Gothic Art


Two major schools of construction are at work in the cathedrals, Romanesque and Gothic art. If Romanesque art owes little to the Romans, Gothic art owes nothing to the Germans. The major difference between these two techniques is less due to the shape of the arches, pointed or round, than to the treatment of the energy polarized in the stone beds.


Sacred or barbaric?

I would like to return here to the curious term Gothic art. In French, Art Goth sounds exactly like argot, ie slang. Despite a tenacious error, this art has nothing to do with the Goths or the Germans. “Some have wrongly claimed that it came from the Goths, the ancient people of Germany. Others believed that this form of art was called by derision, imposing the meaning of barbarism. This is the opinion of the classical school, imbued with the decadent principles of the Renaissance.” (Fulcanelli, Le mystère des cathédrales, Jean Schemit Libraire, 1926)

Fulcanelli, a great specialist of esotericism and the initiatory age of cathedrals, rightly sees the Renaissance as a decline. And I agree with that view without reservation. Proud of its return to Greco-Roman classicism, the Renaissance is a tragic spiritual backtrack. So many sacred techniques have disappeared! So much know-how has been lost, such as the art of awakening through the art of building.

“The truth, which comes out of the mouth of the people, has nevertheless maintained and preserved the expression of Gothic Art, despite the efforts of the Academy to replace it with that of Ogival Art.” (Fulcanelli, op.cit.) This fidelity to what seemed like a historical mistake shocked the linguists of the time. “Where does it come from that so few lexicologists have met right? For this very simple reason, the explanation must be sought in the kabbalistic origin of the word rather than its literal root.” (op.cit.)


My highest esteem

Oh, I love to read truths of this size! And how much esteem I have for the scholars who dare to go out of their way! To turn your back on the dominant thinking in this extreme conformist era, you need a lot of courage. And Fulcanelli certainly has plenty.

That sums up the great passion I have for him. This scholar carries me, he seduces me, he enchants me. Fulcanelli is not his real name, which we do not know. It is just the pseudonym of a French alchemist whose exact identity remains uncertain. He is known for two major works: Le Mystère des Cathédrales (1926) and Les Demeures Philosophales (1930).

The mystery surrounding him and the well-kept secret of his identity demonstrate his prudence as well as his modesty. When it comes to esotericism, this ultimate knowledge totally despised, only a few imprudent of my caliber and age advance face uncovered.



The Goetic Art

“Some insightful authors have thought that there must be a close relationship between gothic art and gotic or magical art” Fulcanelli continues. But he does not attach to this hypothesis for the simple reason that there is nothing evil in gothic art, on the contrary: it is a sacred knowledge that aims at the elevation of the audience. Whereas the goetie is the art of summoning demons or evil spirits in order to obtain material benefits. Who are these demons?

Archons, still and always them, as evidenced by this quote from João Guimarães Rosa about a forgotten sorcerer: He must have practiced the goetie, he communicated with the den of those who could not be men. (JGR, Poetry, 2008)

Yes, Archons, those who could not be men, those to whom the Goddess has denied a soul, those who wander without hope or elevation on the material surface of the world, far from love, far from progress, far from pleroma. In this respect, the Renaissance was their royal period. The virtues necessary for the elaboration of the great work, the inner development of the Fool or Buddha, all the humble practices of the sacred builders of the Middle Ages disappeared in the Renaissance. They have given way to the factitious cult of personal value, the advent of the individual, the omnipotence of the ego.

The ego is the only part of human being which will not know awakening

Lamaist proverb


The Cabal

What does Fulcanelli mean in Gothic art? The title of this article is half revealing. “For us, gothic art is only a orthographic distortion of the word argotic, whose assonance is perfect, according to the phonetic law that governs, in all languages and without taking into account the spelling, the traditional cabal. The cathedral is a work of Goth art or slang.” (Fulcanelli, op.cit.)

The brilliant author gives us a perfect definition of the language of the Goslings. “Slang is a particular language for all individuals who have an interest in communicating their thoughts without being understood by those around them. So it is a spoken cabal.” (Fulcanelli, op.cit.)



I would have said it better. One century after the illustrious cabalist, I who am very small, I walk happily in his giant steps. And when he flatters my craze, when he emphasizes the initiatory greatness of the Gosling Tongue, I open a wide beak and let my joy fall.

Better yet, he seems to talk about me when he writes: “In the current conversation, are not these misunderstandings, or more or less, calembours or assonances that characterize people of spirit, happy to escape the tyranny of the letter, and showing themselves in their own way as Kabbalists without knowing it?” (op.cit.)

Mother Goose

The Language of Goslings is that of the little ones of Mother Goose, all the builders of Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals. And slang, as Fulcanelli explains, is one of the branches of this green language — unless it is the opposite. Indeed, art goth being the origin of the word, in the language that spoke the builders, the sons of l’Amère LoiBitter Law = la Mère l’Oie

Let us bet that if the sweet sons of Mother Goose were indeed cabalists, they knew it well. Have they not shown the extent of their Gay SçavoirGay Science by manipulating physical laws that the rest of people still know nothing about? The laws that allowed Romanesque churches and Gothic cathedrals to remove any cosmo-telluric negativity from the naves and crypts they built?

Big things require you to keep quiet or talk about it with greatness.

Friedrich Nietzsche


Jazz with Jason

Fulcanelli does not stop there, he sticks the nail in.” The Argotiers,people who speak slang who use this language, are the hermetic descendants of the Argo-nauts, who rode the ship Argo, spoke the Argotic language, our green language, sailing to the wealthy shores of Colchos to conquer the famous Golden Fleece.” (op.cit.)

I have told this story, showing that the Argo was a craft designed to split the blades, but also to dive into it like a modern submarine and finally to rise in the sky to the stratosphere, an ancient version of Professor Mortimer’s Espadon, so well described by Edgar Jacobs.



Who is Rama?

Moreover, the Golden Fleece is not just any treasure. It’s the fleece of Ram the Aries. Who is he? Ram or Ramos, this is the name of the divine druid descended from the great mother ship called the Sun by all his Sons. Ramos chose the Celtic lands to confront the powerful druidesses of Avalon who made life impossible for the inhabitants, especially if they were male.

Among the Egyptians, it is called Ra, the Sun that is the prince commanding the great mothership hovering above the north pole. The animal of Ra the Egyptian is Aries, precisely. From which we can conclude that his descent on Terra took place at the beginning of the astronomical era of Aries, in the third millennium before the present age. The era begins with a series of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn in Aries between 2388 and 2269 BC: January 24, 2388 BC. April 30, 2329 BC. BC (source)


These facts, which I state as evidences, result from the hidden works of esoterists such as Fulcanelli or Fabre d’Olivet, whom I quote below. Their reading has fascinated me since childhood as the most beautiful fairy tale, because I saw nothing imaginary. I took it literally. The past they described seemed much more real than the one, small and clumsy, in our textbooks. 

Esotericism and its authors have excited me. Following them, I gambled, adding such detail, modifying such conclusion, and my visions amplified by theirs gently brought me here. I have 75 banks and my heart is good, sang Maurice Chevalier. Like him, I’m not ready to stop…

“In several important occasions, Ram proved worthy of his high reputation. Its active wisdom warned all needs, smoothed all difficulties, or whether he spoke, whether he is, in his words we felt like in his actions something supernatural. He entered the thoughts he foresaw the future, he healed the diseases all nature seemed to be submitted. Hindus still worship him under his own name of Rama, while in Tibet, China, Japan and the vast northern regions of Asia, he is known as the Lama, Pa, Pa-pa Pa-di-Shah, or Pa-pa-si. He is the first ancestors of the Persians, the Iranians have called Giam-Shyd, because it was the first monarch of the world.” says Fabre d’Olivet. (source)



Mysterious Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece is the skin of Aries. More precisely the cabin of the spacecraft on board which the first monarch of the world moved to visit his innumerable possessions. This spacecraft was covered with gold that it used to store solar energy. It could sail on the waves, at the bottom of the seas, in the air as in space. It could split the earth and rock to sink into the bowels of the globe. If it encountered volcanic lava, it did not suffer from it at all, because an unknown device protected its hull from any attack.

During the period of conquest, the Golden Fleece was the flagship on board of which Rama the Conqueror directed his troops of iron and fire, the Peoples of the Sea, sometimes splitting the waves, sometimes the air, sometimes the depths of the sea and sometimes other elements, as the Mahabharata says, this famous epic poem of primitive Hinduism that appears to the subjugated reader as a science fiction story.

While we are talking about Jason, faithful admirer of Rama the giant before us, let’s not lose the thread of Ariane, Fulcanelli takes us to other wonders.


Gods from Heaven

“It is still said today of a very intelligent man, but also very cunning: he knows everything, he hears slang. All the Initiates spoke in slang, whether the mobsters of the Court of Miracles, — the poet Villon at their head — or the Frimasons, or Medieval Freemasons, “logeurs du Bon Dieu”, who built the Jargonish masterpieces we admire today. These same shipbuilders knew the way of the Garden of the Hesperides…” (Fulcanelli, op.cit.)

This famous imaginary garden, I showed that it existed, and it it stayed a long time in the paradise of Hyperborea before it went into the sky through outer space back from where it had come. This slice of Greek-Latin mythology tells us in hidden words the various episodes of this golden age where the gods walked among men.

Yes, those supermen descended on Earth aboard the great mother ship Hyperborea. Oh yes, they were the former gods which came down from Alcor, Ursa Major



This Cursed Dialect

“Even today, the humble, the miserable, the despised, the unsubmissive, the freedom-hungry and independent, the outcasts, the wanderers and nomads speak slang, that cursed dialect of high society, of nobles who are so few, of bourgeois well-fed and well thinking, In the hermine of their ignorance and their fatuity.” (Fulcanelli, op.cit.)

These despised, these banished, I am proud to be one of them. All of us know the green language, we practice this language of truth, with righteousness and humility. As for our bad masters of flowery language, they are donkeys and demons.

Yes, they are fat, yes they are ignorant, but they are the ones who lead us, corrupt disciples of the archon Mammon, god of money, planetary prophet of the one religion, that of gold, of material goods, of dollar god.

“Slang remains the language of a minority of individuals living outside the laws received, conventions, protocol, to which we apply the epithet of voyous, that is to say of visionaries, and that of Sons or Children of the Sun. Gothic art is indeed art got or cot, the art of the Light or of the Spirit.” (op.cit.)


The Sons of the Sun

The Sons of the Sun who were none other than the giant heirs of the Gods of Before, or Gods themselves, like Lug the light cyclops, like Apollo the ultra-luminous, Belenos also called Bel or Belial or Baal, Prometheus of Greece who was Enki of Mesopotamia, Orpheus, Hermes, Phaeton, Cuchulann, Quetzalcoatl and a hundred others. The Vedas tell us that on board the Sun the former gods were 30 million!

This sun that has long dethroned our star of the day so its light was powerful, the Greeks called it the mother ship Hyperborea.

All the gods came from Hyperborea.



I have devoted to it many articles, pale reflection of the enormous mythological literature of all countries, races and continents, because the former gods occupied the whole planet, after having spent several million years in terraforming




At the time of closing this short trip to Fulkania, I must point out that I have only commented on three pages (17, 18 and 19) of the 149 pages that count his Mystery of the Cathedrals. Pages as innovative and uplifting as those examined here. So I would not recommend too much reading the complete book, if you have the chance to get your hands on it in a library, for example. Here are some excerpts from his conclusion.

“Nature does not open the door of sanctuary to everyone. No one can claim to possess the Great Secret unless he accords his existence to the research being undertaken. It is not enough to be studious, active and persevering if one lacks solid principle, concrete basis, if immoderate enthusiasm blinds reason, if pride tyrannizes judgment.” (op.cit.)

This search requires a great breadth of views, and above all an unfailing humility, which cannot be diminished by the extent or scope of the discoveries. Mysterious Science wants its aspirants to learn more to think with their brains, less with the brains of others.” (op.cit.)

Fulcanelli ends his major work with this magical sequel in capital letters:


As we will judge, I respect the first three. As for the last, I cannot. I do not keep silent. If I have chosen to speak, I imitate Fulcanelli, this great man and his two exceptional books. The time has come to reveal what was hidden.

“Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them.”

Baba Ram Dass


The time is no longer to plug your ears, to cover your face or keep a constrained silence. I speak so I am. I know so I reveal.


Sons of the Sun


Flying Island Atlantis


    If the existence of Atlantis is subject to caution, it comes mainly from its impossible location. This island-continent has left no trace anywhere!

    An even greater mystery surrounds another continent that has disappeared, the mythical Hyperborea, the land above the North Pole.


    Mothership Hyperborea


    Existence blows up every system.
    Soeren Kierkegaard