luminescent in power, and all its brothers are so. For you are light, born of light, and by you everything has been done.

Another Sun

The key I found, I give it to you. It’s so simple that I couldn’t have found it right away. The Sun in question is not our star, which is written without capital letters. The Sun was the name humans once gave to the gigantic mother ship suspended in the northern sky, Hyperborea.

Its light totally eclipsed that of the distant sun. There was no more night in the northern hemisphere. In this flying island lived the great luminous, the gifted engineers and technicians who terraformed the earth.

They had the cult of awakening, which they knew how to provoke in many ways. The humans who were raised by the Solar Ones were invested with the powers of the great awakened, prophets, mystics, etc. They were called Sons of the Sun, because it was from the Sun that they had descended on earth.

Ancient awakening



The language of the voyous

And this conclusion, which closes nothing but opens wide the doors of the mind, gives a whole new meaning to Fulcanelli’s remark: “Slang remains the language of a minority of individuals living outside the laws received, conventions, usages, protocol, to which the epithet of voyous (ie thugs) is applied, that is, of voyants (ie clairvoyant), and even more expressive, of Sons or Children of the Sun. Gothic art is, indeed, art got or cot, the art of light or spirit.” (Fulcanelli, The Mystery of the Cathedrals, pp.11 & 12)

Under the name of Fulcanelli appeared The Mystery of the Cathedrals in 1926, and The Philosophical Mansions in 1930. These works propose to decipher the alchemical symbolism of several monuments, such as the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, the Amiens cathedral, the Lallemant de Bourges hotel, the obelisk of Villeneuve-le-Comte, etc


Son of the Sun because born of the light of Hyperborea, the great ship of the terraformers, the mother ship of the gods before bringing to the world the divine spirit, that of the Goddess, who made an animal the human Adam.






Xavier Séguin

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